You asked me to name a current wrestler which I did. Lizak was undersized his Senior year in high school. He moved up weight after winning state titles his sophomore and junior year. I know for a fact he could of made 113 that year but wanted to get ready for college. How many other kids make the same decision.Add 118, drop to 120, same thing -- the bodies aren't there. It's hard to find 70+ good starters at 125 every single year. Making the limit 5 lb lighter makes that harder, not easier.
Until you can ID 60+ guys who would legitimately benefit from it every year -- not starve themselves into a lineup spot -- what's the point?
You are right about this: if Lizak were undersized, one solution would have been to drive all of his competition up a weight. (Then again, was he undersized when he finished 4th at states the year before, or did he need work?)
You're also adding an 11th weight class, which is a total non-starter with the NCAA due to Title IX.
l brought up valid thoughts about giving opportunity to kids maybe to graduate in 4 years to save the parents the cost of an extra year for the kid that could slide into lineup without having to bulk up using a redshirt year. The talent pool is all revelent to who gets the opportunity to be recruited for whatever the weight. Probably a percentage high school kids stay down a weight if they know college has lighter weight.
I had the pleasure of paying for my 2 daughters to go to college. They went to state schools. I was fortunate enough to have one daughter graduate in 3 years, it was nice not having to pay 25k for that extra year. Think of the cost for out of state kid.
I understand that Article IX is the main issue about adding a scholarship, my thoughts are merely hypothetical if it was possible to add a weight, how I think the weights could break down.