Are we REALLY going to have to wait 2 yrs to see Hall


I can't seem to find a link, but his friendship with a team manager with special needs said it all to me. Don't even care how good he is (though a huge plus that he's amazing).

I also saw that Daton Fix has befriended 2 autistic boys from his hometown. Knowing how desperately lonely my autistic boys are (they can't talk but spell out for me how they wish they had friends), that gets me pretty emotional.

You have sons who are autistic? I'm asking because my older son is autistic as well.

I saw a quote posted by a friend of mine saying autism is "one word to describe a thousand different stories," but for what it's worth, here's mine in a nutshell: we didn't learn how to communicate with each other until about he was about nine years old. Eventually though, he blossomed. The kid amazes me and he's my hero.
You have sons who are autistic? I'm asking because my older son is autistic as well.

I saw a quote posted by a friend of mine saying autism is "one word to describe a thousand different stories," but for what it's worth, here's mine in a nutshell: we didn't learn how to communicate with each other until about he was about nine years old. Eventually though, he blossomed. The kid amazes me and he's my hero.
Yup - 13 and 8. About 5 years ago my wife (ex but not formally divorced) largely checked out for about 2 years. When it was clear the little guy was also autistic, it crushed her. Saw him toe-walking and being entranced by the same thing over and over at about 20 months and immediately looked at each other - I'll never forget the look on her face. She's a much better mom now, but they live with me. The lack of sleep is my biggest enemy - when she takes them every other Saturday night, I take a Tylenol PM and sleep like 11 hours - total bliss. It's the little things in life :).

Going on my first week+ vacation in about 10 years in a month. Can't take the boys of course - maybe someday. Daddy has earned this.

As for communication, my oldest also made his breakthrough around 9 years old. It's amazing what he tells us - he's very smart. Tantrums went way down because he could finally tell us things. My little guy started the letter board at around 6 - looks like he's about ready to start texting on a qwerty keyboard. Very excited for that.

Thanks for sharing your story. Maybe someday we'll meet up. We'll have a lot to talk about.
Dusty in here.

Thanks for sharing, really. I have no comparable stories but I'm watching my college ex gf go through hell as a single mom of an autistic teen. She's doing all the right things, which is sometimes hard to tell I guess. But I can tell there's a real struggle to hold on to her own identity because the demands on her time in service to her daughter are so significant, and with that so much emotional energy. It's no surprise divorce between parents of autistic children is practically a given. So kudos to you guys.
With the Cassar injury situation, I'm thinking Hall will not RS but will go at 174. Nickal bumps up to 184 and Rasheed goes at 197. The reality is that elite wrestlers don't need to shirt! He is a once in a generation wrestler. Did Cox RS? Did Snyder RS? Zain went out as a frosh. Suriano is going as did Nico.
About 12 or so yrs ago, one of my close friends married a single mom with 2 kids, one very autistic. I could not meet that son at their house -- had to be on his terms, which meant at a kid-friendly theme park. I could say hi, and maybe buy him a Coke if he were in a good mood, otherwise had better not do anything to distract from the constant distractions of the park. Despite being fully able bodied, he required a stroller or wheelchair for his protection and for everyone else's. (Even after a relatively good day at the park, he refused to be in the same room as me in their house.)

I had seen drastic situations before, such as institutional residences. Still this was a total eye-opener. The severe, instantaneous, unpredictable mood swings were especially challenging.

Fast fwd to last year: they can now take him anywhere, including family vacations of their choosing (not just his). While he'll never be fully self-sufficient (medical costs and transportation will always be issues), he can do some entry-level work and have the personal dignity that comes with earning a few bucks of his own.

I can't fathom the patience, humility, and sacrifice required to do what they have done every day for so long -- and accepting that this might be a race with no finish line and no timer. And he actually chose it by marrying into the situation.

My friend is a much better man than I will ever be.
Yup - 13 and 8. About 5 years ago my wife (ex but not formally divorced) largely checked out for about 2 years. When it was clear the little guy was also autistic, it crushed her. Saw him toe-walking and being entranced by the same thing over and over at about 20 months and immediately looked at each other - I'll never forget the look on her face. She's a much better mom now, but they live with me. The lack of sleep is my biggest enemy - when she takes them every other Saturday night, I take a Tylenol PM and sleep like 11 hours - total bliss. It's the little things in life :).

Going on my first week+ vacation in about 10 years in a month. Can't take the boys of course - maybe someday. Daddy has earned this.

