Baby Taylor on the way...

pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys......
Cunningham kids, Snyder coming to train in Caelslanding and now Taylor magic born anew. Oh to be a Hawkeye fan.
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pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys, pray it’s twin boys......
Two threads for twin boys. That’s what we do. :)
DT and Kendra live-streamed their gender reveal party tonight on Instagram. I wouldn't normally watch, but happened to open instagram one of the 3 times a week I do....

2 things of note:
  • A certain shield-toting superhero was in attendance, and maybe (?) wearing an NLWC t-shirt (didn't see if it was Scrap Life, Nike, or Rudis). It could have been a Penn State T too--but that didn't seem likely (though we are playing TUN this week, so . . . )
  • Baby DT may be the one to bring the fairer sex into the fold at Lorenzo--they're having a girl!
One thing of less note, but gets me every time anyway:
  • There are like thousands of Iranians that eat out the palm of DT's hand on Instagram. Some seem to genuinely love him, others just like to tell him how Yazdani is gonna tear him apart.
I’m hopeful that Jason Nolf wants a huge family and has all boys


A certain shield-toting superhero was in attendance, and maybe (?) wearing an NLWC t-shirt (didn't see if it was Scrap Life, Nike, or Rudis). It could have been a Penn State T too--but that didn't seem likely (though we are playing TUN this week, so . . .

Congrats to the Taylor’s! And here’s the first pic I’ve seen of our new friend with his new colors:)
The next four timer and 3 time Hodge winner from PSU. But no pressure ;)!!!
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