Barron's Idiotic Comment.

Big difference between now and then. The BoT wrote that narrative back then along with the media. If you're saying they shouldn't have reacted that way, no argument there. The BoT pretty much dug that hole and they dug it deep. I agree with the poster I quoted.

There is a big difference between now and then, but a statement from Barron bridging the gap from what we know now back to the myriad mistakes made then (Freeh Report, etc) was in order in my view. Instead he took the recent bitchslapping from Freeh lying down and issued a lame statement. I'm sure he was following orders from those pulling his marionette strings.
There is a big difference between now and then, but a statement from Barron bridging the gap from what we know now back to the myriad mistakes made then (Freeh Report, etc) was in order in my view. Instead he took the recent bitchslapping from Freeh lying down and issued a lame statement. I'm sure he was following orders from those pulling his marionette strings.
Not sure one week after GS's trial is the time to go on the offensive. Again, not a huge fan, but he did inherit the mess too.
Not sure one week after GS's trial is the time to go on the offensive. Again, not a huge fan, but he did inherit the mess too.
How about the three F-ing years that the Six Million Dollar Man has had his fat ass parked in the PSU Buffet Line? :)

Anyway - screw it - it's a moot point.
We all know - any non-idiot who has been paying attention anyway - what the Bloviator is all about.
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Barron "fighting back" right after CSS were found/pled guilty is about the dumbest thing that could happen right now. Zero to gain from it, but we could throw ourselves back into the den of wolves. Just look at how Lord's idiotic comments were received by the public.
Barron "fighting back" right after CSS were found/pled guilty is about the dumbest thing that could happen right now. Zero to gain from it, but we could throw ourselves back into the den of wolves. Just look at how Lord's idiotic comments were received by the public.
Yeah...he can't win much by speaking up now and who is he really going to make feel better...a couple hundred hold outs. The media and people hating on PSU aren't going to say...well since it was just a misdemeanor...we were all wrong. It's just not going to happen and if anything it will be taken as well as Lord's comments were and he had to apologize within days.
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Yeah...he can't win much by speaking up now and who is he really going to make feel better...a couple hundred hold outs. The media and people hating on PSU aren't going to say...well since it was just a misdemeanor...we were all wrong. It's just not going to happen and if anything it will be taken as well as Lord's comments were and he had to apologize within days.
Yeah.... but if he did speak out, think of all the $50 donations we would receive from those hold outs!!!!
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Yeah...he can't win much by speaking up now and who is he really going to make feel better...a couple hundred hold outs. The media and people hating on PSU aren't going to say...well since it was just a misdemeanor...we were all wrong. It's just not going to happen and if anything it will be taken as well as Lord's comments were and he had to apologize within days.

The trial shot giant holes in the Freeh Report and the notion of a conspiracy to protect PSU Football. In case you missed it, that myth resulted in the consent decree, the fines and everything bad that happened to PSU. There is absolutely no reason why that point couldn't have been made immediately in the press release. But why "fight back" when the "take it up the ass" strategy has worked so well.
The trial shot giant holes in the Freeh Report and the notion of a conspiracy to protect PSU Football. In case you missed it, that myth resulted in the consent decree, the fines and everything bad that happened to PSU. There is absolutely no reason why that point couldn't have been made immediately in the press release. But why "fight back" when the "take it up the ass" strategy has worked so well.

The giant holes your proclaim are from a very different end of a telescope when it comes to the perception outside of PSU. There wasn't some victory lap when the two pleaded out and GS was found guilty of the EWOC. How did Lord's fight back strategy go over? Not very well as he was apologizing within days of saying it. Do you really think he releases something and the media and world say...oh man were we wrong there? If so, you have officially lost all perspective because it's not going to go down that way. It will make you happy which is great. Again...if there comes a time or piece of evidence that allows him to puff his be it. It certainly wasn't last week if that is what you are trying to say.
The giant holes your proclaim are from a very different end of a telescope when it comes to the perception outside of PSU. There wasn't some victory lap when the two pleaded out and GS was found guilty of the EWOC. How did Lord's fight back strategy go over? Not very well as he was apologizing within days of saying it. Do you really think he releases something and the media and world say...oh man were we wrong there? If so, you have officially lost all perspective because it's not going to go down that way. It will make you happy which is great.

