BOT unanimous vote

Has nothing to do with honoring Joe Paterno you babbling, obfuscating piece of $hit -- it has to do with Public Corruption, malfeasance and FIDUCIARIES violating their legal obligations as trustees and wasting hundreds of millions of dollars for NON-BENEFICIAL recipients of PSU's resources, not to mention the unnecessary and disgraceful damage to PSU's reputation and everybody associated with PSU. You truly are a f'ing @sshole with this nonsense.
it has everything to do with Joe, the BOT's incompetence is just a sideshow issue.
Can you lay any odds on if he will?
I don't know whether to laugh or cry or both. They couldn't hold Peetz nor Masser accountable. What makes Lubrano think it will be any different with Lubert?
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I don't know whether to laugh or cry or both. They couldn't hold Peetz nor Masser accountable. What makes Lubrano think it will be any different with Lubert?
It'll be different

It'll be worse than the other two combined........and raised to the power of infinity
Really? And what sparked this latest wave of bad publicity for the university? Oh, that's right, it was the settlements and insurance f'ups.
I'm not arguing that the BOT has screwed up several times. Please don't pretend that this isn't about Joe though. You all want to take the BOT down because of how they dealt with Joe. Their fiscal irresponsibility just added fuel to the fire.
I'm not arguing that the BOT has screwed up several times. Please don't pretend that this isn't about Joe though. You all want to take the BOT down because of how they dealt with Joe. Their fiscal irresponsibility just added fuel to the fire.

No you flaming Joe-this, Joe-that @sshole, we want to take the BOT down for criminally violating their Fiduciary Obligations, throwing The University under the bus, misuse & misappropriation of University funds, etc..... You really are the biggest kind of piece-of-$hit, indecent filth his world produces.
Is poster Pennoyer, Rob Tribek? Pennoyer has said he/she is a board member, just wondering which one.
With all that was sacrificed in the dubious and poorly-intended carnival act of "solidarity" would think Rob and Ryan and Lord and the entire "solidified" bloc would all be out helping Anthony and Alice absorb the flack.


So much for the value of "solidarity"

F ing joke
Did Alice Pope write something?
She has been very active on the "social media" side

She usually is - to her benefit. Her excuses in this case, have been truly pitiful and sad - - what else could they be........ But she and Anthony at least deserve recognition for being the only two folks who haven't burrowed into bunkers - - - - like another group of folks we know. :)
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The conversation over there is 10x the size volume and emotion of what you see here ......if you can picture that
You gotta realize - the folks over there just got ass-raped a hell of a lot worse than anyone else......and are mostly still on the dark as to why
This is a sad fact. It's looking once again as they cannot speak. Surprise surprise. Ya gotta love executive sessions.
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Alice Pope on Facebook. If I wasn't before, I'm now officially depressed. God help us all.

We voted for Ira Lubert to indicate that we hope and expect he will keep his promises to be the kind of leader our board needs now.

The measure of his success as a leader will be seen in the amount of real change that results.

Alice Pope on Facebook. If I wasn't before, I'm now officially depressed. God help us all.

We voted for Ira Lubert to indicate that we hope and expect he will keep his promises to be the kind of leader our board needs now.

The measure of his success as a leader will be seen in the amount of real change that results.

Like I said - imagine the worst possible scenario you can......
Multiply it by infinity.....
Raise it to the power of forever.....

That begins to describe what they did
Alice Pope on Facebook. If I wasn't before, I'm now officially depressed. God help us all.

We voted for Ira Lubert to indicate that we hope and expect he will keep his promises to be the kind of leader our board needs now.

The measure of his success as a leader will be seen in the amount of real change that results.
So apparently the executive session sounded like this:
A9: Ira, we're concerned about a conflict of interest. We don't think we can support your chairmanship.
Ira: What? But I promise I'll do a good job and won't do anything to obfuscate my TSM connection.
A9: We're putting our collective foot down Ira. We know we'll lose but we can't vote for you in good conscience.
Ira: (Crosses fingers behind back) Please!! I promise to be a leader you can depend on. I can promise anything you want. I'll even pinky swear!!
A9: Well, OK. We can't overlook the pinky swear. Congratulations Ira, it's now unanimous!! We hope and expect you to keep your promises. By the way, we can see your fingers behind your back.
What is the truth? I'm saying that we will never know what the truth was.

