48-14 share your memories with us

LOL, they are. I'm godfather to their kids, too. The Pitt game is one of a long line of big games I missed because of weddings: '81 Nebraska (caught the final drive), '85 Maryland, '94 Ohio State.

Why why why why why do people get married on fall Saturdays?!?! Come on, peeps. Fall Sundays are fine, too... and cheaper!
Yeah, yeah.... such a nice time of the year.... for college football!!!! :mad:

I've had to attend a few fall weddings through the years, of course, all for terrific people and/or relatives, but never have I attended totally happily about missing any PSU game time either in person or on TV, or without finding a way to sneak away and watch parts or most of the game, or at least catch it on the radio in the days before viewing via your phone.

My brother's two kids both got married in the month of May, a few years apart and a while back now. On his wife's side was an uncle of hers who was a huge PSU fan, and who was also a drum major way back whenever (40s? 50s?). He used to always be the oldest alumni drum major at homecoming, and could still step it off into his late 70s. Great guy, long passed. Anyway, at my niece's rehearsal dinner, me and bro and this uncle were at the bar and someone came over to say hello. Somehow the conversation turned to different times of the year for weddings, and bro points to me and Uncle-in-Law and says, "These two are the reason neither of my kids could get married in the fall!" A silently proud moment for me.
Why why why why why do people get married on fall Saturdays?!?! Come on, peeps. Fall Sundays are fine, too... and cheaper!
Yeah, yeah.... such a nice time of the year.... for college football!!!! :mad:

I've had to attend a few fall weddings through the years, of course, all for terrific people and/or relatives, but never have I attended totally happily about missing any PSU game time either in person or on TV, or without finding a way to sneak away and watch parts or most of the game, or at least catch it on the radio in the days before viewing via your phone.

My brother's two kids both got married in May. On his wife's side was an uncle of hers who was a huge PSU fan, and who was also a drum major way back whenever (50s?). He used to always be the oldest alumni drum major at homecoming, and could still step it off into his late 70s. Great guy, long passed. Anyway, at my niece's rehearsal dinner, me and bro and this uncle were at the bar and someone came over to say hello. Somehow the conversation turned to different times of the year for weddings, and bro points to me and Uncle-in-Law and says, "These two are the reason neither of my kids could get married in the fall!" A silently proud moment for me.

My wife and I got married during a Penn State bye week. October 18, 2003. :)
My wife and I got married during a Penn State bye week. October 18, 2003. :)

My god, man! What if TV had come along and decided to change a game date? The risk is just too great. For marriage in general, but for fall Saturdays always.

Otoh.... 2003 season :(.... worth missing a few games here and there.
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My god, man! What if TV had come along and decided to change a game date? The risk is just too great. For marriage in general, but for fall Saturdays always.

Otoh.... 2003 season :(.... worth missing a few games here and there.
Well, now we know why Pitt plays so many Thursday games. If they play a Saturday game and someone is a best man at a wedding, then the attendance drops by 25%.
I remember after the game they "let" fans onto the field so it was flooded with PS fans. I bumped into Chet Parlavecchio who was still bloodied on his forehead and said to him "show a little emotion!". Hope he got the tongue-in-cheek remark.
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Fortunately for you, nittany dave, I was at Pitt Stadium a few days before they started taking it down and I saw 2 engineers staring at part of the wall in amazement. I listened as one guy, shaking his head, said to the other, "I heard some Penn State guy peed on it".
I took a photo for posterity.:)

True story????
If so, I'm saving the pic.
My god, man! What if TV had come along and decided to change a game date? The risk is just too great. For marriage in general, but for fall Saturdays always.

Otoh.... 2003 season :(.... worth missing a few games here and there.
Fraternity brother was getting married fall of 88 (?) and specifically picked the bye week. Then the Bama game got moved to that Saturday! You had quite a few pissed off guests, a TV setup in the lobby of the reception hall, and then more pissed guests when Bama crushed us!
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The best game in the history of Penn State football! I had family members who were Golden Panthers. To say they were obnoxious would be an understatement. That game changed them forever. The holidays that year were the best I ever had.

