Bielema, "They're calling for White Out Energy, whatever the hell that means."

Well it isn’t a WO. We have three home games that are better than Illinois.

I agree that it is not a Whiteout, but it is amusing that people are calling for it to essentially be an unofficial Whiteout given the gnashing of teeth that it might be declared the official one prior to the season.

IMHO wear whatever you want, just be loud and into the game.
I agree that it is not a Whiteout, but it is amusing that people are calling for it to essentially be an unofficial Whiteout given the gnashing of teeth that it might be declared the official one prior to the season.

IMHO wear whatever you want, just be loud and into the game.
It’s just guys wanting to support the team and know that an all white stadium looks great at night on national tv.

Good for team, good for the university, good for recruiting and fun for fans.
It’s just guys wanting to support the team and know that an all white stadium looks great at night on national tv.

Good for team, good for the university, good for recruiting and fun for fans.

White Out + Homecoming will make for a tremendous game atmosphere.


I agree that it is not a Whiteout, but it is amusing that people are calling for it to essentially be an unofficial Whiteout given the gnashing of teeth that it might be declared the official one prior to the season.

IMHO wear whatever you want, just be loud and into the game.
No one was thinking Illinois was going to be #19 for starters. Secondly, the thinking was why Illinois when we have Ohio State? I understand all the bs and rules with TV, Fox big Noon etc on why it can't be OSU but we are and were discussing from a fan's perspective and Illinois is and still is a far cry from OSU in terms of quality of WO opponent. Third, Washington looked better than Illinois back then and they very well could be by the time Nov rolls around.

This is all good for PSU to have Illinois ranked coming to HV (assuming we win). We should pump up this game and call for an "unofficial White Out". This is a huge home field advantage we have and we should capitalize on the excitement at opportune times (night games, 3:30 starts) vs quality opponents not just when the "official" WO is. We don'want to water down the official WO but nothing wrong with one or two unofficial WOs also.
Oh the irony given how many people were flipping out when Illinois was leaked to be the NBC preference game for primetime and folks didn't feel the Illini was "worth it" for a Whiteout.
It’s homecoming. You don’t put your two most popular weekends together. They learned that recently.
If we were calling for 9,000 calorie breakfast energy he’d know exactly “what the hell that means”.

Beat me to it. I was going to say it’s the same energy he approaches an all you can eat buffet with. ;)
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It’s unsportsmanlike conduct. Plain and simple.
Before reading his statement, I would have been happy with a nice win at home against a good team. Now I want to kick him in the noots step on his face a steal his wife.