BOT unanimous vote

FYI, Lubrano's response on facebook to a question of why he should trust Lubert now when he misled him before:

"Fair question. Calculated risk. The window is very small."
What "window" could he be talking about??
Who knows what window? It's all just empty words to me at this point. Calculated risk? Lubert just played him like a fiddle.
Simple. There was something the A9 wanted, and they were promised it in exec sessions with understanding that they vote uninmously for Ira.

It might be and probably is unrelated to the scandal. Other university business still goes on.

The A9, having won the right to view the Freeh source materials, with promise of confidentiality are muzzled and can only offer hypotheticals now that they've seen it.

Further, there might actually be something really rotten within that they now know about & agree with OG that it should be kept quiet.

It's not a good look, and I'm surprised that they haven't really offered up a reason. Since they haven't I'm afraid that it's something like the above.
Simple. There was something the A9 wanted, and they were promised it in exec sessions with understanding that they vote uninmously for Ira.

It might be and probably is unrelated to the scandal. Other university business still goes on.

The A9, having won the right to view the Freeh source materials, with promise of confidentiality are muzzled and can only offer hypotheticals now that they've seen it.

Further, there might actually be something really rotten within that they now know about & agree with OG that it should be kept quiet.

It's not a good look, and I'm surprised that they haven't really offered up a reason. Since they haven't I'm afraid that it's something like the above.

Possible but not likely, as it clearly doesn't answer the second half of Anthony Lubrano's statement - Lubert's window of opportunity to deliver is very short.....
Stop being stupid. What an appalling analogy.
It's not appalling. It happens everyday. Just pointing out to you that nothing is real until it is personal. You seem to think it's okay to let it go, the whole JS thing and its devastating collateral damage. Course, your name is not Paterno or Spanier or Schultz or Curley. And, if you happen to be a PSU alumnus/a, and you think it's time to give up, go ahead and give up. Just stay out of the conversations of persons here that want to continue the battle.

What is the saying? Lead, follow or get out of the way. Get out. You are in the way.
Possible but not likely, as it clearly doesn't answer the second half of Anthony Lubrano's statement - Lubert's window of opportunity to deliver is very short.....

Short of committing seppuku (AFTER taking Dambly out with the knife...and maybe a half-dozen others)....what could Lubert possibly do to merit US unanimously electing him to the Chairman spot? (after singing him hosannas of praise, no less)

There is no "window of opportunity"
That is EXACTLY what I am saying.

The PSU BOT has ignored the "Sunshine Act" for decades.......I would assume you know that better than most

It isn't even a subject for debate anymore.


A9: Grrrrrrrrrrr!

Ira: Here's a tasty snack that a starving Ethiopian would pass on.

A9: {Panting}

Ira: Play dead.

A9: {Rolls over and exposes throat and genitals}

Ira: {Tosses snack} Good boy!!!!
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First, I am sorry for not posting last night.

Second, I want all of you to know that I understand, better than most, your disappointment and frustration.

Third, I know you would like to understand the thinking that supported our decision to vote as we did. So I will try to explain this to you.

The process for the election of Chair and Vice Chair provides for an opportunity during the Executive Session, in this case yesterday morning, for the candidates to make remarks and for the Board to ask questions of those candidates. This in fact what happened. The issues raised by many on this Board were raised and discussed. The

We know we are elected by the alumni and we make decisions based on what we believe is in the best interests of OUR school, always considering the impact of these decisions on the alumni.

That brings me to our decision in the elections yesterday.

We have much work to finish. My fervent belief is that our decision yesterday got us closer to the completion of that work. We'll know soon enough.

As I told Ira, now he has to earn it.

For some of you, my explanation will not suffice. I know some of you feel your elected Trustees failed you. I am truly sorry if that's the case.

For the past 4 1/2 years I have spend more time on Penn State working to correct what I feel is a false narrative than anything else in my life. I know many of you have been working equally hard. So I do feel your pain.

I told you from the outset that OUR strength is in OUR numbers and that the tortoise won the race.

Please don't give up. Some think they can divide and conquer the alumni. Let's prove them wrong.

