LOL, they are. I'm godfather to their kids, too. The Pitt game is one of a long line of big games I missed because of weddings: '81 Nebraska (caught the final drive), '85 Maryland, '94 Ohio State.
Why why why why why do people get married on fall Saturdays?!?! Come on, peeps. Fall Sundays are fine, too... and cheaper!
Yeah, yeah.... such a nice time of the year.... for college football!!!!
I've had to attend a few fall weddings through the years, of course, all for terrific people and/or relatives, but never have I attended totally happily about missing any PSU game time either in person or on TV, or without finding a way to sneak away and watch parts or most of the game, or at least catch it on the radio in the days before viewing via your phone.
My brother's two kids both got married in the month of May, a few years apart and a while back now. On his wife's side was an uncle of hers who was a huge PSU fan, and who was also a drum major way back whenever (40s? 50s?). He used to always be the oldest alumni drum major at homecoming, and could still step it off into his late 70s. Great guy, long passed. Anyway, at my niece's rehearsal dinner, me and bro and this uncle were at the bar and someone came over to say hello. Somehow the conversation turned to different times of the year for weddings, and bro points to me and Uncle-in-Law and says, "These two are the reason neither of my kids could get married in the fall!" A silently proud moment for me.