Any comment from our leaders on today's gratuitous attack?

Kicking Wisconsin tail in a football game now means nothing in regard to this. I'm sure not many on that team cared for Levy to begin with. Especially the respectable, educated human beings. Couple that with the fact that the former Wisconsin Bball coach Bo Ryan had players go to Paterno site and basically praised all things Paterno blaming a whole school for one idiots action is kind of what......everyone has done to us.
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I don't like it either, but our admin getting their panties up in a bunch and putting out a statement every time some no-name says something mean about Paterno is only going to fuel it to happen even more.

The haters are like a dog that wants attention. They chew up your shoe to get your attention. You yell at the dog, and he's going to keep doing it. You ignore him, and sure, he'll chew a few more shoes, but eventually he figures out that it's not working and stops.

Right now, it's open season on us. I am not suggesting that they answer every single idiot who speaks publicly. But I do think that they should speak once, for the record, and challenge someone to provide proof for their statements. There is none. If they either publicly back Joe once, or else throw him under the bus for good (which I'm not advocating), then maybe we get the public fires to die down.

At some point, the university WILL have to say something. They will either need to to properly honor Joe, or else wipe his name off of everything because he is the devil. He can't stay in limbo forever. Of course, doing the latter means that the Paterno name can no longer be used for fund-raising. No more Paterno Scholars, etc.

I'm rather surprised that the Paterno family hasn't forced the issue. Maybe they are waiting for their lawsuit to go to trial.
Right now, it's open season on us. I am not suggesting that they answer every single idiot who speaks publicly. But I do think that they should speak once, for the record, and challenge someone to provide proof for their statements. There is none. If they either publicly back Joe once, or else throw him under the bus for good (which I'm not advocating), then maybe we get the public fires to die down.

At some point, the university WILL have to say something. They will either need to to properly honor Joe, or else wipe his name off of everything because he is the devil. He can't stay in limbo forever. Of course, doing the latter means that the Paterno name can no longer be used for fund-raising. No more Paterno Scholars, etc.

I'm rather surprised that the Paterno family hasn't forced the issue. Maybe they are waiting for their lawsuit to go to trial.
I just don't think that staunchly honoring Paterno or removing his name from the records (one extreme or the other) will change anyone's mind. People have an opinion of who he is and that is that. We aren't ever going to get the full story of what happened and what everyone knew and when they knew it, so this is what we are left with. If the University came out and attacked Levy for his opinion, we would get killed in the media. They would bring up everything that has happened (true or not) and we would not be able to do anything but watch people get pissed off again. That's not going to help Penn State or Paterno.
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From our BOT? From our elected alumni members? From anyone involved with Penn State?

Or are we just one more time going to stand idly by and let every asshole with an IQ below 70 say what they want?

I understand the sentiment. However, what would a response from the combined 70 IQ BOT or 70 IQ elected alumni net? Ignore the jerk offs and the unprofessional journalistic reaches for attention like they don't exist and soon everyone in the world is ignoring them. When these very small useless people get no attention from their tantrum du jour .... they seek a new tantrum to get attention.
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Right now, it's open season on us. I am not suggesting that they answer every single idiot who speaks publicly. But I do think that they should speak once, for the record, and challenge someone to provide proof for their statements. There is none. If they either publicly back Joe once, or else throw him under the bus for good (which I'm not advocating), then maybe we get the public fires to die down.

At some point, the university WILL have to say something. They will either need to to properly honor Joe, or else wipe his name off of everything because he is the devil. He can't stay in limbo forever. Of course, doing the latter means that the Paterno name can no longer be used for fund-raising. No more Paterno Scholars, etc.

I'm rather surprised that the Paterno family hasn't forced the issue. Maybe they are waiting for their lawsuit to go to trial.

You are absolutely correct, and they just spent some time in Court eliciting testimony that Mike McQueary did not see a crime. So, these folks want to play both sides of the issue. They want everyone to know that McQueary was not deserving of the Whistleblower title by discrediting him, and they don't want to make a clear statement that what Joe did was the right thing to do. All we can hope for, Lurker, is that, finally, CSS get their day in court, obtain an acquittal, and once and for all, we can have a free and open discussion about all of the vague e-mails, etc.
In refusing to address the misconceptions about JVP and PSU in this issue, Dr. Barron belongs in the same category as Rodless. Barron has had ample time and opportunity to inform the OGBOT that it is time "to do the right thing." Clearly, he values his paycheck above defending PSU and by association the actions of JVP.
I dread going to the bowl destination and seeing him dancing around the pep rally, as if he really gives a shit.
Right now, it's open season on us. I am not suggesting that they answer every single idiot who speaks publicly. But I do think that they should speak once, for the record, and challenge someone to provide proof for their statements. There is none. If they either publicly back Joe once, or else throw him under the bus for good (which I'm not advocating), then maybe we get the public fires to die down.

At some point, the university WILL have to say something. They will either need to to properly honor Joe, or else wipe his name off of everything because he is the devil. He can't stay in limbo forever. Of course, doing the latter means that the Paterno name can no longer be used for fund-raising. No more Paterno Scholars, etc.

I'm rather surprised that the Paterno family hasn't forced the issue. Maybe they are waiting for their lawsuit to go to trial.

I think JoePa's safe.

The Roman Catholic Church has effectively buried the concept of limbo, the place where centuries of tradition and teaching held that babies who die without baptism went.

In writings before his election as Pope in 2005, the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger made it clear he believed the concept of limbo should be abandoned because it was "only a theological hypothesis" and "never a defined truth of faith".

In the Divine Comedy, Dante placed virtuous pagans and great classical philosophers, including Plato and Socrates, in limbo. The Catholic Church's official catechism, issued in 1992 after decades of work, dropped the mention of limbo.
Here's the strong response from our courageous "leaders."

A few words in a Tweet saying we aren't going to say anything.

Well done, way to defend us. This should settle things.

Weak, weak, weak.