I truly appreciate the time you have invested in this mess. I am sure you have many other issues worthy of your time. I will continue to wish you the best of luck. However for me the continuing "we are closer to completion" rhetoric has been disappointing. "OUR strength is in OUR numbers" just shrunk by one. Maybe some day I'll look up and the BoT will be different, but for now I will still love and follow our football team but as to the love and support I once had for OUR university it is gone for good.
I know you mean well and have labored for the cause but for me there comes a time for a principled stand and yesterday was it. Best of luck.
I truly appreciate the time you have invested in this mess. I am sure you have many other issues worthy of your time. I will continue to wish you the best of luck. However for me the continuing "we are closer to completion" rhetoric has been disappointing. "OUR strength is in OUR numbers" just shrunk by one. Maybe some day I'll look up and the BoT will be different, but for now I will still love and follow our football team but as to the love and support I once had for OUR university it is gone for good.
I know you mean well and have labored for the cause but for me there comes a time for a principled stand and yesterday was it. Best of luck.
Well stated

I remember a very righteous "rant" a while back ("rant" may not be the best characterization, but it will do):

"If not us - who? If not now - when?"


Short of committing seppuku (AFTER taking Dambly out with the knife...and maybe a half-dozen others)....what could Lubert possibly do to merit US unanimously electing him to the Chairman spot? (after singing him hosannas of praise, no less)

There is no "window of opportunity"

An awful lot of things happened last week with the actual vote only being one of them. I don't think we have all the information as to precisely what is going on, especially relative to what a party such as AL may know about precisely what all is going on (and he is the clear nominal leader of the A9 Trustees - so whatever he knows, he likely has shared with the A9 Block). You claim to know precisely what is going on and can explain all the noise last week (as I described in another thread - many things here don't make perfect sense, not just the vote) - I freely admit I do not. The reason things may not make perfect sense to us relative to explaining all the considerable amount of noise last week and conflicting statements surrounding TSM, PSU, PMA and the Settlement Process (stuff like Feathers claiming the OAG thoroughly reviewed TSM using at least 10 investigators assigned to investigate them... - huh, wtf???) could well be because we don't have all the information that other parties have and we are missing a very important piece of the puzzle.
The reason things may not make perfect sense to us relative to explaining all the considerable amount of noise last week and conflicting statements surrounding TSM, PSU, PMA and the Settlement Process (stuff like Feathers claiming the OAG thoroughly reviewed TSM using at least 10 investigators assigned to investigate them... - huh, wtf???) could well be because we don't have all the information that other parties have and we are missing a very important piece of the puzzle.
Yesterday doesn't make any sense, let along perfect sense.

Even if Ira had an epiphany yesterday, and does the right things for the rest of his days roaming the planet, we still can't un-ring the bell. His unvetted settlement checks are seen by the rest of the world as an admission of guilt. The University and everyone associated with it have been found gulity in the court of public opinion. (Everyone, that is, except the BOT which continues to get free meals, free tickets and a free ride.

If, on the other hand, the A9 are thinking that the shoe is about to drop on Ira, why cast their lot with him?
An awful lot of things happened last week with the actual vote only being one of them. I don't think we have all the information as to precisely what is going on, especially relative to what a party such as AL may know about precisely what all is going on (and he is the clear nominal leader of the A9 Trustees - so whatever he knows, he likely has shared with the A9 Block). You claim to know precisely what is going on and can explain all the noise last week (as I described in another thread - many things here don't make perfect sense, not just the vote) - I freely admit I do not. The reason things may not make perfect sense to us relative to explaining all the considerable amount of noise last week and conflicting statements surrounding TSM, PSU, PMA and the Settlement Process (stuff like Feathers claiming the OAG thoroughly reviewed TSM using at least 10 investigators assigned to investigate them... - huh, wtf???) could well be because we don't have all the information that other parties have and we are missing a very important piece of the puzzle.
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Yesterday doesn't make any sense, let along perfect sense.

Even if Ira had an epiphany yesterday, and does the right things for the rest of his days roaming the planet, we still can't un-ring the bell. His unvetted settlement checks are seen by the rest of the world as an admission of guilt. The University and everyone associated with it have been found gulity in the court of public opinion. (Everyone, that is, except the BOT which continues to get free meals, free tickets and a free ride.

