Barron's Idiotic Comment.

If the matter is closed Mr Barron, then so is my decision on whether to ever donate to the University again.
I refuse to support an organization that won't defend itself.

Dammit, so then don't donate, they'll have to replace you with a pro-PSUer's donation. Clearly, you have no love left for your university--your prerogative.

As PSU President, what are you expecting Barron to say or do? His task is to move the University forward and represent the University he's charged with leading. His job is not to defend previous leadership that "pleaded" guilty. As a parent who put one through PSU recently and the other is a freshman, I don't want him dealing with the Sandusky fall out. I want him making sure my kid is safe on campus, is being educated properly, and has a great overall collegiate experience at PSU in 2017. The man wasn't even at PSU when this crap occurred, but you want HIM to stand up for the previous leadership?? And let's be honest here, regardless of what their legal strategy was, 2 PSU adminstrators accepted the child endangerment charge. You can spin it however you choose to spin it, but they received notification of an ex-coach showering with a young boy at night in a PSU facility. It wasn't normal in 1998 and it isn't normal in 2017. Please stop wanting us to believe it was. I was a parent in 1998 just as I am one now--I would have been outraged--but this parent didn't know because the proper people weren't informed. Hell, C/S or S didn't even know who the freaking kid was in their facility late at night!!! Let that sink in people. They failed, they failed, they failed--end of story. Perhaps they were the greatest thing to happened to PSU, but in that situation, they made a bad decision, it wouldn't be the first time that's ever happened, but their actions cost them. Barron is correct, that leadership failed. It's time to move on from them. Rant over.
My problem with Barron is his selective facts. He makes this statement, regarding the PSU3...I get it, he wants the issues with those 3 to go away. He opens himself to Freeh, who called for his resignation, and has never fulfilled his promise to review Freeh (one of several Freeh broken promises like the road show, the various reviews, and other opportunities to scrutinize his "work").

Lets say you are OK with the PSU3 getting slapped on the wrist. There is no way you can now feel Paterno was at fault nor was there a conspiracy. Those theories have been blown to hell, as we now know. But allowing Freeh to do what he did, is an embarrassment to Barron and the university on both a professional and personal level. If Barron allows this, it is just more of the same.

Grow some balls PSU, come out and state that mistakes were made but PSU, as an institution, was NOT at fault. The findings of Freeh (or his opinions) were flat out wrong. And, finally, the penalties against PSU should all be paid back by both the NCAA and the B1G.

I don't understand why people are expecting or even think Barron should review the Freeh report. He wasn't at PSU at the time, what can he possibly contribute to the discussion about it? That is the BOT's job and obviously they've already reviewed it and did/said nothing. So what are you expecting their subordinate to do?
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I don't understand why people are expecting or even think Barron should review the Freeh report. He wasn't at PSU at the time, what can he possibly contribute to the discussion about it? That is the BOT's job and obviously they've already reviewed it and did/said nothing. So what are you expecting their subordinate to do?

What are we left to conclude when Barron reneges on his promise to review?
I don't understand why people are expecting or even think Barron should review the Freeh report. He wasn't at PSU at the time, what can he possibly contribute to the discussion about it? That is the BOT's job and obviously they've already reviewed it and did/said nothing. So what are you expecting their subordinate to do?
Then why did he say he would?

I KNOW why he said it ........ I knew the moment those little word bubbles appeared out of his onion-dip-chomping mouth.

And the reason he did it makes him a complete c$ck-s$cking whore.

And that's been his MO from Day 1 through Today.

So........ there's that :)

Anyone who can defend that POS is either uninformed, stupid as a stone, or conflicted.
I make no judgements. :)
Then why did he say he would?

I KNOW why he said it ........ I knew the moment those little word bubbles appeared out of his onion-dip-chomping mouth.

And the reason he did it makes him a complete c$ck-s$cking whore.

And that's been his MO from Day 1 through Today.

