BREAKING: Court orders Freeh documents be released to alumni-elected trustees

Oh, I'm sure Lubrano and Lord will do a lot of stuff.

As for me, here is the standard in terms of meaningful "stuff" that they may do. They must either find (1) or (2) below:

(1) Tangible evidence that any BoT members told Freeh what to conclude beforehand.

(2) Tangible proof that any of the facts that Freeh laid out in the Freeh Report are fabricated.

It's put up or shut up time for Lubrano and Lord. Find either (1) or (2) or shut up. No more excuses from those two.

You really have no idea what is about to happen, do you?
Leaks can happen, just liked in grand jurys in PA

Yep. And then Lubrano came onto BWI on the evening of 27-June-2012 floating "trial balloons", trying his best to spin the conclusions that the Freeh Report came to.

Post #76
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IgnoreRe: Curley heard directly from me about my criticisms of Joe from 2000-2004ReplyI have some hypothetical questions for all of you. What if, on a very high level, Joe was aware in 98 of the JS investigation? Furthermore, what if JVP initiated JS's separation months before the 98 investigation began, thus confirming that his decision had nothing to do with the investigation? What if Spanier, Schultz and Curley conferred with legal counsel in 2001 as well as with JVP before deciding on a plan of action? I'd like to know your knee-jerk reactions to these hypothetical situations.

That post existed. That is not the post of one who is looking for "truth." That is the post of one who is looking to "spin."

I've seen nothing over the course of the 40 months between 27-June-2012 and today that make me think Lubrano's motivation is any different.

Yet, he remains the man that many are hitching their wagon to. I don't understand that.
You really have no idea what is about to happen, do you?

No. I cannot predict the future. I do not have access to a Time Machine.

But I am willing to bet a "beer in heaven" that neither (1) or (2) as listed in my post happens. That is if I make it to heaven. I know you have opinions on THAT particular topic also. :)
Oh, I'm sure Lubrano and Lord will do a lot of stuff.

As for me, here is the standard in terms of meaningful "stuff" that they may do. They must either find (1) or (2) below:

(1) Tangible evidence that any BoT members told Freeh what to conclude beforehand.

(2) Tangible proof that any of the facts that Freeh laid out in the Freeh Report are fabricated.

It's put up or shut up time for Lubrano and Lord. Find either (1) or (2) or shut up. No more excuses from those two.

If Freeh never asked anyone "Did the BOT have knowledge of the situation surrounding Sandusky? What were they told? Who was told? When were they told?", I consider that tangible evidence that he was covering up for the BOT.

Because those questions are so obvious that the avoidance of them is a clear indication of someone trying very, very hard not to find the whole truth.
Big whoop! Lubrano and Lord are going to say that anyway!

If I were a "Paterno Loyalist", I'd much prefer to have someone with a history of being non-biased and logical and objective on this committee. If people like THAT came back and said "the Freeh Report is horse**it", then others may be more liable to listen.

But the "Paterno Loyalists" instead have hitched their wagon to a couple of extremely biased BoT members who have never shown any objectivity over the last 4 years.

Such is.
Someone with a history of being non-biased. You mean someone like Dick Thornbourgh
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No. I cannot predict the future. I do not have access to a Time Machine.

But I am willing to bet a "beer in heaven" that neither (1) or (2) as listed in my post happens. That is if I make it to heaven. I know you have opinions on THAT particular topic also. :)

Mich-I'll spell it out for you -you just lost !!
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Someone with a history of being non-biased. You mean someone like Dick Thornbourgh

EXACTLY! ---- if I'm in the Paterno camp, I bring up the arguments from the Paterno Report ALL THE TIME!

Argue that the Freeh Report didn't prove its conclusions beyond a reasonable doubt (I agree with that), and given such Joe deserves a better fate than a rather heinous label as a child abuse enabler.

That's a better strategy than their current one ------- they're currently playing the 1-in-1,000,000 chance of being able to tangibly show both that the Freeh Report was doctored and/or cooked.
EXACTLY! ---- if I'm in the Paterno camp, I bring up the arguments from the Paterno Report ALL THE TIME!