If, on the other hand, the A9 are thinking that the shoe is about to drop on Ira, why cast their lot with him?

OK.......I have tried and tried to imagine ANY scenario that would justify the actions of July 22, 2016......

And - I think I came up with one:


Ira Lubert gave sworn, videotaped testimony...during which he admitted to - and documented - his fiduciary malfeasance and various criminal acts.


Signed his plea agreement to accept 10-15 in the Federal Prison system, and reimbursement and punitive penalties of $2,000,000,000


He also supplied incontrovertible documentary evidence of scores of illegal insider deals

That Implicated Mark Dambly and others


In exchange for this information, Lubert asked to be named Board Chairman for a period of one week. To which the A9 complied.

If THAT is what went down.......I will begin issuing 1,000 "mea culpa"s a day to every member of the A9

Short of that......inexcusable

So.....I'll wait one week
Yesterday doesn't make any sense, let along perfect sense.

Even if Ira had an epiphany yesterday, and does the right things for the rest of his days roaming the planet, we still can't un-ring the bell. His unvetted settlement checks are seen by the rest of the world as an admission of guilt. The University and everyone associated with it have been found gulity in the court of public opinion. (Everyone, that is, except the BOT which continues to get free meals, free tickets and a free ride.

If, on the other hand, the A9 are thinking that the shoe is about to drop on Ira, why cast their lot with him?

You don't know what information Lubert provided in "Executive Session". Heck, for all we know, TSM could be the subject of a SWIGJ (they are secret by law - look how long V1 SWIGJ persisted without public knowledge via the press) and Lubert has been subpoenaed .....and claims that the use of his name in association with the Charity's Governance Structure is fraudulent activity on the part of the now defunct charity (the fact that the charity is now defunct wouldn't necessarily matter if the SWIGJ is looking into potential "racketeering" offenses at the former charity -- it would then become a question of who was involved in the illegal activities, who knew about the illegal activities and when did they first know, etc....). Hard to say at this point precisely what was discussed in Executive Session given the nature of AL's comments to-date on the topic, especially the "a calculated risk and short window....".
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I agree with this sentiment. It is also difficult to allow someone who has lacked his fiduciary responsibility to this point a chance at the top.

Why do I feel that Ira is sitting at home saying" I can't believe they trusted me?"

Lubert is also a proven liar. The USMA washes his kind out very quickly because that kind of person cannot command the trust, respect, or confidence of other soldiers.
FYI, Lubrano's response on facebook to a question of why he should trust Lubert now when he misled him before:

"Fair question. Calculated risk. The window is very small."
What "window" could he be talking about??
First, I am sorry for not posting last night.

Second, I want all of you to know that I understand, better than most, your disappointment and frustration.

Third, I know you would like to understand the thinking that supported our decision to vote as we did. So I will try to explain this to you.

The process for the election of Chair and Vice Chair provides for an opportunity during the Executive Session, in this case yesterday morning, for the candidates to make remarks and for the Board to ask questions of those candidates. This in fact what happened. The issues raised by many on this Board were raised and discussed. The

We know we are elected by the alumni and we make decisions based on what we believe is in the best interests of OUR school, always considering the impact of these decisions on the alumni.

That brings me to our decision in the elections yesterday.

We have much work to finish. My fervent belief is that our decision yesterday got us closer to the completion of that work. We'll know soon enough.

As I told Ira, now he has to earn it.

For some of you, my explanation will not suffice. I know some of you feel your elected Trustees failed you. I am truly sorry if that's the case.

For the past 4 1/2 years I have spend more time on Penn State working to correct what I feel is a false narrative than anything else in my life. I know many of you have been working equally hard. So I do feel your pain.

I told you from the outset that OUR strength is in OUR numbers and that the tortoise won the race.

Please don't give up. Some think they can divide and conquer the alumni. Let's prove them wrong.
Why did Lubrano and the others f hole us?
As many reasons as there are Trustees (close to it anyway)

FWIW - Lubrano has probably done more to earn some "slack" than anyone on the Board
It is a bit unfortunate that he takes a lot of the flack - since he is the only guy who actually "represents"

That is NOT a justification for anyone's actions of July 22, F ing way......