Comparing what I suggested to what Lord said just demonstrates how simple minded you are. So weak. There would never be a reason to apologize for it because it's demonstrably true.

The major media is never going to revisit this topic regardless of what is said or proven. We get that. Joe Paterno is dead. No one outside of PSU cares anymore. Unless you consider Ron Cook or the dipshit who wrote the article you linked the other day major media. SMH.
Comparing what I suggested to what Lord said just demonstrates how simple minded you are. So weak. There would never be a reason to apologize for it because it's demonstrably true.

The major media is never going to revisit this topic regardless of what is said or proven. We get that. Joe Paterno is dead. No one outside of PSU cares anymore. Unless you consider Ron Cook or the dipshit who wrote the article you linked the other day major media. SMH.

Oh so you want him to make them revisit it so they sh!t on the school some more. To each their own...SMDH too. I just don't think that your expected outcome will do much of anything here. Who does it reach and what minds does it change? Will the coverage be positive or negative? You know the saying about a fool speaking up...good thing he's been quiet.
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Oh so you want him to make them revisit it so they sh!t on the school some more. To each their own...SMDH too.

I just said they aren't going to revisit it regardless. Can you read? It's not about media revisiting anything it's about doing the right thing. Something that hasn't happened since day 1 of this scandal by the BOT and PSU leadership.

Barron in a rare honest moment took some serious and rightful shots at the Freeh Report a couple years ago. Then his marionette strings were tightened up and he fell back in line. The shit on the school came from Freeh moments after the verdicts. The major media didn't care about that either.
I just said they aren't going to revisit it regardless. Can you read? It's not about media revisiting anything it's about doing the right thing. Something that hasn't happened since day 1 of this scandal by the BOT and PSU leadership.

Barron in a rare honest moment took some serious and rightful shots at the Freeh Report a couple years ago. Then his marionette strings were tightened up and he fell back in line. The shit on the school came from Freeh moments after the verdicts. The major media didn't care about that either.
The point is that all of those things are done and in the past. We aren't getting our money back and the reputation hit tgat we took cannot be remedied by anything other than Father Time at this point. The only thing that Barron or anyone else at PSU has the power to do is to prolong this scandal and make it worse by doing stupid things like issuing a combative statement on the topic. It's time to move on and focus on the University's mission.
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The point is that all of those things are done and in the past. We aren't getting our money back and the reputation hit tgat we took cannot be remedied by anything other than Father Time at this point. The only thing that Barron or anyone else at PSU has the power to do is to prolong this scandal and make it worse by doing stupid things like issuing a combative statement on the topic. It's time to move on and focus on the University's mission.

"Combative statement"?

Go back to your circle jerk...
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Maybe you can explain how such a statement is not combative to the narrative? It's okay if you can't.

By your definition, pointing out that the Freeh narrative was wrong and that there was no conspiracy to protect football, as determined in court, is "combative". It's okay if you are too stupid to see that's it's not.
By your definition, pointing out that the Freeh narrative was wrong and that there was no conspiracy to protect football, as determined in court, is "combative". It's okay if you are too stupid to see that's it's not.
If you don't understand how the public will see that statement as being at odds with the acceptance that PSU leaders failed miserably, then I can't help you. It is combative whether you believe so or not. It's also unnecessary and potentially damaging to the University. There is zero upside to making such a statement, especially now. You don't take a victory lap for CSS mot being guilty of conspiracy when they are guilty of failure. Doing so would be the definition of being tone deaf.
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If you don't understand how the public will see that statement as being at odds with the acceptance that PSU leaders failed miserably, then I can't help you. It is combative whether you believe so or not. It's also unnecessary and potentially damaging to the University. There is zero upside to making such a statement, especially now. You don't take a victory lap for CSS mot being guilty of conspiracy when they are guilty of failure. Doing so would be the definition of being tone deaf.