Pitt is insignificant, and thus a game against them can't be the best in PSU football history. It's not like they wouldn't have sucked for the last 36 years if this game didn't happen. They are Pitt, it's their destiny to suck forever.

Fraternity brother was getting married fall of 88 (?) and specifically picked the bye week. Then the Bama game got moved to that Saturday! You had quite a few pissed off guests, a TV setup in the lobby of the reception hall, and then more pissed guests when Bama crushed us!

I don't understand why people even chance it. There are so many other weekends in a year. The worst is when they put it on labor day and ruin a football weekend and a holiday weekend all at once.

I had an event to attend on the day of the B10 title game last season, and my response was that I would be there unless PSU made the game. There were some pretty pissed off people when I went to Indianapolis.
My wedding date was October 14, 1978 - a bye week, of course!

As for the '81 Pitt game, my wife and I went with a very close friend (RIP Ed!) who was a Pitt grad. He also had Penn State season tickets and rooted for PS every game except Pitt.

I remember the good-natured rivalry of Pitt games which ended, it seems, with the removal of their games from Oakland.
Husband had a bet on that game with his boss....$20 plus a dollar a point. When Pitt went up 14-0, his boss called, feeling bad, and wanted to call off the bet. Husband said no way. Boss couldn't believe the turn of events and did pay up that Monday!
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My god, man! What if TV had come along and decided to change a game date? The risk is just too great. For marriage in general, but for fall Saturdays always.

Otoh.... 2003 season :(.... worth missing a few games here and there.

Joe and I had an arrangement that season. No schedule changes. ;)

Yeah, that season was brutal. The wedding was good, though. :D
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I don't understand why people even chance it. There are so many other weekends in a year. The worst is when they put it on labor day and ruin a football weekend and a holiday weekend all at once.

I had an event to attend on the day of the B10 title game last season, and my response was that I would be there unless PSU made the game. There were some pretty pissed off people when I went to Indianapolis.

30+ years ago, wifey worked with a young woman who was getting married in the fall. The couple had postponed their wedding one time due to mutual cold feet. But now it was on. We had them and another couple over for drinks one night in the spring, I think, of that year and I good-naturedly mentioned how I felt about fall weddings and missing a PSU game and all. Smiles and chuckles all around.
Fast forward a couple months.... Wedding invitation never arrived. They were convinced we'd (I'd) say TBNT anyway, so why waste a couple of spots on us?! I was more than ok with it; wifey not so much. Everyone has long been over it. Except, of course, for wifey, if it ever somehow creeps back into her mind when this topic comes up.
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So many memories of that game that I can share ...
I got married in June of 1981 to a wonderful woman who was from a Pitt family. They tolerated me but the weeks leading up to the contest were pretty darned tense with Marino et al running roughshod over their "competition". I just kept my mouth shut because arguing with idiots (sPittiots?) is a waste of effort.

Went to the game ... what a gloriously wonderful day. Sat with the PSU faithful and I remember starting the Happy Birthday serenade to Jackie Sherrill. Remember going onto the field afterward with ALL the PSU fans. Of course most of the other guys had departed a bit earlier.

Move forward a day and I am blessed to get to attend a Steelers game with my in-laws and I get to drive. Maybe a half hour before my departure, the phone rings and my Mother-in-law advises my bride that the natives are pretty restless so wifey tells me "NOT A WORD". Of course I didn't have to say anything, the grin on my face would speak volumes.

Now I really had a boatload of respect for my Father-in-law (RIP) who was a Pitt grad and maybe the most decent man I have ever met so I was not going to even mention the game that day, but while driving to 3 Rivers Stadium, stopped at a traffic light, he asks a simple question ... "Is Parlevecchio a senior?" and I simply responded "Yes" and he replied how the referees let him get away with murder and he's a dirty player, etc, etc, etc. I let him rant a bit and mostly he was blaming officials. After he stopped, I bit my lip, remembering that wifey had said "NOT A WORD" but as usual, that little devil on my shoulder said "Go ahead".

