Bielema, "They're calling for White Out Energy, whatever the hell that means."

So ram and scrivener both mentioned Bielema's discussion of Joe and Sue Paterno in their defense of him.

So sad. PSU will be much better off when the fanbase turns over and away from the creeping infection of the JoeBots.
WHOA! This was out of left field and totally unhinged. Regardless of what you think about Joe, or not, I mentioned Sue and Franco as an illustration to a broader point that BB was complementary and respectful of the history and so on.
he's also crooked and cheats. Remember the run the clock out with penalty kickoffs.
He actually did that to expose the flaw in the new kickoff rule. He did it at the end of the 1st half when it really wouldn't affect the game. We should thank him for doing it then so that some other team wouldn't do it at the end of a game when it would really matter.
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This Illinois team is actually a pass more team than you are talking about. Yardage wise, they are around 65/35 passing to rushing. They have about 30 more rush attempts than passes, so they are probably running 55/45 to passing.

This isn't a Wisconsin type of offense. No resemblance to the '21 team that deployed 7 OL. They will play similar to Bowling Green did.

As far as comparisons, they beat Kansas late as did WVU. We thoroughly handled WVU.

Illinois isn't considered abundantly talented. They could give us a tough game or we could blow them out (hence the huge point spread). Too many emotional thoughts about Franklin and what games he's lost over a decade instead of rational thought over what we have.
IMO they are going to pound the rock with that big 240-260? pound back and throw underneath the coverage and get some YAK. That's what that 4-2-5 defense is vulnerable to. IMO Illinois is built for the
4-2-5. How we adjust and how soon will mean a lot to whatever Coach Bloviate Fat Ass throws at us.
WHOA! This was out of left field and totally unhinged. Regardless of what you think about Joe, or not, I mentioned Sue and Franco as an illustration to a broader point that BB was complementary and respectful of the history and so on.
Unhinged for sure. I mean with how much people dump on PSU nationally and how our reputation was hurt, for a rival coach to not just give boiler plate stuff, but actually have a personal story that conveyed appreciation and admiration for Joe, Sue, and Franco, that was so nice to hear. Considering I don't recall our current coach ever being that poignant about that kind of stuff. Amazing how some fans of ours think that means someone is a JoeBot, or find it challenging to appreciate what another coach might say about us. What a soft and shallow mindset...but I'm not surprised.
WHOA! This was out of left field and totally unhinged. Regardless of what you think about Joe, or not, I mentioned Sue and Franco as an illustration to a broader point that BB was complementary and respectful of the history and so on.

And why did you choose to take a shot at the board?
Considering I don't recall our current coach ever being that poignant about that kind of stuff.

Yup ... you're a JoeBot. Thanks for illustrating the salient point.

Amazing how some fans of ours think that means someone is a JoeBot, or find it challenging to appreciate what another coach might say about us. What a soft and shallow mindset...but I'm not surprised.

Bielema spoke glowingly about Franklin.
this is faux outrage

It's just getting pumped up for Illinois, which is kinda hard to get pumped up for, comparatively speaking. It's not "outrage," it's just convenient usage of "bulletin board material" for the fans.

We went from having a very blah schedule to having a primetime home game against a ranked team, by virtue of Illinois being decent to this point in the year ... so might as well find something to hype folks up and make it worth their while.

and makes us look silly.

Objectively speaking, cheering on a bunch of kids to play a game ... and spending inordinate amounts of time and money on it is inherently "silly." Trying to get more pumped up about it is just par for the course.
WHOA! This was out of left field and totally unhinged. Regardless of what you think about Joe, or not, I mentioned Sue and Franco as an illustration to a broader point that BB was complementary and respectful of the history and so on.

PurposePitch is a nutjob. Take what he says with a grain of salt. He's just looking for attention. Kind of like a hillbilly proclaiming, "hey everybody, look at meeeeee" right before doing something utterly stupid.
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PurposePitch is a nutjob. Take what he says with a grain of salt. He's just looking for attention. Kind of like a hillbilly proclaiming, "hey everybody, look at meeeeee" right before doing something utterly stupid.

There was a reason I named him "Headcase" on the other board. It's because he's a wacko whose past bilious ranting has resulted in multiple suspensions or bans. Put his ass on Ignore and be done with it.
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I'm pretty sure he can't see the tool or his bag.
Well that about

he needs his manzier
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We went from having a very blah schedule to having a primetime home game against a ranked team, by virtue of Illinois being decent to this point in the year ... so might as well find something to hype folks up and make it worth their while.

Here ya go P.P.,
At the 2008 Illinois game, rain pouring have season tic's in rows A & B, upper south section. The view of the stadium was amazing, especially when the students started singing the CCR tune, Have You Ever Seen the Rain....

All this talk about one line in a PC and no discussion of the game.

I think PSU is going to have all it can handle and then some. It will be a physical shock for them after playing an incredibly undersized opponent the week before. I don't understand the betting line at all.

This is a super dangerous game. First half PSU will be dealing with the shock of -- these guys are as big as us, as strong as us, almost as fast as us. Bielema, for all his big personality, is a good coach and has proven he can game plan against Franklin. Ill came pretty close to beating PSU last year.

They have a running game and a decent short passing game and PSU may have serious issues defending the run. Losing Winston is huge, he's one of PSU's best players on D. PSU may have issues at safety and LBer right now and you can bet Bielema is game planning for that.

And offensively, I'm just skeptical of all the talk about how much better the PSU O is under Kotelnicki. All the fancy motion and formations starts to mean little when you're going against teams with great athletes who disrupt things. Then all the complexity can actually get in your way. A lot of the stuff that Allar has been able to do, he's not going to be able to do against Big Ten defenses. He is not going to scramble much against B1G speed, he will get caught in the backfield a lot more and if he tries running in the open field and stretching for 1st downs he is going to get hit hard.

PSU had some issues at times getting receivers open against KENT STATE. PSU has not run the ball reliably against anybody.

I'm not saying the Nits are going to lose, but it just feels like a nailbiter to me.

On the other hand, last year at this time PSU really came out well prepared for their B1G opener and just whacked Iowa. If they are sharp and get a lead, Illinois is not really built to catch up, they're kind of like a Wisconsin type team. They get behind 2 TDs, their offense isn't built for that. So I'm hoping for one of those games where PSU just plays sharp early and gets the Beav into it.
I'm curious why you think Kotelnicki's offense won't work against Big Ten defenses. Apparently Franklin thinks it will. Maybe you know something he doesn't?