Brands at their finest

You know how many NCs Iowa has won in the last 10 years? NONE!! When everything is online, we shine and they turtle up like little girlie-man! I have had enough of these SUCKEYES!! I just tweeted Aaron and told him to make Nelson Brands cry again next week! He told me that was already in the plan!!!
Go back to the football board minishane
You know how many NCs Iowa has won in the last 10 years? NONE!! When everything is online, we shine and they turtle up like little girlie-man! I have had enough of these SUCKEYES!! I just tweeted Aaron and told him to make Nelson Brands cry again next week! He told me that was already in the plan!!!
Again. I am a huge Aaron Brooks fan. I am a huge PSU fan. But unlike you......I will not ignore the facts just to insult or diminish another school's program. Iowa led the 2019 NCAAs in bonus points. Your "Turtle" is fictional. Why do you persist in this Iowa bashing based on provably false info? It is an embarrassment to the vast majority of PSU fans. Please do better
That is a fact. Iowa hasn't won in 10 years. And I attribute that to the outstanding performances by the coaches who coach and the wrestlers who shined on the biggest stage. Fortunately for us fans, you weren't either of those. So I guess that relegates you to be the poor sap left to talk trash about the guys who bust their asses to get to the biggest stage.

Kidtwit is an angrier less rational version of Spyker (imagine that). He's not to be confused with kiddagger who's one of the few semi-rational Rutgers fans.
You know how many NCs Iowa has won in the last 10 years? NONE!! When everything is online, we shine and they turtle up like little girlie-man! I have had enough of these SUCKEYES!! I just tweeted Aaron and told him to make Nelson Brands cry again next week! He told me that was already in the plan!!!

Try and show some class instead of trash talking like a little kid. :p
Again. I am a huge Aaron Brooks fan. I am a huge PSU fan. But unlike you......I will not ignore the facts just to insult or diminish another school's program. Iowa led the 2019 NCAAs in bonus points. Your "Turtle" is fictional. Why do you persist in this Iowa bashing based on provably false info? It is an embarrassment to the vast majority of PSU fans. Please do better

You are looking at one year. We still won the NC in 2019 and poured on the points when we needed to! Iowa didn't!

Guys stop kissing Suckeye ass!! Next to Rutgers and Pitt fans they are the biggest assh*les out there towards PSU! Every time you post anything on their site they start with all the Sandusky crap and horrible stuff about Joe! GIVE IT BACK TO THEM!!! If they come in peace, fine. We can have a civil conversation like rational people. If they come on our site like that assh*ole WestHawk, DESTORY THEM AND LET THEM KNOW WHO THE BOSS IS WHEN IT COMES TO WRESTLING NOW AND FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE!!!
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The Brands brothers are the most genuine and loyal coaches in the sport. Some of you have no idea what you are talking about.
I happen to find them entertaining. Tom's press conferences are usually from the hip and honest. I do think at times they go overboard (mostly Terry). I would bet if you ran into them in another setting you would enjoy the convo. However when most of what people know is what they see and their actions I don't think you should be surprised by the opinion.
The Brands brothers are the most genuine and loyal coaches in the sport. Some of you have no idea what you are talking about.

I don't think many people are criticizing their sincerity or loyalty. I certainly don't.

But that doesn't mean I can't find their turned-up-to-11 intensity and habit of jawing at or about other wrestlers and coaches very grating.

All in all, the Brands seem like great coaches. And my usual reaction after watching them is to appreciate the PSU coaching staff even more.
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I can't Bob. My wit and wisdom are needed on the Wrestling Board!

I'd be damn proud if our guys finished 2nd this year. 6 freshman, 1 sophomore. Half of them have been dinged up for one reason or another in the weirdest year ever. I don't take that for granted. You say finishing 2nd like it's an insult. May I remind you that you guys finished 2nd once in the entire 2011 - 2019 span? And you know what, I don't actually say that as an insult either, just pointing out great programs don't always win. Also, we actually have to go out and perform next weekend to get 2nd even. Quite a few teams vying for that spot!

I'm glad Cael has raised the standards at PSU so high that you throw "accept finishing 2nd" like it's an insult.
To add to this is that after next year the Hawks will be lucky and I mean real lucky to finish in the top 4 with Cornell, OK St., and Ohio St. are looking good (Penn St. will be top dogs again for multiple years).
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To add to this is that after next year the Hawks will be lucky and I mean real lucky to finish in the top 4 with Cornell, OK St., and Ohio St. are looking good (Penn St. will be top dogs again for multiple years).

You my brotha are like Wiley E. Coyote!!! A SUPER GENIUS!!! I am thinking another 10 year run of DOMINANCE!!!
You are looking at one year. We still won the NC in 2019 and poured on the points when we needed to! Iowa didn't!