My response was simple - "If I was a fan of the number 1 team in the country, playing a home game and up by 2 touchdowns, the last people I would blame for a THIRTY-FOUR point loss would be the officials".
30+ years ago, wifey worked with a young woman who was getting married in the fall. The couple had postponed their wedding one time due to mutual cold feet. But now it was on. We had them and another couple over for drinks one night in the spring, I think, of that year and I good-naturedly mentioned how I felt about fall weddings and missing a PSU game and all. Smiles and chuckles all around.
Fast forward a couple months.... Wedding invitation never arrived. They were convinced we'd (I'd) say TBNT anyway, so why waste a couple of spots on us?! I was more than ok with it; wifey not so much. Everyone has long been over it. Except, of course, for wifey, if it ever somehow creeps back into her mind when this topic comes up.

Double bonus, you get out of a wedding and didn't have to miss a football game!
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Double bonus, you get out of a wedding and didn't have to miss a football game!
We were given tickets in the middle of the blue & gold big donor section. May wife and I were wearing our PSU hats & sweat shirts, etc. we took all sorts of verbal abuse... especially the way the game started out... down 14-0. After the interception in the end zone... I have never seen a game turn around so much and so completely. By the middle of the 3rd. Quarter... the Pitt faithful were leaving the stands. By the beginning of the 4th Q we were sitting by ourselves. Best game ever!!!!
My wife and I got married during a Penn State bye week. October 18, 2003. :)
We got married the day PSU played Cincy--in Cincy--in 1992. It was a night game so PSU friends of ours came to the wedding but then traveled to the game afterwards, skipping the reception. We did schedule so that was possible.
I was taking a year off from school but dating a lovely lady from Allentown. We went out with her father to a local pub/restaurant off of Airport Rd. He laid down a bet - 1 pitcher of beer for every touchdown PSU scored - needless to say, the 1st Q was too sobering. By Q3, we were dancing on the tables, and by the 4th Q, we were under the tables. What a great day for PSU football.
I was in the Blue Band and remember it being very cold at the beginning of the game. It got much "warmer" as the game went along and our lead increased. Pretty sure we were sitting on field level so the view wasn't great but we didn't care. I also remember getting on the bus from State College to Pittsburgh the day before with a 1.75L bottle of Black Velvet and vaguely remember getting off the bus a few hours later with an almost empty bottle (with a lot of help from my friends). I still have that bottle now filled with pennies.
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Wayne DeBartolo.
Somebody said it was Dwight Collins, but funny that you mention DiBartola. We took a bus in and got delayed in traffic. I think we got there somewhere in the middle of the first quarter. As Pitt built its early lead the announcer was incredibly annoying with something like "Waaaynne DiBarrrtttolllaaa" every time he'd make any kind of play. I guess he was a local favorite or something. I don't remember hearing much from the announcer after Penn State took over the game.
I sat in the endzone for that game with my fiancee, who was working on an MBA from Pitt. (She had learned to dislike Pitt from rubbing elbows with the students there.) Her parents were Pitt grads. My parents were Pitt grads. In fact, our mother had been roommates at Pitt.

Anyway, we were in the Pitt section, but there were plenty of Pitt people sprinkled in. Two were sitting in front of us. After their second touchdown, one turned to the other and said, "48-14 sounds about right." They weren't there at the end to see how accurate the prediction was.

My parents, who hosted an after game party, and in-laws were nothing but class afterwards. (Also before.) Somewhere along the way, Pitt fans got really nasty. It may have started that day.

My fiancee and I got married the following year and produced three kids. Dwight Collins was the DJ for a bat and bar mitzvah. (Insert Pitt diploma joke here.)
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It was the day I graduated from PSU. The ceremony in Rec Hall was shortened to finish in time for the game. Afterwards, they unveiled a big screen so everyone could stay to watch the game. At half, my dad and I were somewhat disappointed and decided to go downtown to the Saloon to watch a little before leaving town. We stayed until the end while watching one of the greatest turnarounds ever.