So........ there's that :)

Anyone who can defend that POS is either uninformed, stupid as a stone, or conflicted.
I make no judgements. :)
Barron seemed to legitimately recognize the divide in our community caused by the Freeh Report. When he announced his intention to review the work product, he seemed sincere. Figured he was slapped back into shape by the OG and legal counsel. Because they ARE hiding something.
If the matter is closed Mr Barron, then so is my decision on whether to ever donate to the University again.
I refuse to support an organization that won't defend itself.
I say you keep donating. just a hunch.
I don't understand why people are expecting or even think Barron should review the Freeh report. He wasn't at PSU at the time, what can he possibly contribute to the discussion about it? That is the BOT's job and obviously they've already reviewed it and did/said nothing. So what are you expecting their subordinate to do?
See Chitown's post. He said he would. But mostly his job is to protect the university. When you get punched in the nose and don't respond, there will be a line of people waiting to punch you again. That is where PSU is and that is where Barron is if he doesn't do something.
Regarding Spannie's trial, the Red Barron stated "This brings a measure of closure". Scroll 1/2 way down to see it. Really Barron, how does it? Have you and the BoT rebuked Freeh and released his idiotic opinions that were false?

How in God's name did we end up with this fat jackass?

It's easy for Barron to move forward because it wasn't his money or reputation that was destroyed.
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Barron seemed to legitimately recognize the divide in our community caused by the Freeh Report. When he announced his intention to review the work product, he seemed sincere. Figured he was slapped back into shape by the OG and legal counsel. Because they ARE hiding something.
He was NOT sincere........ I would bet my life against a dollar.

He was well aware of who he was serving with that lie
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Regarding Spannie's trial, the Red Barron stated "This brings a measure of closure". Scroll 1/2 way down to see it. Really Barron, how does it? Have you and the BoT rebuked Freeh and released his idiotic opinions that were false?

How in God's name did we end up with this fat jackass?

I really don't know what you expect the University to do at this point. The Criminal trials have occured and C/S/S have either pled guilty or have been found guilty of Child Endangerment. Whether or not we agree with the verdict, the verdict exists. These trials were the last, best chance of discovering some unknown piece of evidence that could change the tide of public opinion. While we may have discovered some new evidence, the new evidence has not changed any minds.

I understand that many of the alumni who love Joe are willing to let the University go down with C/S/S and Joe Paterno, however, these alumni owe no responsibilities to the current students or to the well being of the University moving forward. This matter is pure toxic for the University and anyone willing to look at this matter objectively can see that it is best for the University to try to move past this. Right or wrong, the dye has been cast. You cannot unring the bell.
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I really don't know what you expect the University to do at this point. The Criminal trials have occured and C/S/S have either pled guilty or have been found guilty of Child Endangerment. Whether or not we agree with the verdict, the verdict exists. These trials were the last, best chance of discovering some unknown piece of evidence that could change the tide of public opinion. While we may have discovered some new evidence, the new evidence has not changed any minds.

I understand that many of the alumni who love Joe are willing to let the University go down with C/S/S and Joe Paterno, however, these alumni owe no responsibilities to the current students or to the well being of the University moving forward. This matter is pure toxic for the University and anyone willing to look at this matter objectively can see that it is best for the University to try to move past this. Right or wrong, the dye has been cast. You cannot unring the bell.

Shutting up would be a good start.
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....The only time Barron acts like a leader is when he's in front of his minions on the way to the brunch buffet....or to the onion dip line at BOT meetings!
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My problem with Barron is his selective facts. He makes this statement, regarding the PSU3...I get it, he wants the issues with those 3 to go away. He opens himself to Freeh, who called for his resignation, and has never fulfilled his promise to review Freeh (one of several Freeh broken promises like the road show, the various reviews, and other opportunities to scrutinize his "work").

Lets say you are OK with the PSU3 getting slapped on the wrist. There is no way you can now feel Paterno was at fault nor was there a conspiracy. Those theories have been blown to hell, as we now know. But allowing Freeh to do what he did, is an embarrassment to Barron and the university on both a professional and personal level. If Barron allows this, it is just more of the same.

