According to PA Power Wrestling, PA accounted for 15% of this year's AAs

I once did a survey about just this subject. I can't remember the exact years, but I found that PA had the most AA's every year between about 1990 and I guess about 2005, except one year when Jersey had the most.

Now that I think about it, it was before that. At the PIAA's in 88, as the PIAA finals were being wrestled at the Arena, the NCAA finals were being held at the same time at Iowa State. The announcer at the stadium periodically named another Pennsylvania national champ: Jack Cuvo, Jim Martin, Pat Santoro, Scott Turner, Rob Koll, Carlton Hasselrig. The only PA kid who lost in the finals was Sean O'Day, who lost to Pat Santoro.
I guess PA has dominated the AA's at Nationals ever since.
Now that I think about it, it was before that. At the PIAA's in 88, as the PIAA finals were being wrestled at the Arena, the NCAA finals were being held at the same time at Iowa State. The announcer at the stadium periodically named another Pennsylvania national champ: Jack Cuvo, Jim Martin, Pat Santoro, Scott Turner, Rob Koll, Carlton Hasselrig. The only PA kid who lost in the finals was Sean O'Day, who lost to Pat Santoro.
I guess PA has dominated the AA's at Nationals ever since.
I noticed when perusing the '88 brackets:
167lb 2nd place: Mike Amine (Michigan)

The more things change...
I noticed when perusing the '88 brackets:
167lb 2nd place: Mike Amine (Michigan)

The more things change...
I like to look at old brackets. After checking out '88, I looked at '89:
177lb 3rd place: Dave Dean (Minnesota)

The more things change...