There is a long litany of SB's failures - financial and otherwise - at Cal.....plenty of them well defined in this very thread.
I have, in the past - beginning when SB was first hired - laid them out in detail here on this board. You think I have any illusions that laying them out multiple times for you in the same thread would serve any purpose? When you make these douchetard "arguments" in the very thread where the factual history is plainly laid out? You think I have that much time to spare having douchetard arguments with a conflicted moron like yourself?
You are the f&ckin douchetard who yaps on and on about what a wonderful hire SB was - including the inane assertions as to her being in high demand and highly recommended (or whatever empty douchetard term you used)
When asked for even ONE past achievement that would indicate SB's high level of success as an AD, the only thing you comeback with is empty douchetard crap saying she is "aggressive" (apparently, given the context, aggressive at putting her department into the poorhouse).
It's douchetards like you - who clearly HAVE to be either conflicted, or have an IQ equal to room temperature - and your asinine, conflicted "arguments" who make it seem like others want SB to fail.....because although we all would LIKE SB to reverse course and achieve something positive as an AD, we have douchetards like you making these inane statements that should be exposed.
Done with're not even any fun (like CR, CDW, and AK.....those ass clowns are fun to have around - just to watch them expose themselves).
You're just a conflicted idiot.
This is the type of post that ruins any credibility you may possibly have had. First, you sound like a 12-year-old kid constantly throwing around "douchetard" like it's a thing. Second, all you managed to do in your post was throw around insults, which immediately tells me that you have zero confidence in any one of your arguments whatsoever. Seriously, your entire post was just one big run-on of an insult. Nothing of substance. I'm new here, so please excuse the fact that I haven't gone back to read all of your posts over time to put together whatever fragments of an argument you may have. Third, because I don't believe exactly what you do, I'm somehow either conflicted or have a low IQ. I happen to be very successful and near the top of my field. I don't revel in my beliefs like they're gospel. I like to hear what intelligent people with differing viewpoints have to say and challenge my own assertions. You should try it some time.
As I said, I'm pretty new here. I've stopped in a few times before, but I find that the discussion here tends to range from asshole-on-a-bender (that would be you) to flat out disturbing, tin-foil-hat-wearing BS. Seriously, take a look at the number of other places (both PSU-related and elsewhere) that quote and link some of the stupid shit that goes on in here as evidence of PSU "culture". Try having a decent conversation with non-PSU people about what "Success With Honor" really means, only to have "have you seen BWI? they're over there like blaming the victims and arguing that Sandusky was framed" (yes, I know that those people are the extreme minority, but that shit happens here). There are a ton of really good people around here with great perspective, but clearly the assholes run (or at least ruin) the show. So I'll hang around for a little longer and see if I can find some decent topics and some rational people to debate before I head back to the site I usually hang out in.