Let compare apple to apples for FY 2014
I see many areas that Penn State needs can do much better compared to Wisconsin. There are several areas were Penn State should be doing much better. Even if you take out institutional support and the difference in conference and NCAA distribution Wisconsin still managed to have 6 million in more revenue.
Category Penn State Wisconsin
Ticket Sales $ 33,395,879 $ 27,556,037 (Especially with a stadium that holds 27k more)
Student Fees $ - $ -
Guarantees $ 241,000 $ 562,591
Contributions $ 24,480,517 $ 38,456,621 (Need to get more creative and active with fund raising)
Direct Institutional Support $ - $ 5,091,360
Facilities and Admin Support $ - $ 2,982,000
Conference and NCAA $ 22,683,182 $ 29,506,396
Broadcast and TV Rights $ 3,600,000 $ 8,773,160 (Something needs to be done. This is were the previous administration really dropped the ball. They are in stone age with this)
Parking Concessions $ 4,496,483 $ 6,526,921 ( Unacceptable with a stadium that holds 27k more)
Royalties $ 8,086,673 $ 4,616,209 (with Penn state's size, location and fan base this should be much bigger difference)
Sports Camp $ - $ 1,809,797 (time to get these out from educational extension and under athletics)
Interest $ 5,009,960 $ 332,152
Other $ 5,757,670 $ 1,707,673
Total: $ 107,751,364 $ 127,920,917