Grow some balls PSU, come out and state that mistakes were made but PSU, as an institution, was NOT at fault. The findings of Freeh (or his opinions) were flat out wrong. And, finally, the penalties against PSU should all be paid back by both the NCAA and the B1G.
And the media would blow up PSU all over again. Ask Franklin how he feels about your idea...
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And the media would blow up PSU all over again. Ask Franklin how he feels about your idea...
Totally disagree. Besides, in a leadership position, that's his job. That's why he makes the big bucks. PSU is bigger than he is.
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And the media would blow up PSU all over again. Ask Franklin how he feels about your idea...

so, here's the deal. I've got a friend of mine who was the comptroller of a large bank. The bank had exceeded their lending threshold to a single entity. The loans were made to different entities, but they all funneled up to a single holding company. My friend figured this out and went to the CEO to tell him. The CEO listened calmly and then said "We are going to pretend you never made this report to me. Or, I can take your recommendation and stop lending to this company and costing our shareholders millions of dollars. Or, I can take your recommendations and then let you go. You chose." My friend walked out of the room and kept his mouth shut.

A year later the holding company in question was exposed and was part of a big scandal. They went out of business. The bank lost the money they lent out, and it forced them to sell the company out at a fraction of its worth. My buddy? He got fired as soon as the holding company got exposed for not fulfilling his obligation as comptroller to the shareholders. He missed out on the one-time bonus paid out to executives who were let go in the acquisition. He also lost his CPA license.

I had a beer with him several months later and I cursed the company, the CEO and the holding company. He laughed and looked at me and said "its my fault. I took an oath. I didn't live up to my oath. Everybody did what they did but I still had a choice. I may have lost my job but I would have gotten another one in a couple of weeks. its my fault." That's Barron. If he doesn't do something, he will regret it to his dying day.
so, here's the deal. I've got a friend of mine who was the comptroller of a large bank. The bank had exceeded their lending threshold to a single entity. The loans were made to different entities, but they all funneled up to a single holding company. My friend figured this out and went to the CEO to tell him. The CEO listened calmly and then said "We are going to pretend you never made this report to me. Or, I can take your recommendation and stop lending to this company and costing our shareholders millions of dollars. Or, I can take your recommendations and then let you go. You chose." My friend walked out of the room and kept his mouth shut.

A year later the holding company in question was exposed and was part of a big scandal. They went out of business. The bank lost the money they lent out, and it forced them to sell the company out at a fraction of its worth. My buddy? He got fired as soon as the holding company got exposed for not fulfilling his obligation as comptroller to the shareholders. He missed out on the one-time bonus paid out to executives who were let go in the acquisition. He also lost his CPA license.

I had a beer with him several months later and I cursed the company, the CEO and the holding company. He laughed and looked at me and said "its my fault. I took an oath. I didn't live up to my oath. Everybody did what they did but I still had a choice. I may have lost my job but I would have gotten another one in a couple of weeks. its my fault." That's Barron. If he doesn't do something, he will regret it to his dying day.
Had a family member in a similar situation. He chose the equivalent of no. 3. Rightly.
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If you're tired, why do you keep responding? pathetic

FWIW, my brother stopped his annual giving and cut PSU out of his estate. After having his will redrawn, he had his attorney send a letter to PSU notifying them of the change. Found it odd that he never heard from them considering that the amount wasn't exactly trivial.
FWIW, my brother stopped his annual giving and cut PSU out of his estate. After having his will redrawn, he had his attorney send a letter to PSU notifying them of the change. Found it odd that he never heard from them considering that the amount wasn't exactly trivial.

psharn doesn't believe you. Just a hunch ;)
so, here's the deal. I've got a friend of mine who was the comptroller of a large bank. The bank had exceeded their lending threshold to a single entity. The loans were made to different entities, but they all funneled up to a single holding company. My friend figured this out and went to the CEO to tell him. The CEO listened calmly and then said "We are going to pretend you never made this report to me. Or, I can take your recommendation and stop lending to this company and costing our shareholders millions of dollars. Or, I can take your recommendations and then let you go. You chose." My friend walked out of the room and kept his mouth shut.

