BOT unanimous vote

The "wrong" is JVP. So what is the goal here? Another statute? Name on the stadium? Public apology for something?

An apology is not going to happen. Ever. There is too much public disdain and anger. The University can't come out apologize for acting to change leadership, especially in light of the 71 and 76 allegations. That would be disrespecting the victims and will never, ever, happen.

Its also unlikely, in light of the 71 and 76 allegations (and who knows what else is to come in the pending lawsuits), that any ceremony or statue will be forthcoming. Maybe much later, when the criminal trials are over, the civil lawsuits are done, and the dust has settled. But the likelihood of anything happening before then is slim to none.

Which begs the question, what is the point of all this bitterness and divisiveness continuing now? Nothing can happen until the litigation is over.

I think you are the definition of a troll most times, but I'll respond because this message seems genuine.

You're entire statement is centered around public perception, about which I care little. I don't care what the general public thinks about Penn State honoring Joe Paterno, his time, and contributions. Let me make it clear...I DO NOT CARE.

There is a statue of Ray Lewis outside M&T Bank Stadium. This is a man that plead guilty to obstruction of justice in a murder investigation (fact). This is a man that settled out of court with the victim's family over a wrongful death claim (fact). People are still looking for the suit. Now, I don't know if Ray had anything to do with that murder, and I don't care. The point is...if the Ravens can honor Ray Lewis in a public way given those circumstances, then certainly Penn State can honor Joe Paterno and his players...and our society is just going to have to deal with it. And there are literally thousands of similar examples over the course of human history other than Ray Lewis.

We need to make peace within the Penn State community. And we need to do that in our own way. If others don't like it, too bad.

And no...I don't think my position is disrespectful to the true victims of Sandusky in the slightest.
I think you are the definition of a troll most times, but I'll respond because this message seems genuine.

You're entire statement is centered around public perception, about which I care little. I don't care what the general public thinks about Penn State honoring Joe Paterno, his time, and contributions. Let me make it clear...I DO NOT CARE.

There is a statue of Ray Lewis outside M&T Bank Stadium. This is a man that plead guilty to obstruction of justice in a murder investigation (fact). This is a man that settled out of court with the victim's family over a wrongful death claim (fact). People are still looking for the suit. Now, I don't know if Ray had anything to do with that murder, and I don't care. The point is...if the Ravens can honor Ray Lewis in a public way given those circumstances, then certainly Penn State can honor Joe Paterno and his players...and our society is just going to have to deal with it. And there are literally thousands of similar examples over the course of human history other than Ray Lewis.

We need to make peace within the Penn State community. And we need to do that in our own way. If others don't like it, too bad.

And no...I don't think my position is disrespectful to the true victims of Sandusky in the slightest.

This is a great post for a number of reasons. Most people outside of the PSU community don't know and don't care. Their perception is not shaped by the facts, but by a 'where there's smoke, there must be fire' mentality. All most people needed to know was that PSU fired Joe Paterno, so the worst must be pretty close to the truth.

The general public will not change it's perception of JVP or PSU until the university admits that its actions were wrong. Penn State needs to do what's right by the Paterno family, the players and the alumni. The place to start is with an apology to Sue Paterno. Then it needs to stand behind its actions in the face of certain scrutiny.

Penn State shouldn't wait to honor Joe until the dust settles on every lawsuit or Jerry Sandusky is tortured to death in prison. The powers that be know Joe did nothing wrong. It needs to be done now!

This narrative can be changed, but won't be until the BOT admits that what it did was wrong, openly and publicly.
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This is a great post for a number of reasons. Most people outside of the PSU community don't know and don't care. Their perception is not shaped by the facts, but by a 'where there's smoke, there must be fire' mentality. All most people needed to know was that PSU fired Joe Paterno, so the worst must be pretty close to the truth.

