Has to be one of the most anti-intellectual, stupidest things I've ever heard - essentially what he's ludicrously trying to claim is that the CFB Playoff Rankings claim no "predictive power" regarding the absolute strength of teams relative to one another??? Effectively his dissertation is arguing that the "4-Team Invitational" CFB Playoff Rankings are like God-Almighty, are "infallible" and the Selection Committee can NEVER be wrong??? How on earth can the CFB Playoff Rankings be absurdly wrong about teams like aTm, Florida and Nebraska this past week, but this is not extremely STRONG SCIENTIFIC PROOF that future picks are just as susceptible to inaccuracy??? This is the stupidest, most anti-intellectual, non-factual in terms of "science" & "statistics" babbling bull$hit I have ever heard!!! Herbie then goes on some screed defending aTm's and Wisconsin's positioning WHEN PSU HAS A BETTER RESUME USING THE VERY CRITERIA HE IS CLAIMING!!! (i.e., best win, most wins against quality opposition - wins over +.500 teams, best win last week, etc.....).
Good thing they hire anti-intellectual morons who have no idea in regards to what they are speaking about (i.e., statistics and the analysis of "statistical predictability", etc.....). This sounds like a bunch of brain-addled jocks and wanna-be-jock morons discussing subjects that they are absolutely clueless about and saying stuff that is absolutely CONTRARY to factual conclusions that you would draw from a legitimate statistical analysis of this "System's Predictions", which would not pass the sniff-test of a legitimate t-test at even a low "Confidence Interval" (i.e., the Scientific Conclusion would be that the Null Hypotheses must be accepted that System has no "predictive power" and that even if their predictions are better than a "coin flip" - i.e., 50% - the % they are over is well within the "error term" and nowhere close to meeting the "Confidence Intervals" required to meet what they are attempting to sell - i.e., that they are predicting the 4 best teams with extremely high levels of accuracy!!!!). LMFAO at this tabloid journalism, anti-intellectual garbage - this is clearly a 4-Team "Beauty Pageant, Popularity Contest" Invitational Tournament and in no way even remotely represents a "Playoff" where teams EARN THEIR WAY INTO THE PLAYOFF BRACKETS ON THE FIELD OF PLAY, NOT A "POPULARITY CONTEST INVITATIONAL".....
Good thing they hire anti-intellectual morons who have no idea in regards to what they are speaking about (i.e., statistics and the analysis of "statistical predictability", etc.....). This sounds like a bunch of brain-addled jocks and wanna-be-jock morons discussing subjects that they are absolutely clueless about and saying stuff that is absolutely CONTRARY to factual conclusions that you would draw from a legitimate statistical analysis of this "System's Predictions", which would not pass the sniff-test of a legitimate t-test at even a low "Confidence Interval" (i.e., the Scientific Conclusion would be that the Null Hypotheses must be accepted that System has no "predictive power" and that even if their predictions are better than a "coin flip" - i.e., 50% - the % they are over is well within the "error term" and nowhere close to meeting the "Confidence Intervals" required to meet what they are attempting to sell - i.e., that they are predicting the 4 best teams with extremely high levels of accuracy!!!!). LMFAO at this tabloid journalism, anti-intellectual garbage - this is clearly a 4-Team "Beauty Pageant, Popularity Contest" Invitational Tournament and in no way even remotely represents a "Playoff" where teams EARN THEIR WAY INTO THE PLAYOFF BRACKETS ON THE FIELD OF PLAY, NOT A "POPULARITY CONTEST INVITATIONAL".....