Article on if Hack should stay or go and on the same page a link to Austin

I feel like that's a pretty fair article. It comes down to how happy Hack is with CJF and Moorehead.

An issue they missed, I think, is money. From my standpoint, he'll make millions either way. First, QB's rarely suffer career threatening injuries. So that is of minimal concern (can get insurance anyway). Second, the real money is in the second contract, not your rookie contract. So, if you want to be the next Manning, you've got to show talent in your first two years. Then, you play well and you sign a $100m+ in year four/five. You've got to hit the ground running.

As I said, it all comes down to how comfortable Hack is with Moorehead's system. Can a stationary QB be successful in it? Can Hack feel comfortable in it? If he and Johnson stay, we could be a pretty good team.