You were right about one thing in your can't help me.
Please enlighten on what you feel is wrong with that statement.
The "accepted narrative" may be false. Why perpetuate it if there are areas of untruth?

**note to Mixolydian....carry on, you're doing a fine job. I've had this blockhead on "ignore" for a good while now. I was just curious to why he got stuck here. I do remember now why I put him on "ignore".
The "accepted narrative" may be false. Why perpetuate it if there are areas of untruth?

**note to Mixolydian....carry on, you're doing a fine job. I've had this blockhead on "ignore" for a good while now. I was just curious to why he got stuck here. I do remember now why I put him on "ignore".
Because fighting it does no good. As I said, it makes you look tone deaf. The narrative is not going to move one inch by Barron making a statement.
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The "accepted narrative" may be false. Why perpetuate it if there are areas of untruth?

**note to Mixolydian....carry on, you're doing a fine job. I've had this blockhead on "ignore" for a good while now. I was just curious to why he got stuck here. I do remember now why I put him on "ignore".

It's been somewhat amusing making him chase his tail, albeit not intellectually stimulating in the least. He is boring me at this point. I may go watch paint dry...
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There is a reason no statement was put out and no victory lap occurred.

Absolutely there's a reason. As Demlion said in another keep the focus on the PSU administrators and off of Raykovitz and TSM where it should have been from the beginning.
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Absolutely there's a reason. As Demlion said in another keep the focus on the PSU administrators and off of Raykovitz and TSM where it should have been from the beginning.
That may have been the reason for decisions in the past, but not here.

That may have been the reason for decisions in the past, but not here.


Right because different people are pulling the marionette strings now. Oh wait, no, they are mostly the same people...

And by all means let's not be "combative against the accepted narrative". LMFAO.
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So any other person in charge at PSU and they would be screaming victory after last week....ok then. Sane talk. Thanks.

You and that clown you have a lovefest with keep saying "victory". I never did. "Screaming"? Typical. Weak. Read slower or bug out.
So any other person in charge at PSU and they would be screaming victory after last week....ok then. Sane talk. Thanks.
Anyone objectively looking at this situation from the outside would advise Barron to just keep his head down and focus on the future. This whole "Barron should fight!" notion is nothing more than desperation and anger. It's an emotional response that lack rationale or foresight. That is why no one here can point to a benefit if such a statement.... because there is none. There is nothing to be gained here by PSU.
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Anyone objectively looking at this situation from the outside would advise Barron to just keep his head down and focus on the future. This whole "Barron should fight!" notion is nothing more than desperation and anger. It's an emotional response that lack rationale or foresight. That is why no one here can point to a benefit if such a statement.... because there is none. There is nothing to be gained here by PSU.

Uhhh PSU actually did put out a statement. Let me summarize it for you...

We the PSU BOT and leadership are great

Tim Curley, Gary Schultz and Graham Spanier are pedophile enablers and the worst forms of human life, by their own admission

We the PSU BOT and leadership proved once again our greatness by throwing them under the bus at the outset and then repeatedly throughout this process.

Now let's all move on, right after we take another bow...

Louie Freeh put out a statement too. You can read that gem for yourself.
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Anyone objectively looking at this situation from the outside would advise Barron to just keep his head down and focus on the future. This whole "Barron should fight!" notion is nothing more than desperation and anger. It's an emotional response that lack rationale or foresight. That is why no one here can point to a benefit if such a statement.... because there is none. There is nothing to be gained here by PSU.

yeah...because this will all be over by 2014, amiright? Oh wait....
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