We already know the truth ain't wat dey said it was .... So there that little nugget

We also know Joe did exactly what he should have......well at least those of us that are knowledgeable on the subject know that.....and then we can surmise based on those two things that something else is out there yet to be discovered

It's not about it Joe - never was - except for those who tried to make it about him because, well because he's "Joe Paterno"

It will NOT end until THEY come to grips with that!!
We already know the truth ain't wat dey said it was .... So there that little nugget

We also know Joe did exactly what he should have......well at least those of us that are knowledgeable on the subject know that.....and then we can surmise based on those two things that something else is out there yet to be discovered

It's not about it Joe - never was - except for those who tried to make it about him because, well because he's "Joe Paterno"

It will NOT end until THEY come to grips with that!!
No one really knows what the truth is. That's the problem and is why there will never be any closure.
I truly appreciate the time you have invested in this mess. I am sure you have many other issues worthy of your time. I will continue to wish you the best of luck. However for me the continuing "we are closer to completion" rhetoric has been disappointing. "OUR strength is in OUR numbers" just shrunk by one. Maybe some day I'll look up and the BoT will be different, but for now I will still love and follow our football team but as to the love and support I once had for OUR university it is gone for good.
I know you mean well and have labored for the cause but for me there comes a time for a principled stand and yesterday was it. Best of luck.

It really is amazing, isn't it? The actions of the PSU leadership, including the useless A9, have led many of us to become what Freeh claimed we already were...interested only in football. Bravo for making Freeh prescient.
It really is amazing, isn't it? The actions of the PSU leadership, including the useless A9, have led many of us to become what Freeh claimed we already were...interested only in football. Bravo for making Freeh prescient.

I'm interested in all things Penn State except the "leadership".
Is poster Pennoyer, Rob Tribek? Pennoyer has said he/she is a board member, just wondering which one.
It really is amazing, isn't it? The actions of the PSU leadership, including the useless A9, have led many of us to become what Freeh claimed we already were...interested only in football. Bravo for making Freeh prescient.
Well the "culture" that I believed in was success with honor, doing things the right way even at the risk of short term pain and taking young spoiled athletes and making them men. If that is all football so be it. My point was OUR university represents none of that anymore.
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I'm not naive enough to assume the A9 traded their vote for nothing, but the optics are hideous.....

One of my long held beliefs is that the OGBOT has had, as their plan all along, the rehabilitation of Joe's legacy, but at a time of their choosing and in a manner which would allow them to take credit. Anthony, is this what is happening here?
One of my long held beliefs is that the OGBOT has had, as their plan all along, the rehabilitation of Joe's legacy, but at a time of their choosing and in a manner which would allow them to take credit. Anthony, is this what is happening here?

I fear the other more likely scenario is the OGBOT has more information that is most likely bad for the university/Joe/whomever and threatened to release it if the A9 didn't play ball.
I fear the other more likely scenario is the OGBOT has more information that is most likely bad for the university/Joe/whomever and threatened to release it if the A9 didn't play ball.

Sadly so many will demand & push for the truth even if this is so. What happened happened, it won't again, what's the point? Oh yes, it's to rehab the football program and it's legendary coach. Everyone mad at the A9 is strictly all about football.
I'm amazed how folks continue to engage the trolls. Just put these morons on your Ignore List. Stop giving them what they want.

That's right Don't listen to anyone that doesn't agree with you. Must toe the party line, Comrade!
I fear the other more likely scenario is the OGBOT has more information that is most likely bad for the university/Joe/whomever and threatened to release it if the A9 didn't play ball.

Uhhhh, not likely because your notion that the corrupt OG BOT, Corbutt & his merry band of incorrigible gang of scumbag thug prosecutors & investigators AND Louis Fact Freeh "held back" information to be favorable to PSU, JVP & the Football Program is beyond laughable and preposterous!
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Sadly so many will demand & push for the truth even if this is so. What happened happened, it won't again, what's the point? Oh yes, it's to rehab the football program and it's legendary coach. Everyone mad at the A9 is strictly all about football.

Too funny...."move along", don't look at The Second Mile or the State Child Welfare Agencies....there's nothing to see here, move along.... Is that you Ms. Storm, you festering piece of human excrement?
One of my long held beliefs is that the OGBOT has had, as their plan all along, the rehabilitation of Joe's legacy, but at a time of their choosing and in a manner which would allow them to take credit. Anthony, is this what is happening here?
Not a chance in hell. Five years and that could have happened at any point and didn't. This is more wishful thinking
Uhhhh, not likely because your notion that the corrupt OG BOT, Corbutt & his merry band of incorrigible band of scumbag prosecutors & investigators AND Louis Fact Freeh "held back" information to be favorable to PSU, JVP & the Football Program is beyond laughable and preposterous! Nice try though Mr. defender of the corrupt scumbags troll.

I think you may have midnighter confused with someone else.
On the subject of Lubert and the Alumni 9, I'm disappointed as well that we didn't see a protest vote. Perhaps, I'm most disappointed that the challenger to Lubert dropped out. But I also understand that one should only choose to fight a battle if it gives you an advantage by fighting. So in understanding the decision made by the Alumni 9, I would ask what advantage there was in voting for a candidate that declined the position? Perhaps, given the choices, putting Lubert on the spot (as Anthony did), was the best choice of the options available. Perhaps I would have just abstained in their position given no other choice to vote for but I'm not in their position and I don't know what other information they have access to.