As for communication, my oldest also made his breakthrough around 9 years old. It's amazing what he tells us - he's very smart. Tantrums went way down because he could finally tell us things. My little guy started the letter board at around 6 - looks like he's about ready to start texting on a qwerty keyboard. Very excited for that.

Thanks for sharing your story. Maybe someday we'll meet up. We'll have a lot to talk about.
I liked and respected you before but even more so having heard you tell your story. I wouldn't pretend to ever know the struggles you have been through.... Hell, parenting healthy children about killed me so I know it definitely takes a special person to cope, manage, teach and love children with autism. Those boys were certainly blessed. And so were you..
Yup - 13 and 8. About 5 years ago my wife (ex but not formally divorced) largely checked out for about 2 years. When it was clear the little guy was also autistic, it crushed her. Saw him toe-walking and being entranced by the same thing over and over at about 20 months and immediately looked at each other - I'll never forget the look on her face. She's a much better mom now, but they live with me. The lack of sleep is my biggest enemy - when she takes them every other Saturday night, I take a Tylenol PM and sleep like 11 hours - total bliss. It's the little things in life :).

Going on my first week+ vacation in about 10 years in a month. Can't take the boys of course - maybe someday. Daddy has earned this.

As for communication, my oldest also made his breakthrough around 9 years old. It's amazing what he tells us - he's very smart. Tantrums went way down because he could finally tell us things. My little guy started the letter board at around 6 - looks like he's about ready to start texting on a qwerty keyboard. Very excited for that.

Thanks for sharing your story. Maybe someday we'll meet up. We'll have a lot to talk about.

I'm really glad you're getting some "me time," you deserve time to decompress. My big guy will be fifteen this year and I've had sole custody for about four years so it sounds like there are a lot of parallels. Just throw @yahoo on the end of my handle if you ever have advice to give, Brother.

For all you fellas that think you couldn't do it, believe me, you'd find it in you.

Enough of this, though. I'm going back to trashing Penn State wrestling, lol
I am an attorney and do a lot of estate planning as well as planning for special needs families. I find this part of my job rewarding. The parents I meet teach me a level of patience and love that cannot be equaled. This has taught me great lessons in parenting my healthy children. I have great respect for you gentlemen.
I should've said above: I also can't imagine what life must be like for autistic children. I wish this condition never existed, such that neither child nor parent were affected.

But since it does, thank God for putting good people in place to care for those in need, and for giving them the strength that they never knew they had or would need. It is a higher calling.
Thanks guys - a lot of very incisive comments even for those just observing those dealing with the extra issues inherent with raising children with special needs.

Ev stated it perfectly - if you're any kind of a parent and found yourself in the same position, you'd put your head down and plow ahead. I try and look on the bright side - my boys will never knock a girl up; never take drugs; and never desert me. That said, we'd have serious problems in a zombie apocalypse because they can't stay quiet if their lives depended on it (this scenario is on my mind regularly).

Re: tikk10's post - keeping one's identity is tough because your whole world shrinks. In my case, it's me, my boys, my job, Penn State Sports, random Philly sports, and that's about it. Don't have the energy for much else. Fortunately, I'm not a social butterfly so I can deal with the isolation. It definitely allows you to put everything into perspective. My house has holes in the dry wall patched up with duct tape, old school heavy-ass TVs, torn up furniture, etc, but whatever.

But enough of this. Back to our main focus - Wreck Hall and the world-destroying Kraken that is Penn State wrestling. I'm beginning to get the vibe that Bo may be moving up and Hall slotting in at 174. If so, what a heart of a lineup.
I would prefer Hall to RS, simply from a long range plan as I am not sure PSU needs him to win a team title this upcoming season and I liked what Cutch was doing prior to the injuries.

However, looking at each lineup, PSU has a better chance of scoring more points overall with Hall in the lineup. Still not sure he is needed this year. Would definitely wait til the Scuffle to see how Suriano, Cortez, Joseph and 84/97 is looking.

174 w/ Hall = Likely top 3 barring injury vs 174 w/ Bo = Likely top 3 barring injury
184 w/ Cutch/Sheed = Anywhere from Rd12-Top 4 vs 184 w/ Bo = Likely top 4?
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I think it only makes sense for Hall to wrestle next year if Cael believes he needs either Cutch or Rasheed at 197 AND he believes one of them will score significant points there.
Or he won't be.
Shouldn't you be out replenishing your supply of xanax?
Chickenman & ev-flores I tip my hat too you both. I had enough trying to raise and take good care of 4 healthy children. You guys are very special to handle this very tough situation and with no help from the mother...God Bless both of you..
Also thanks for sharing this as it shows me I have no right to complain about things that I have in the past.