Guys stop kissing Suckeye ass!! Next to Rutgers and Pitt fans they are the biggest assh*les out there towards PSU! Every time you post anything on their site they start with all the Sandusky crap and horrible stuff about Joe! GIVE IT BACK TO THEM!!! If they come in peace, fine. We can have a civil conversation like rational people. If they come on our site like that assh*ole WestHawk, DESTORY THEM AND LET THEM KNOW WHO THE BOSS IS WHEN IT COMES TO WRESTLING NOW AND FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE!!!
I have read this post several times. Can you point to the Wit and/or Wisdom?
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Most of us do.

There's a few idiots everywhere. For example, the post immediately above yours.
To be honest, I wasn't overly impressed by the post you responded to. Not as bad as the one above, but by generalizing a bigger portion of the board versus the one post(er) that triggered his response is a typical HR take.
I get the regular season results but your tournament time not so much. Talented I'll give them that they just seem to clam up and wrestle right this time of year just saying
If I said Marinelli will not win the title this year would that be considered "going out on a limb"?
You are looking at one year. We still won the NC in 2019 and poured on the points when we needed to! Iowa didn't!

Guys stop kissing Suckeye ass!! Next to Rutgers and Pitt fans they are the biggest assh*les out there towards PSU! Every time you post anything on their site they start with all the Sandusky crap and horrible stuff about Joe! GIVE IT BACK TO THEM!!! If they come in peace, fine. We can have a civil conversation like rational people. If they come on our site like that assh*ole WestHawk, DESTORY THEM AND LET THEM KNOW WHO THE BOSS IS WHEN IT COMES TO WRESTLING NOW AND FOR THE FORESEEABLE FUTURE!!!
No one is kissing their ass. Just being respectful to those who deserve it because there really are some great Hawk fans. No one is a bigger hater than I when it comes to those who reside on the trashy side over on HR.... I have the "scars" to prove it but there's no reason to just "blanket" the good ones that visit. We8t will never get my respect....I admit that, I'll also admit that I do notice the ones that come here that condone what he does over there (by their silence a/o "likes") but as long as they keep it off this board we should be cool with it. Cuz if we aren't, then we would be the same type of thin skinned crybabies that the HR mod correctly called them out for being...
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To add to this is that after next year the Hawks will be lucky and I mean real lucky to finish in the top 4 with Cornell, OK St., and Ohio St. are looking good (Penn St. will be top dogs again for multiple years).
They will hit the transfer market. They is where half of their hammers from (DeSanto and Eierman as Kem and Lee were recruited
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I almost miss jammen. At least his passive-aggressive potshots and mental gymnastics made me smile.

“The Nittany Lions haven’t even won a Natty title in the ‘20’s.” Hahaha
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Seriously folks.......can we agree that the great programs are fact.....the great programs. Iowa. Oklahoma State. And now Penn State are at the top. Ohio State has been great recently. Cornell is really strong. NC State, Virginia Tech, and Michigan are worthy contenders with Arizona State and a few others coming along. Can we also agree that many fans of said Colleges love to diminish the achievements of their strongest rivals? Can we all agree that the most rational fans appreciate the quality of their competitors and realize that the more quality rivals there are.....the better for the sport. So I am rooting for PITT and Virginia and Michigan State and Oklahoma and Northern Iowa and even Rutgers and others to keep getting better and making MORE duals MORE interesting and competitive. That equals more fans = More money = better product = better quality of USA wrestlers. It is a win, win and win situation. When you include the awesome potential of our women's really becomes clear.......Crystal Clear.....we all love our teams.....but improving by expansion and more fan involvement a result...more attention/appreciation which = more money and support is the best end result. So.....have fun busting chops and claiming bragging rights but let us keep the eye on the prize(s). A sport like this NEEDS support from all fans. Hell.....the Olympics considered banning wrestling outright. They reduced the weight classes. It will not fix itself without fan's interest and fan's united support. Surely support yours schools.....but support the product at least as much. Tearing down coaches, wrestlers or programs does nothing positive in the long run. Praise competitors, Competition and give credit when due. More Praise. More Competitions and more positive coverage should be the goal of all involved. Make it So
No. Iowa turns out fine.
It's their fans Marty, something's got to be done about their fans.
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Come on Jefe!! Show the Kid some LOVE!! You know you want to!!! Don't fight those feelings. Just accept and love the Twist!! Don't worry I am not afraid to stand up those Suckeye turds when they come over here talking smack. Come Jefer EMBRACE THE TWIST!!!
Quite the character, do you even realize that you are describing the Iowa fans with a nickname for the Buckeyes??

By all means proceed, im LMAO
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