Just started : )💡....You are two separate entities... the two stewards of the people.
I hope you don't discuss your intentions outside your committee. What the hell, it's only business as usual...been there, seen that..
Just started : )💡....You are two separate entities... the two stewards of the people.
I hope you don't discuss your intentions outside your committee. What the hell, it's only business as usual...been there, seen that..
Ethics are the key to resolution & professional decisionsJust started : )
Which I have absolutely no qualms about.Ethics are the key to resolution & professional decisions
Kudos for you for stepping up to the plate. Zoning board can be a thankless job. It works mostly behind the scenes with little attention until something controversial comes up. Just follow the zoning laws to the T and you will have no problems. If someone doesn’t like your decision just say ‘We did what the law prescribed’.I was thinking about the process...and layers of government too. I have recently been appkinted to finish out a term for a member of our Township Zoning Hearing Board. I just dealt with my first case Friday which was basically an extension on a construction period for an agricultural farmworker compiund which has been approved and has no issues with neighbors. It was an easy "Yes."
However I'm told that many are not clesr cut. We are a 5 member Board who has our own separate counsel. While our work is influenced by the Township Planning Committee, we do not coordinate work/decisions with them at all.
If residents/developers are unhappy with our rulings the next step is to take our counsel to court. It is my understanding that I have no personal exp9sure in these cases, nor is it likely that I will be called into court to defend a vote I make.
Our President gas said that she has never had a decision overturned by a judge in court. Like Spin said....time clicks, tick, tick, tick..... probably more complicated than any common person would think.
Thank You Meister........good night, have work tomorrowKudos for you for stepping up to the plate. Zoning board can be a thankless job. It works mostly behind the scenes with little attention until something controversial comes up. Just follow the zoning laws to the T and you will have no problems. If someone doesn’t like your decision just say ‘We did what the law prescribed’.
The planning commission sets the comprehensive plan and determines zoning districts. The zoning board determines what is and isn’t in compliance. This will be an interesting look behind the curtain to see how local government functions. How some people have sway, how others are just a pain.
Is your township mostly rural, suburban, does it have any major commercial or industrial zones? Things can get interesting if a major player shows up with a request.