I’ve seen your posts. You bait people into political “discussions” and then try to take the high road out of it.
I didn’t start anything political. Merely cleaning up. Later.
I’ve seen your posts. You bait people into political “discussions” and then try to take the high road out of it.
I didn’t start anything political. Merely cleaning up. Later.
This might be the first article where the media actually questions what was up with the second mile. Better late than never, but why weren’t there questions about that organization from day one?
And please, would you all refrain from using the statement "I should have done more." The actual statement is: "WITH HINDSIGHT, I could have done more." That is a completely different statement, as the first suggests knowledge whereas the second does not.
There were questions & Lynne Abraham was going to answer those starting in November 2011. Then 6 weeks later she gift wrapped the programs to Arrow Ministries of Texas and dropped from the radar in January 2012.
Even Freeh never bothered to go there - soft shoeing an excuse at his press conference of "it was not my mandate" and "people there wouldn't speak with us".
FWIW - Hobson did sit at Dr. Spanier's trial - he heard Dr. Jack Raykovitz explain to the jury the "swim trunks" excuse, and should be fully aware by now how irresponsible it was for this kids charity CEO to say that and not address the flagrant out-of-program contact by the charity chairman with Second Mile youth.
Hobson is also fully aware that no one else corroborated MMQ's testimony that day & that the charging instructions read to the jury simply didn't apply to Dr. Spanier.
So here we are.
Can you explain why she even started? Wendy wasn't the one that put Abraham up to holding a press conference announcing that she was going to investigate, was she? It seems like Abraham wasn't too keen on protecting children, among other failures of hers.A
Wendy still hasn't explained how Lynne A was ever supposed to investigate TSM if no one was paying for it. She was a private citizen.
Why don't you and @roswelldawg10 take this to the Test board?
Can you explain why she even started? Wendy wasn't the one that put Abraham up to holding a press conference announcing that she was going to investigate, was she? It seems like Abraham wasn't too keen on protecting children, among other failures of hers.
Here is a link to hour 3 of John Ziegler's podcast yesterday where he goes over how he believes Will Hobson blew it in his article and discusses some texts he exchanged with Hobson.
Hell, There are probably two dozen folks here , who if they put their heads and pen to paper together, could easily write the DRAFT book. There is mountains of data within these forums alone that provides the source material for much of "updating the narrative" to what really transpired (and what didn;t happen). This would include all the political undertones, illogical and absurd actions, and other lies and obfuscations that have caused so much collateral and completely unfair damage to innocent persons.I got a nice email back from him today saying that he has one or two more follow up articles and is considering doing a book on the topic, although he isn't sure if he wants to to devote several years of his life to that effort
I’ve seen your posts. You bait people into political “discussions” and then try to take the high road out of it.
No idea on any of that. But, I suspect the "risk" JZ refers to in going forward with this more than likely involves the fake accuser.Thanks for sharing that podcast. When he talks about the magazine article that they are working on, does anyone know who else he is working with? Any insights into what the magazine is?
Thanks for sharing that podcast. When he talks about the magazine article that they are working on, does anyone know who else he is working with? Any insights into what the magazine is?
Always. He always does it, often times in threads that have nothing to do with politics. Glad you called him out on it.
well this post was supposed to be about Sandusky [I thought] RIP E, Apex and I got sidetracked with a discussion on rural America. I do believe you jumped in with the serial pedophile running for the Senate, and the "your President" stuff. So it was you who started the political stuff. This really does belong on the test board so i won't respond anymore, in this thread.Bull. See who started first and every other time I respond politically. Would love to see all the ‘often times’. You can check my history for proof. Not that I care an ounce one way or the other.
well this post was supposed to be about Sandusky [I thought] RIP E, Apex and I got sidetracked with a discussion on rural America. I do believe you jumped in with the serial pedophile running for the Senate, and the "your President" stuff. So it was you who started the political stuff. This really does belong on the test board so i won't respond anymore, in this thread.
For the record, I have absolutely no ties to the state of Alabama and am quite glad Moore lost.
Regarding Trump, while his language is rude and course, I am wary of any charges that would prove he is an abuser. The charges against Bill Clinton to this day carry more substance than any others I have heard. My point is both parties have demonstrated the ability to abuse women. All parts of the country and yes some do get re elected. Your moral outrage can be justified but if think it isolated to R's or southerners or Alabaman's you are shallow and completely uniformed.
“Do whatever you need to do to keep the NCAA from giving us the ‘Death Penalty,’ ” trustee Paul Suhey wrote. “I don’t care if you have to bring your own bulldozer over and drag it to your farm, do it!”
Erickson replied, “That’s precisely what I’m trying
For a whistle-blower suit to succeed, the plaintiff must prove a direct connection between a termination and a good faith report by the employee of wrongdoing that was adverse to his employer's interest.
If that's established, then the burden shifts to the employer to prove that there were other reasons for whatever job action is at question, besides retaliation.
Judge Thomas Gavin, who will rule on the whistleblower count, quizzed Erickson Monday on his awareness of the state's whistleblower law when taking actions pertaining to McQueary.
Gavin has been exploring the question of whether safety was used as a pretext for the university's actions against McQueary as it tried to cut cords with anyone connected to the Sandusky scandal.
Erickson said he had been briefed about the law because McQueary was a prosecution witness, and noted it was one reason Penn State made sure to continue paying McQueary everything he was contractually entitled to.
to do, Paul.”
Never forget, Paul Suhey and Rodney Erickson are dickless scumbags.
Typical of Erickson.“Do whatever you need to do to keep the NCAA from giving us the ‘Death Penalty,’ ” trustee Paul Suhey wrote. “I don’t care if you have to bring your own bulldozer over and drag it to your farm, do it!”
Erickson replied, “That’s precisely what I’m trying to do, Paul.”
Never forget, Paul Suhey and Rodney Erickson are dickless scumbags.
Or they could point to the repeated testimony of the witness, those who first received the witness' report, and the accused administrators who could have easily blamed the dead guy but instead chose to praise his response, reinforce that the report was not a police matter, and take personal responsibility, respectively.They can just point to JVP's testimony and interviews.
Nit1300....who makes u the literacy champ. U r a disgrace for cutting on any person that is on this board.75% of the people in this country probably aren't smart or literate enough to read something that long
I thought it was fair, too
Understood. But critics can always point to Joe's words.Or they could point to the repeated testimony of the witness, those who first received the witness' report, and the accused administrators who could have easily blamed the dead guy but instead chose to praise his response, reinforce that the report was not a police matter, and take personal responsibility, respectively.
Understood. But critics can always point to Joe's words.
I am guessing that it is Newsweek. I believe that Ralph Cipriano will be the author. He already did a Newsweek article for the Billy Doe Philadelphia Catholic Church fiasco.
LOL, excellent"I don't know what you'd call it"