But we've got 8 others (plus Capretto....and a few more)....who F ed us over a lot worse.
Most of whom never did dick to earn any of the capital Lubrano had.
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First, I am sorry for not posting last night.

Second, I want all of you to know that I understand, better than most, your disappointment and frustration.

Third, I know you would like to understand the thinking that supported our decision to vote as we did. So I will try to explain this to you.

The process for the election of Chair and Vice Chair provides for an opportunity during the Executive Session, in this case yesterday morning, for the candidates to make remarks and for the Board to ask questions of those candidates. This in fact what happened. The issues raised by many on this Board were raised and discussed. The

We know we are elected by the alumni and we make decisions based on what we believe is in the best interests of OUR school, always considering the impact of these decisions on the alumni.

That brings me to our decision in the elections yesterday.

We have much work to finish. My fervent belief is that our decision yesterday got us closer to the completion of that work. We'll know soon enough.

As I told Ira, now he has to earn it.

For some of you, my explanation will not suffice. I know some of you feel your elected Trustees failed you. I am truly sorry if that's the case.

For the past 4 1/2 years I have spend more time on Penn State working to correct what I feel is a false narrative than anything else in my life. I know many of you have been working equally hard. So I do feel your pain.

I told you from the outset that OUR strength is in OUR numbers and that the tortoise won the race.

Please don't give up. Some think they can divide and conquer the alumni. Let's prove them wrong.

First, I am sorry for not posting last night.

Second, I want all of you to know that I understand, better than most, your disappointment and frustration.

Third, I know you would like to understand the thinking that supported our decision to vote as we did. So I will try to explain this to you.

The process for the election of Chair and Vice Chair provides for an opportunity during the Executive Session, in this case yesterday morning, for the candidates to make remarks and for the Board to ask questions of those candidates. This in fact what happened. The issues raised by many on this Board were raised and discussed. The

We know we are elected by the alumni and we make decisions based on what we believe is in the best interests of OUR school, always considering the impact of these decisions on the alumni.

That brings me to our decision in the elections yesterday.

We have much work to finish. My fervent belief is that our decision yesterday got us closer to the completion of that work. We'll know soon enough.

As I told Ira, now he has to earn it.

For some of you, my explanation will not suffice. I know some of you feel your elected Trustees failed you. I am truly sorry if that's the case.

For the past 4 1/2 years I have spend more time on Penn State working to correct what I feel is a false narrative than anything else in my life. I know many of you have been working equally hard. So I do feel your pain.

I told you from the outset that OUR strength is in OUR numbers and that the tortoise won the race.

Please don't give up. Some think they can divide and conquer the alumni. Let's prove them wrong.
The "iron law of oligarchy."
Sooner or later all organizations are ruled by a handful at the top.
Simple. There was something the A9 wanted, and they were promised it in exec sessions with understanding that they vote uninmously for Ira.

It might be and probably is unrelated to the scandal. Other university business still goes on.

The A9, having won the right to view the Freeh source materials, with promise of confidentiality are muzzled and can only offer hypotheticals now that they've seen it.

Further, there might actually be something really rotten within that they now know about & agree with OG that it should be kept quiet.

It's not a good look, and I'm surprised that they haven't really offered up a reason. Since they haven't I'm afraid that it's something like the above.
Whatever the reasons, even if it's ugly, the continued stonewalling should end. It's time for the truth, and let the chips fall where they may.
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Further, there might actually be something really rotten within that they now know about & agree with OG that it should be kept quiet.
This would be a very piss poor reason. Since November 2011 the only thing most people have wanted is the truth. If someone gets burned it would be too bad for them. If the A9 Freeh review revealed something that the A9 agreed should remain buried then they are no better than the November 2011 BoT. However, I doubt that's true because if there was extremely damning evidence against anyone Freeh would most certainly have put it in his opinion piece and droned on about it at his press conference.
First, I am sorry for not posting last night.

Second, I want all of you to know that I understand, better than most, your disappointment and frustration.

Third, I know you would like to understand the thinking that supported our decision to vote as we did. So I will try to explain this to you.

The process for the election of Chair and Vice Chair provides for an opportunity during the Executive Session, in this case yesterday morning, for the candidates to make remarks and for the Board to ask questions of those candidates. This in fact what happened. The issues raised by many on this Board were raised and discussed. The

We know we are elected by the alumni and we make decisions based on what we believe is in the best interests of OUR school, always considering the impact of these decisions on the alumni.