Argue that the Freeh Report didn't prove its conclusions beyond a reasonable doubt (I agree with that), and given such Joe deserves a better fate than a rather heinous label as a child abuse enabler.

That's a better strategy than their current one ------- they're currently playing the 1-in-1,000,000 chance of being able to tangibly show both that the Freeh Report was doctored and/or cooked.

You put that much faith in Freeh, one in a million his report is accurate?
Big whoop! Lubrano and Lord are going to say that anyway!

If I were a "Paterno Loyalist", I'd much prefer to have someone with a history of being non-biased and logical and objective on this committee. If people like THAT came back and said "the Freeh Report is horse**it", then others may be more liable to listen.

But the "Paterno Loyalists" instead have hitched their wagon to a couple of extremely biased BoT members who have never shown any objectivity over the last 4 years.

Such is.

Awwwww somebody needs a hug and isn't going to get one. Waaaaaaaaa.
EXACTLY! ---- if I'm in the Paterno camp, I bring up the arguments from the Paterno Report ALL THE TIME!

Argue that the Freeh Report didn't prove its conclusions beyond a reasonable doubt (I agree with that), and given such Joe deserves a better fate than a rather heinous label as a child abuse enabler.

That's a better strategy than their current one ------- they're currently playing the 1-in-1,000,000 chance of being able to tangibly show both that the Freeh Report was doctored and/or cooked.
Thornburgh has a much better reputation then Freeh, and they can easily find more evidence to support the "KING & SPALDING" Report & further discredit the Freeh report.

Saying the report was predetermined would be a cherry on top, but not necessary
You put that much faith in Freeh, one in a million his report is accurate?

No, there's a 1-in-a-1,000,000 shot that both (a) Freeh was told by the BoT what to conclude, and (b) this can be tangibly proven.

You haven't answered my question yet ----- I won't offer you 1-in-a-1,000,000 odds on that (I'm not as rich as folk like Al Lord and Anthony Lubrano, after all). But I'll bet you a "beer in heaven" that I am right on this one? Or am I still not going to heaven?
Some folks are in deep trouble.
I'm still not sure of all of that from a criminal perspective, but I do wonder if this decision will have any impact on the Paterno and other lawsuits. In other words will we see an early capitulation on the part of the NCAA; or will Freeh quietly settle with Spanier? Could it perhaps even impact the C/S/S charges? I'm no lawyer, but just throwing that out there.
EXACTLY! ---- if I'm in the Paterno camp, I bring up the arguments from the Paterno Report ALL THE TIME!

Argue that the Freeh Report didn't prove its conclusions beyond a reasonable doubt (I agree with that), and given such Joe deserves a better fate than a rather heinous label as a child abuse enabler.

That's a better strategy than their current one ------- they're currently playing the 1-in-1,000,000 chance of being able to tangibly show both that the Freeh Report was doctored and/or cooked.

I'm still not sure of all of that from a criminal perspective, but I do wonder if this decision will have any impact on the Paterno and other lawsuits. In other words will we see an early capitulation on the part of the NCAA; or will Freeh quietly settle with Spanier? Could it perhaps even impact the C/S/S charges? I'm no lawyer, but just throwing that out there.
There may be criminal charges. More likely civil losses.
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Mich-you got issues man. Just by invoking Paternos name it shows how far out of touch you are with the real issues.

You seem really nervous trying to diminish this.

Including Paterno in the conversation is how this all started. It is really old and all they have left to deflect the commentary away from the real issues. Four years of arrogance and hubris. The more they try, the more vigorous and rejuvenated is the resolve of those who stand opposed. If the idiots were not so arrogant and hateful they could have diminished the resolve to fight years ago. Honor and clear Paterno. Too late now, morons!
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Big whoop! Lubrano and Lord are going to say that anyway!

