As I understand it, Allan Myers AFFIRMED in testimony that he WAS "Victim 2" listed in the SWIGJ Presentment and Indictments AND that he WAS NOT sexually assaulted in any way that evening - i.e., Friday, February 9, 2001, a date which "The State" did not even get correct until Mid-2012 well after the SWIGJ Presentment and Initial Indictment (some 6 months after these items) DESPITE Sandusky and the Defense telling them that this was the date of the incident they were asking them about from the get go!!!! (Sandusky also apparently has never waivered that Allan Myers was the party with him that night that the INDICTMENT and Subpeona they served upon him was accusing him about!!! Additionally, Allan Myers apparently TOLD AUTHORITIES he is the party being referred to in regards to Friday, February 9, 2001 that the SWIGJ INDICTMENTS were issued upon!!!!).
Allan Myers apparently also affirmed that he was sexually abused on OTHER occassions, but NOT the night in question by THE STATE and OAG in regards to their SWIGJ issued INDICTMENT that Sandusky responded to which was PERFECTLY consistent with what Allan Myers just testifed to under oath in a court of law and PERFECTLY INCONSISTENT with what Mike McQueary claimed in 2010, 2011 and 2012, but perfectly CONSISTENT with what everybody who Mike McQueary spoke with in 2001 directly after the incident on Friday, February 9, 2001 says Mike McQueary told them (i.e., that he wasn't sure if anything was actually going on but he was suspicious of Sandusky's intentions given that the parties were alone in the facility at night in the shower room and given the "noises" he initially heard when walking into the facility)!!!