The general public will not change it's perception of JVP or PSU until the university admits that its actions were wrong. Penn State needs to do what's right by the Paterno family, the players and the alumni. The place to start is with an apology to Sue Paterno. Then it needs to stand behind its actions in the face of certain scrutiny.

Penn State shouldn't wait to honor Joe until the dust settles on every lawsuit or Jerry Sandusky is tortured to death in prison. The powers that be know Joe did nothing wrong. It needs to be done now!

This narrative can be changed, but won't be until the BOT admits that what it did was wrong, openly and publicly.

If the narrative changes, then great...if not, my head will hit the pillow the same way.

In fact, I welcome the criticism. If Penn State needs to lead the charge against this "witch-hunt" mentality regarding child sex abuse, then so be it. The fact is Penn State continues to help children day in and day out.
Uh-oh, looks like elvis discovered Joe's secret time machine, which he used to go forward and backward in time to witness child abuse happening all throughout the galaxy. All we need now is to find the list Joe made of all the children that will be abused in the 23rd century but doesn't care about because of football.
Any comment from PS4RS yet on the vote? I can't find the message boards on their site.
Uh-oh, looks like elvis discovered Joe's secret time machine, which he used to go forward and backward in time to witness child abuse happening all throughout the galaxy. All we need now is to find the list Joe made of all the children that will be abused in the 23rd century but doesn't care about because of football.
Right? Thank heavens that actively ignoring the abuse of children is a one-way ticket to winning at football.
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Oh please. Are we back to the old "there's more bad info out there"? You're really disappointing me by bringing back that oldie but goodie.
It took nearly five years for the '71 and '76 allegations - regardless of their merit - to become public, didn't it?
They were previously known to the OAG who dismissed them as totally unreliable. Otherwise, they would have been presented at previous OAG press conferences. Your almost 'cheerleading' for more is not becoming.
The criminal statute of limitations in Pennsylvania for victims who were born before 2002 is 12 years after the victim's 18th birthday. Even if the 1971 and 1976 allegations would have been brought to law enforcement in 2008 when the investigation started, neither allegation could have been prosecuted because they were both far outside the statute of limitations.

I'm not "cheerleading" anything. But there's a big difference between saying that an allegation is incontrovertible fact and saying that an allegation is damaging if it becomes public. As we learned, the 1971 and 1976 allegations were out there, they were damaging, and they went publicly unknown for years after they came forward. I don't think that pointing out that it's possible that other similarly damaging allegations exist is cheerleading for them to exist.
Nobody with an IQ over 20 really believes that the OAG has any more bad information. This is what Elvis said: OAG files. Nobody can control people coming out of the woodwork from 1976. And those are all bullshit anyhow, most likely.
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Nobody with an IQ over 20 really believes that the OAG has any more bad information. This is what Elvis said: OAG files. Nobody can control people coming out of the woodwork from 1976. And those are all bullshit anyhow, most likely.

So you're saying elvis, elmo, raffy and a few others could believe it?
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The criminal statute of limitations in Pennsylvania for victims who were born before 2002 is 12 years after the victim's 18th birthday. Even if the 1971 and 1976 allegations would have been brought to law enforcement in 2008 when the investigation started, neither allegation could have been prosecuted because they were both far outside the statute of limitations.

I'm not "cheerleading" anything. But there's a big difference between saying that an allegation is incontrovertible fact and saying that an allegation is damaging if it becomes public. As we learned, the 1971 and 1976 allegations were out there, they were damaging, and they went publicly unknown for years after they came forward. I don't think that pointing out that it's possible that other similarly damaging allegations exist is cheerleading for them to exist.
What was the statute of limitations on the charges brought against Curley and Schultz? It had elapsed,no? Yet, the OAG somehow found a way to bring charges.
Uh-oh, looks like elvis discovered Joe's secret time machine, which he used to go forward and backward in time to witness child abuse happening all throughout the galaxy. All we need now is to find the list Joe made of all the children that will be abused in the 23rd century but doesn't care about because of football.

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