Anyone seeing Jim Harbaugh making a statement this weekend


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2014
Michigan may be the most talented team in the country, MSU is struggling. After last year I think JH runs it up on Sparty and makes a statement.
Michigan may be the most talented team in the country, MSU is struggling. After last year I think JH runs it up on Sparty and makes a statement.
Has there been a single instance throughout his career when Jimmah didn't expand every possible opportunity to rub an opponents face in the mud?

Right or wrong - the next time he takes his "foot of the throat" of a defeated, outmatched opponent will be the first
I think he would kick his own mother in the ribs, if it helped him win a game of Yahtzee

Which would make it 1,000 times sweeter if the Sparties could catch some lightning in a bottle tomorrow
Michigan may be the most talented team in the country, MSU is struggling. After last year I think JH runs it up on Sparty and makes a statement.

Only thing MSU has in their favor is that the game is @home in Spartan Stadium - they better play with some pride though, because if they fall behind and give up, Hair-ball will lay as many on them as he possibly can......including fake punts, fake PATs for 2PT Conversions, etc... Maybe this is why Hair-ball's been pulling this bull$hit earlier this year - so he can pull it out as a rationalization that he's been doing it to everyone all year long.....I wouldn't put it past that douche setting up his excuses for pulling out all the stops to pummel MSU by as many as possible to the final second after last year's debacle in the big sh!thouse.
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MSU will be up for the game, but so will scum. Harbaugh will put the boots to Dantonio if possible. He'll want the recruits to see that UM is back on top for good.

I'm expecting a blowout and looking forward to dantonios whiny bitch routine afterward
MSU will be up for the game, but so will scum. Harbaugh will put the boots to Dantonio if possible. He'll want the recruits to see that UM is back on top for good.

I'm expecting a blowout and looking forward to dantonios whiny bitch routine afterward

So am I. Down with MSU. Kick them hard.
Harbaugh and the Wolverines are going to pitch a shutout tomorrow in Spartan Stadium.

It will be ugly.
I think MSU get blown out. If it happens, I hope that Harbaugh keeps pouring it on to the very end.
Let's go sparty. We need um to have 2 conf losses

No we don't. We need to beat Purdue.

Worry about the scoreboard when we become dominant.

I hope Michigan hangs 90 points on them, and runs two linemen into the end zone on handoffs, late in the 4th quarter, then goes for two.
Let's go sparty. We need um to have 2 conf losses

this^^^^ Sparty may be the only other team outside of OSU to beat scUM this year. Talent and play this year so far has the making for a blowout but you just never know with these rivalry games. Im all in on sparty
To see MSU get drilled. How about you, do you want to see Dantonio and MSU get drilled?

Well for me and no matter how much I dislike Dantonio right now it would be in all our (PSU Fans) best interest for MSU to Win so thats what I'm hoping for. But I think there is about as much chance of that happening as me winning the Mega Millions so the next best result, for me at least, would be Harbaugh drilling Dantonio and MSU into the ground.
Well for me and no matter how much I dislike Dantonio right now it would be in all our (PSU Fans) best interest for MSU to Win so thats what I'm hoping for. But I think there is about as much chance of that happening as me winning the Mega Millions so the next best result, for me at least, would be Harbaugh drilling Dantonio and MSU into the ground.

Last week people were saying the same about our chances against OSU.

That's why they play the games. You just never know.