Barron's Idiotic Comment.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2017
How in God's name did we end up with this fat jackass?

In the long run, the A9's support of Ira Lubert may prove to be only the 2nd worst action of the last five years........

#1 on the list may prove to be "exposing Smith, the grifter from New York"..........
We coulda' just had a run-of-the-mill Con Man as Presidente, rather than Mr Onion Dip.

Regarding Spannie's trial, the Red Barron stated "This brings a measure of closure". Scroll 1/2 way down to see it. Really Barron, how does it? Have you and the BoT rebuked Freeh and released his idiotic opinions that were false?

How in God's name did we end up with this fat jackass?
What is he supposed to say? Especially given Lord's comments and the reaction.

So many here live in a fantasy world.
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What is he supposed to say? Especially given Lord's comments and the reaction.

So many here live in a fantasy world.

Like you Alice.

I expect him to act like a leader, which he is not, "corncobbed".
Maybe the president of the University understands the importance of moving on? Maybe he is trying to give a counter voice to that idiot Al Lord?
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I'm sure the university will do fine without your $50

One day you'll move out of your parents' basement and not feel the need to type a snarky comment to every legitimate point in an effort to make you feel better about that 3 day old mustard stain on your sweatpants and your dad will say...

One day you'll move out of your parents' basement and not feel the need to type a snarky comment to every legitimate point in an effort to make you feel better about that 3 day old mustard stain on your sweatpants and your dad will say...


Those yellow stains aren't mustard, he doesn't shake enough at the toilet.
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He is acting like a leader, which includes knowing when the PR machine is kicking your ass and shooting your mouth off will make it even worse. Mr Lord doesn't get that concept nor do you.

He's acting like a PC, fat bag of guts corncobbed, nothing more. He's done little to defend Penn State along with the BoT turds who hired him.
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As far as the general public is concerned, it's a done deal. Three "Guilty," outcomes are all the headline writers needed. The fact that these were misdemeanor charges and that all conspiracy charges were either dismissed, dropped or found "Not Guilty" is important only to the aggrieved alumni, not to the media nor to the public.

To try to make the case in public that these two guilty pleas and one conviction are really not that bad, especially in light of the original charges, is a loser's argument. Next time you're in a debate with someone who condemns PSU for the Sandusky Scandal, try arguing, "It really wasn't a conspiracy, just FUBAR negligence." See how well that sells.

Barron stated the reality of the situation. You can keep fighting for the TRUTH, and your cause may indeed be just, but at this point it is foolish to believe that enough dramatic truth will ever be revealed to negate the stain painted on Penn State by the Curley and Schultz indictments, plus the Freeh Report. University leadership has not been wrong in saying, "Move on." What we can affect is the quality of Penn State today and tomorrow.

Now, as to BoT resizing and reorganizing, I'd say, Fight on!" That still has practical day-to-day impact on Penn State's future. The Scandal, at this point, does not.
My problem with Barron is his selective facts. He makes this statement, regarding the PSU3...I get it, he wants the issues with those 3 to go away. He opens himself to Freeh, who called for his resignation, and has never fulfilled his promise to review Freeh (one of several Freeh broken promises like the road show, the various reviews, and other opportunities to scrutinize his "work").

Lets say you are OK with the PSU3 getting slapped on the wrist. There is no way you can now feel Paterno was at fault nor was there a conspiracy. Those theories have been blown to hell, as we now know. But allowing Freeh to do what he did, is an embarrassment to Barron and the university on both a professional and personal level. If Barron allows this, it is just more of the same.

Grow some balls PSU, come out and state that mistakes were made but PSU, as an institution, was NOT at fault. The findings of Freeh (or his opinions) were flat out wrong. And, finally, the penalties against PSU should all be paid back by both the NCAA and the B1G.
This ----->

Barron allowing Freeh to bitchslap him like this - in a press release? ARE YOU EFFING KIDDING ME?

My experience is that, if you allow people to beat you down, other's will jump in. You've got to take a step back, try to be fair, and get back in everyone's face who disrespects you. I was at a small software company when the CEO told me that he got beat up by the board for hot having enough law suits. The thinking was that if you don't have the correct number of suits based on your size, it means you are not working hard enough.
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