Ban from pitt board.

Anyone that is a Penn Stater and goes over there to post never learns. Quit giving those idiots the time of day by number one visiting their site and number two by posting. DO NOT GIVE THE PITTERS THE TIME OF DAY AND STAY OFF THEIR SITES!
You can't have anything psu related in your name or avi, otherwise it's auto ban. Even if you are just commenting on non-football discussions. It is laughable.
If this is how they treat Nittany Lions there I sure hate to imagine what happens to Mountaineers!
Their latest tear shedding is that the Post Gazette is giving favorable coverage to Penn State, while crapping on Pitt.
Difference is our mods don't ban just because someone's username is related to Pitt. I got banned years ago for saying "hello Panthers". No joke. Their mods are like children. Actually worse then children.
This is exactly what I am talking about. I seen posts on their board claiming the same thing. Every board claims their mods are better. I regularly post on other boards and have never been banned based on having PSU in my name including Pitt's board. Yet some people claim that enough to be banned.
why even post there? the only thing Pitt has to brag about is being on the losing end of the biggest comeback in college bowl game history.

The pitt approach is, if you're going to fail, do it so it so well that everyone has to notice. Give them credit for not trying to sneak it in under the radar.
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