Best Rock Trio Ever!!!

Q:) Who sang at the Last Supper?
A:) Peter, Paul, and Mary. 60's humor.

If you go the folk or folk-rock route, I've been an eternal Crosby, Stills and Nash devotee with a bit of (Young) thrown in for spice. I saw C,S,N in concert. Saw Crosby, saw Nash, saw Young. But never Stills or C,S,N,Y.
I saw CSN; CSNY; Crosby and Nash; Nash; Stills; Young; and Stills/Young Band. The last one was particularly rare. Their only tour in 1976 was cancelled by Young's mid-tour departure. I saw show 10 of 19. Somehow never saw Crosby without at least one of the others.
I saw CSN; CSNY; Crosby and Nash; Nash; Stills; Young; and Stills/Young Band. The last one was particularly rare. Their only tour in 1976 was cancelled by Young's mid-tour departure. I saw show 10 of 19. Somehow never saw Crosby without at least one of the others.
Oh, yeah, I saw Crosby and Nash one time in Wilmington DE. Saw Crosby in Gburg playing with his long-lost son. It was an excellent show.
At times. Their 2000 tour was pretty excellent and I'm looking forward to the release of their recording of a 1969 Fillmore East show coming out soon. Drugs and personality issues sort of wrecked the ship for CSNY.
But when they were good, they were great. Teach Your Children remains one of my favorite songs.