That brings me to our decision in the elections yesterday.

We have much work to finish. My fervent belief is that our decision yesterday got us closer to the completion of that work. We'll know soon enough.

As I told Ira, now he has to earn it.

For some of you, my explanation will not suffice. I know some of you feel your elected Trustees failed you. I am truly sorry if that's the case.

For the past 4 1/2 years I have spend more time on Penn State working to correct what I feel is a false narrative than anything else in my life. I know many of you have been working equally hard. So I do feel your pain.

I told you from the outset that OUR strength is in OUR numbers and that the tortoise won the race.

Please don't give up. Some think they can divide and conquer the alumni. Let's prove them wrong.

Fine, you've earned the benefit of the doubt. That said, it sure looks like you continue to piss away prime opportunities. What is their number one protection in any matter? The support they receive from the rest of the board. You just provided that to them, and it is not something you can effectively or easily revoke in the future.
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It's not appalling. It happens everyday. Just pointing out to you that nothing is real until it is personal. You seem to think it's okay to let it go, the whole JS thing and its devastating collateral damage. Course, your name is not Paterno or Spanier or Schultz or Curley. And, if you happen to be a PSU alumnus/a, and you think it's time to give up, go ahead and give up. Just stay out of the conversations of persons here that want to continue the battle.

What is the saying? Lead, follow or get out of the way. Get out. You are in the way.
It's not about giving up, it's about focusing on PSU's future. At the end of the day, all of this anger on the board comes from the fallout to Paterno during this scandal. If the University would ever honor Joe, what does that really mean? Does that change public perception? No. Does that help the victims? No. Does that do anything to help PSU's future? Not really. So instead of wasting time on an issue that should be handled by the Paterno family, the university gets crapped on and the current students get no benefits. What good is this whole thing? What is the tangible benefit to the University, especially when it looks like you will never get the real answer of what happened and who is really to blame?

I know you all don't want to hear it, but there really is a lot of benefit in just moving on. The damage has been done and it's not getting "corrected".
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It's not about giving up, it's about focusing on PSU's future. At the end of the day, all of this anger on the board comes from the fallout to Paterno during this scandal. If the University would ever honor Joe, what does that really mean? Does that change public perception? No. Does that help the victims? No. Does that do anything to help PSU's future? Not really. So instead of wasting time on an issue that should be handled by the Paterno family, the university get crapped on and the current students get no benefits. What good is this whole thing? What is the tangible benefit to the University, especially when it looks like you will never get the real answer of what happened and who is really to blame.

I know you all don't want to hear it, but there really is a lot of benefit in just moving on. The damage has been done and it's not getting "corrected".
Your answers to the bolded questions above are wrong.
1) Honoring Joe most certainly would change the public perception. Joe was fired and Erickson had the statue taken down. Both those events and more have convinced the public Joe must be guilty of something. Honoring Joe would force reasonable people to question the false narrative.
2) Yeah, play the "it's for the victims" card. Nothing anyone has done has helped the victims. Not the NCAA. Not the OAG. Not CYS/DPW. Not TSM. Not PSU, unless you think throwing money at a problem helps the victims.
3) I'm sure you're aware how the Sandusky scandal has unfairly harmed the university's reputation. Haven't you heard?? We're all either child molesters or we stand by and watch gleefully while others abuse children. Fighting that perception will certainly benefit the university in the future.
It's not about giving up, it's about focusing on PSU's future. At the end of the day, all of this anger on the board comes from the fallout to Paterno during this scandal. If the University would ever honor Joe, what does that really mean? Does that change public perception? No. Does that help the victims? No. Does that do anything to help PSU's future? Not really. So instead of wasting time on an issue that should be handled by the Paterno family, the university gets crapped on and the current students get no benefits. What good is this whole thing? What is the tangible benefit to the University, especially when it looks like you will never get the real answer of what happened and who is really to blame?

I know you all don't want to hear it, but there really is a lot of benefit in just moving on. The damage has been done and it's not getting "corrected".

