Here's a start, I'll add to this as time goes metric: Bonus Point Wins!!
Career Wins
As long as Cael is coach, the top of this list is safe, the guys simply won't get enough matches to get close to Jimmy Martin's 155. The only current wrestler that can make a dent in the top-10 is Zain Retherford. At 95 wins, he needs 26 more to tie for 10th Place. Assuming a perfect season, and the highest he'll get is 7th all-time, under DT's 134. we'll have to wait a year to talk about others.
Career Win %
Already in 3rd Place all-time, it's possible Zain will fall to 4th by the end of 2018. It's simple math. Zain (at 96.9%) won't get enough bouts to over-take Ed and DT (at 97.8%, rounded), and Jason (at 96.8%), with only 2 losses, could overtake them all and be #1 all-time at the end of this year with a loss-free campaign. Bo (at 95.2%), is currently in 6th, behind Andy Matter (96.7%), and can't move up regardless how he fares in 2017-18. Next year is a different story if he keeps winning. Mark is #11 on the list and could replace John Johnson at #10, or even move as high as 7th, but that's with no losses on the year.
Career Wins
As long as Cael is coach, the top of this list is safe, the guys simply won't get enough matches to get close to Jimmy Martin's 155. The only current wrestler that can make a dent in the top-10 is Zain Retherford. At 95 wins, he needs 26 more to tie for 10th Place. Assuming a perfect season, and the highest he'll get is 7th all-time, under DT's 134. we'll have to wait a year to talk about others.
Career Win %
Already in 3rd Place all-time, it's possible Zain will fall to 4th by the end of 2018. It's simple math. Zain (at 96.9%) won't get enough bouts to over-take Ed and DT (at 97.8%, rounded), and Jason (at 96.8%), with only 2 losses, could overtake them all and be #1 all-time at the end of this year with a loss-free campaign. Bo (at 95.2%), is currently in 6th, behind Andy Matter (96.7%), and can't move up regardless how he fares in 2017-18. Next year is a different story if he keeps winning. Mark is #11 on the list and could replace John Johnson at #10, or even move as high as 7th, but that's with no losses on the year.