If I were a "Paterno Loyalist", I'd much prefer to have someone with a history of being non-biased and logical and objective on this committee. If people like THAT came back and said "the Freeh Report is horse**it", then others may be more liable to listen.

But the "Paterno Loyalists" instead have hitched their wagon to a couple of extremely biased BoT members who have never shown any objectivity over the last 4 years.

Such is.

It's not about Paterno dumbass. It's about the collective of "Penn State" KNOWINGLY enabling a pedophile to roam their campus in the name protecting football.

Why are so many so thick?
c'mon man, are you really expecting anything earth shattering? The dickwads probably already shredded, removed, lost, spilled coffee on the original documents and doctored anything left. Too many wealthy people in this tiny town running things and covering things up to save their arse. I hope I am wrong but I ain'ts gettin' me hopes up.

The absence of material will be as damning as the presence of it.
If there is nothing to support Freeh's "conclusions" then he owes the university a $8.5mn refund and an apology.
Oh, I'm sure Lubrano and Lord will do a lot of stuff.

As for me, here is the standard in terms of meaningful "stuff" that they may do. They must either find (1) or (2) below:

(1) Tangible evidence that any BoT members told Freeh what to conclude beforehand.

(2) Tangible proof that any of the facts that Freeh laid out in the Freeh Report are fabricated.

It's put up or shut up time for Lubrano and Lord. Find either (1) or (2) or shut up. No more excuses from those two.
Or they could just prove the lack of tangible evidence from Freeh. And we'll get to see how good notes or lack thereof that they took of Jay, Spanier, and others testimony.

And don't kid yourself about tangible proof...if judges & AG prosecutors are dumb enough to email porn, if Ed Ray is dumb enough to answer questions from people he does not know about with answers that contradict the official talking points, if Fresh is lazy enough to let the guy who he cleared in a report to deed Freeh's wife with a 3 million property days after the report, if Frazier is temperamental enough to make his remarks to Cluck, if Eckel is stupid enough to think a cc to lawyer creates privilege for every email, ....then is it a stretch to think that there might not be some suggestive communications that are not very flattering. I don't know but smart and even legally savvy people had made simple blunders when they thought they weren't being watched or when they didn't anticipate the details to be seen or known.
[QUOTE="m.knox, post: 857558, member: 3486"]It's not about Paterno dumbass. It's about the collective of "Penn State" KNOWINGLY enabling a pedophile to roam their campus in the name protecting football.

Why are so many so thick?[/QUOTE]

It is for that particular poster. His disdain and abject hate for Joe Paterno and his family knows no bounds.
Or they could just prove the lack of tangible evidence from Freeh.

For example, 90% of the report is likely from Vicky......

Or that of the 8 billion interviews, only 4 sources were used.....

Plenty can come out demonstrating the lack of objectivity of the Freeh "investigation".....
so are the names of the people interviewed still going to be redacted or do the alum trustees get to see everything -
As I read the court's order, nothing is supposed to be redacted, but it also obligates the alumni elected trustees to keep confidential the information they glean from the materials they get. To be more precise, I think they are only obligated to keep confidential the information they glean from the materials they get that are marked "confidential" or "privileged.". My guess is that the BOT folks will ensure that virtually everything is marked "Confidential and privileged." But anonymous leaks are always a possibility.

Note that the BoT's own statement says that their prior offer was to provide documents that were redacted to delete the names of witnesses and other relevant persons. So it seems patently absurd for the BoT to maintain that what the court ordered it to provide is identical to what it had already offered to provide.

As for the possibility that the BoT might offer less than all of the information and documents obtained by the Freeh investigators, I would not put anything past these scoundrels, except that the penalty for doing so (and violating the court's order) could be severe. Moreover, Freeh's law firm would presumably be very reluctant to take that kind of risk.
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No, there's a 1-in-a-1,000,000 shot that both (a) Freeh was told by the BoT what to conclude, and (b) this can be tangibly proven.