The lawsuits aren't going away. Everything will be exposed in a very public manner. You can whine about "moving on" all you want, but the bot's continued actions ensure that cannot happen.
It's not about giving up, it's about focusing on PSU's future. At the end of the day, all of this anger on the board comes from the fallout to Paterno during this scandal. If the University would ever honor Joe, what does that really mean? Does that change public perception? No. Does that help the victims? No. Does that do anything to help PSU's future? Not really. So instead of wasting time on an issue that should be handled by the Paterno family, the university gets crapped on and the current students get no benefits. What good is this whole thing? What is the tangible benefit to the University, especially when it looks like you will never get the real answer of what happened and who is really to blame?

I know you all don't want to hear it, but there really is a lot of benefit in just moving on. The damage has been done and it's not getting "corrected".
You are a blithering idiot
Your answers to the bolded questions above are wrong.
1) Honoring Joe most certainly would change the public perception. Joe was fired and Erickson had the statue taken down. Both those events and more have convinced the public Joe must be guilty of something. Honoring Joe would force reasonable people to question the false narrative.
2) Yeah, play the "it's for the victims" card. Nothing anyone has done has helped the victims. Not the NCAA. Not the OAG. Not CYS/DPW. Not TSM. Not PSU, unless you think throwing money at a problem helps the victims.
3) I'm sure you're aware how the Sandusky scandal has unfairly harmed the university's reputation. Haven't you heard?? We're all either child molesters or we stand by and watch gleefully while others abuse children. Fighting that perception will certainly benefit the university in the future.
1) If anything, the public would be more enraged if we would honor Paterno and restore the statue without some kind of proof that he did more than what we already know. The public thought Joe was guilty from the first day that the GJ presentment dropped, so I don't agree that him being fired and the statue being removed had an effect on he public's perception. Both of those events were the result of a perception that was already there.

2) Disagree. Money certainly helps and PSU made a number of changes to policy along with holding awareness discussions on the issue. That is about all they can do in this case. Unfortunately, the victims will likely always have the scar of what JS did to them.

3) I think you hang out on message boards too much. In the college football community our reputation was damaged, but not as a University. Most measurables (rankings, research expenditures, endowment value, etc...) point to the University being just as strong, if not stronger than it was in 2011.
I truly appreciate the time you have invested in this mess. I am sure you have many other issues worthy of your time. I will continue to wish you the best of luck. However for me the continuing "we are closer to completion" rhetoric has been disappointing. "OUR strength is in OUR numbers" just shrunk by one. Maybe some day I'll look up and the BoT will be different, but for now I will still love and follow our football team but as to the love and support I once had for OUR university it is gone for good.
I know you mean well and have labored for the cause but for me there comes a time for a principled stand and yesterday was it. Best of luck.

Yep. The longer this goes on the lower 'our numbers' get as people see nothing happening in 4 years and move on with life.

Then you see A9 start talking about lack of fiduciary responsibility and the wrongdoings of the Old guard.........and then unanimously vote for the same old guard for BoT chair. Nothing deflates your support more than cutting yourself out at the knees and then giving vague non answers as to why you just voted for the person we've just spent months hearing of conflict of interest and incompetence. Before they know it the A9 are going to look around and wonder where their numbers went.
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It's not about giving up, it's about focusing on PSU's future. At the end of the day, all of this anger on the board comes from the fallout to Paterno during this scandal. If the University would ever honor Joe, what does that really mean? Does that change public perception?...............................................
I know you all don't want to hear it, but there really is a lot of benefit in just moving on. The damage has been done and it's not getting "corrected".
Focusing on a future built upon the wanton destruction of a great men's name and legacy is not one I want to be part of. I agree that honoring Joe will not change the national narrative. Too much damage has been done. It would, however, give me reason to believe that our leadership has recognized it's past malfeasance and is prepared to move forward in a way that will help unify the divisions that are tearing at the heart of this University. I agree, for me at least, there is a lot of benefit to moving on, not from the quest for truth and justice, but from the ties that bind me to Penn State. I no longer find joy in being a Penn State alum. After 5 years of poor leadership, internal divisions, and national ridicule, I will take my memories of a happier past and focus on things in my life that do bring me, friends, and efforts to achieve some of the dying dreams of my youth.
1) If anything, the public would be more enraged if we would honor Paterno and restore the statue without some kind of proof that he did more than what we already know. The public thought Joe was guilty from the first day that the GJ presentment dropped, so I don't agree that him being fired and the statue being removed had an effect on he public's perception. Both of those events were the result of a perception that was already there.

