I'm listening to a local Saturday morning radio show on college football, and the hosts are discussing the length of games. These two hosts are rabid fans, but are critical of how excessive commercials and reviews have contributed to making the games intolerably long for them. They claimed it is negatively impacting general viewership and attendance. Both are single with not much going on, but they said they lose their patience watching many games. They contrasted their situation to fans with families, who have less time to devote to games that last four hours or more. They also believe rising young adults will change their viewing habits given their new and expanding communications options. My biggest complaint about attending games in Beaver Stadium is not the blaring PA system but the numerous down times caused by play interruptions. I hate the on-field guy in the red jacket holding up play! They contrasted football to soccer, which has constant action for an entire half. Commercials are reserved for pre- and post-game and halftime. Basketball has lost my attention for many of the same reasons.