A year later the holding company in question was exposed and was part of a big scandal. They went out of business. The bank lost the money they lent out, and it forced them to sell the company out at a fraction of its worth. My buddy? He got fired as soon as the holding company got exposed for not fulfilling his obligation as comptroller to the shareholders. He missed out on the one-time bonus paid out to executives who were let go in the acquisition. He also lost his CPA license.

I had a beer with him several months later and I cursed the company, the CEO and the holding company. He laughed and looked at me and said "its my fault. I took an oath. I didn't live up to my oath. Everybody did what they did but I still had a choice. I may have lost my job but I would have gotten another one in a couple of weeks. its my fault." That's Barron. If he doesn't do something, he will regret it to his dying day.

And what is the compelling, bite-sized, indisputable, documentable evidence that Barron can use to reverse the "false narrative," especially now that the C/S/S charges have been adjudicated? Not opinions. Not inferences. What is the hard evidence?
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And that's a loser's argument. Well, we really aren't that bad. Won't sell on Main Street.

Obviously, it wasn't a conspiracy, and I've sent that message to everyone I personally know who's been interested in the Scandal. But, that position stated to the media only gives people like Ron Cook a chance to dump more fuel on the fire. Best to keep the Sandusky Scandal out of the headlines unless someday there's an absolute "smoking gun" of exoneration.
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And that's a loser's argument. Well, we really aren't that bad. Won't sell on Main Street.

Obviously, it wasn't a conspiracy, and I've sent that message to everyone I personally know who's been interested in the Scandal. But, that position stated to the media only gives people like Ron Cook a chance to dump more fuel on the fire. Best to keep the Sandusky Scandal out of the headlines unless someday there's an absolute "smoking gun" of exoneration.
You don't govern for the mob. Pick and choose your battles and you're right about him fighting it now minus any real evidence. If there comes a time where real evidence is there and you can beat a drum, have at it.
You don't govern for the mob. Pick and choose your battles and you're right about him fighting it now minus any real evidence. If there comes a time where real evidence is there and you can beat a drum, have at it.

I can't help but read your post and think that someone could have written the EXACT same passage about the OAG and PSU BOT's approach to CSS in 2011.

Obviously based on the lame case recently put on by the OAG and 24 charges (mostly felonies) ultimately being reduced to 3 misdemeanors, the "real evidence" never really showed up.
And that's a loser's argument. Well, we really aren't that bad. Won't sell on Main Street.

Obviously, it wasn't a conspiracy, and I've sent that message to everyone I personally know who's been interested in the Scandal. But, that position stated to the media only gives people like Ron Cook a chance to dump more fuel on the fire. Best to keep the Sandusky Scandal out of the headlines unless someday there's an absolute "smoking gun" of exoneration.

Well, we are going to have to agree to disagree.

I think a statement saying that the Freeh report was fundamentally incorrect in stating that there was a conspiracy to cover up child abuse. It fact, it was a human failure that resulted in three misdemeanor convictions (taken down from 14 felony charges). For the university, it was a learning moment and all due precautions and best practices have been put in place. Today, we see places like hospitals, charities and other universities also being victimized by child predators and administrators ill-equipped to handle them. Furthermore, we are happy that Penn State has come through this challenging time stronger and safer than ever and have participated in crafting and adopted all of the best practices developed by law enforcement and the NCAA. Any help we can provide to Michigan State, Michigan and any other university so tarnished, we are happy to do so.
I can't help but read your post and think that someone could have written the EXACT same passage about the OAG and PSU BOT's approach to CSS in 2011.

Obviously based on the lame case recently put on by the OAG and 24 charges (mostly felonies) ultimately being reduced to 3 misdemeanors, the "real evidence" never really showed up.

Big difference between now and then. The BoT wrote that narrative back then along with the media. If you're saying they shouldn't have reacted that way, no argument there. The BoT pretty much dug that hole and they dug it deep. I agree with the poster I quoted.