2) Disagree. Money certainly helps and PSU made a number of changes to policy along with holding awareness discussions on the issue. That is about all they can do in this case. Unfortunately, the victims will likely always have the scar of what JS did to them.

3) I think you hang out on message boards too much. In the college football community our reputation was damaged, but not as a University. Most measurables (rankings, research expenditures, endowment value, etc...) point to the University being just as strong, if not stronger than it was in 2011.

Has nothing to do with honoring Joe Paterno you babbling, obfuscating piece of $hit -- it has to do with Public Corruption, malfeasance and FIDUCIARIES violating their legal obligations as trustees and wasting hundreds of millions of dollars for NON-BENEFICIAL recipients of PSU's resources, not to mention the unnecessary and disgraceful damage to PSU's reputation and everybody associated with PSU. You truly are a f'ing @sshole with this nonsense.
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It's not about giving up, it's about focusing on PSU's future. At the end of the day, all of this anger on the board comes from the fallout to Paterno during this scandal. If the University would ever honor Joe, what does that really mean? Does that change public perception? No. Does that help the victims? No. Does that do anything to help PSU's future? Not really. So instead of wasting time on an issue that should be handled by the Paterno family, the university gets crapped on and the current students get no benefits. What good is this whole thing? What is the tangible benefit to the University, especially when it looks like you will never get the real answer of what happened and who is really to blame?

I know you all don't want to hear it, but there really is a lot of benefit in just moving on. The damage has been done and it's not getting "corrected".

Wrong jack@ss, it's about holding scumbags accountable for their disgraceful, illegal acts -- IOW, truth and justice.
It's not appalling. It happens everyday. Just pointing out to you that nothing is real until it is personal. You seem to think it's okay to let it go, the whole JS thing and its devastating collateral damage. Course, your name is not Paterno or Spanier or Schultz or Curley. And, if you happen to be a PSU alumnus/a, and you think it's time to give up, go ahead and give up. Just stay out of the conversations of persons here that want to continue the battle.

What is the saying? Lead, follow or get out of the way. Get out. You are in the way.
Outstanding responce arts & letters, makes an older fart like myself feel good about the other old buzzards like yourself.:p
Glad to be in the litter sibling.
As many reasons as there are Trustees (close to it anyway)

FWIW - Lubrano has probably done more to earn some "slack" than anyone on the Board
It is a bit unfortunate that he takes a lot of the flack - since he is the only guy who actually "represents"

That is NOT a justification for anyone's actions of July 22, F ing way......

But we've got 8 others (plus Capretto....and a few more)....who F ed us over a lot worse.
Most of whom never did dick to earn any of the capital Lubrano had.
Agreed and not to single out anyone but I am gonna go there... what has Albert Lord done? When he ran there were tons of posts about how this was the guy that was gonna crush the OGBOT because he was so effective as CEO at Sally Mae. But after 2 years all we have from him is reading a prepared statement by SuePa (poorly read with no emotion) and his voting record. Then he gets himself in the middle of the Chaka Fattah mess and doesn't have the courage to support Demlion. I will not vote for him the next go around. He should be off enjoying the spoils of his career, retired and not on a board where we need energy and vitality to fight the evil BOT. The rest of the folks on the A9 are largely ineffective as well and maybe that's because they don't have the tools to bring about change.
Agreed and not to single out anyone but I am gonna go there... what has Albert Lord done? When he ran there were tons of posts about how this was the guy that was gonna crush the OGBOT because he was so effective as CEO at Sally Mae. But after 2 years all we have from him is reading a prepared statement by SuePa (poorly read with no emotion) and his voting record. Then he gets himself in the middle of the Chaka Fattah mess and doesn't have the courage to support Demlion. I will not vote for him the next go around. He should be off enjoying the spoils of his career, retired and not on a board where we need energy and vitality to fight the evil BOT. The rest of the folks on the A9 are largely ineffective as well and maybe that's because they don't have the tools to bring about change.
I like you a lot.