You haven't answered my question yet ----- I won't offer you 1-in-a-1,000,000 odds on that (I'm not as rich as folk like Al Lord and Anthony Lubrano, after all). But I'll bet you a "beer in heaven" that I am right on this one? Or am I still not going to heaven?
Its been said here a multitude of times, all most of us want is the TRUTH, whatever that may look like.
Or they could just prove the lack of tangible evidence from Freeh. And we'll get to see how good notes or lack thereof that they took of Jay, Spanier, and others testimony.

And don't kid yourself about tangible proof...if judges & AG prosecutors are dumb enough to email porn, if Ed Ray is dumb enough to answer questions from people he does not know about with answers that contradict the official talking points, if Fresh is lazy enough to let the guy who he cleared in a report to deed Freeh's wife with a 3 million property days after the report, if Frazier is temperamental enough to make his remarks to Cluck, if Eckel is stupid enough to think a cc to lawyer creates privilege for every email, ....then is it a stretch to think that there might not be some suggestive communications that are not very flattering. I don't know but smart and even legally savvy people had made simple blunders when they thought they weren't being watched or when they didn't anticipate the details to be seen or known.

Lol. And it's all true. They are all effing idiots making money off of psu. Psu knows this and they still let them do it, cause they (the board) are all in on it!
Yeah, that's a good thread --- let's discuss some of my posts in that thread.

What do you think about Anthony Lubrano's behavior on this board back in June 2012? Most specifically: (1) Outing MarshCreekEagle, and (2) leaking details from the Freeh Report prior to its release.

And a related question: why doesn't anyone here demand that Lubrano --- a frequent poster on this board, after all ---- tell us WHO leaked those details to him?
MCE outed himself. Everybody on the board at that time knew his real name, where he lived and what he did for a living. He provided the info his self.
Most civil claims settle for pennies on the dollar losses. But civil outcomes may include loss of positions (emeritus, standing trustee, etc).

That may be true but if any of the trustees of RE can be found in breach of their duty of loyalty or duty of care known as "piercing the corporate veil" then they will have no protection from PSU and I wouldn't even want to wager a guess as to how many figures would be in their losses - all of which they would be personally liable for.

If those documents say what we think (or rather don't say what they said), I would say there is a chance of the veil being pierced !
The absence of material will be as damning as the presence of it.
If there is nothing to support Freeh's "conclusions" then he owes the university a $8.5mn refund and an apology.

Then the spotlight turns to those that supposedly provided oversight, Frazier and that nonstandard indemnity clause he inexplicably gave Freeh. Michy has no clue how critical it is that the Freeh report is completely accurate. With the amount of potential dollars at stake, motives aren't exactly the most important thing.
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That may be true but if any of the trustees of RE can be found in breach of their duty of loyalty or duty of care known as "piercing the corporate veil" then they will have no protection from PSU and I wouldn't even want to wager a guess as to how many figures would be in their losses - all of which they would be personally liable for.

If those documents say what we think (or rather don't say what they said), I would say there is a chance of the veil being pierced !

If Freeh has to pay back any money for breach of contract I wouldn't put it past him to squeal like a little pig to try and minimize his losses.
If Freeh has to pay back any money for breach of contract I wouldn't put it past him to squeal like a little pig to try and minimize his losses.
Not likely. He will get amnesia. If he squeals, it places him at greater risk for losses in his assorted defamation actions.
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No. I cannot predict the future. I do not have access to a Time Machine.

But I am willing to bet a "beer in heaven" that neither (1) or (2) as listed in my post happens. That is if I make it to heaven. I know you have opinions on THAT particular topic also. :)
Michnitt: I have no interest in engaging in histrionic debate with you or calling you names, but I have to admit that your posts often leave me scratching my head. I don't know anywhere near as much about the Sandusky saga as many of the guys on this Board, but I certainly DO understand how dysfunctional the PSU board of trustees is, and also why its alumni elected members are pissed off with the board majority.

If you looked at today's court order, you will note that it cites Title 15, Section 5512 of the Pennsylvania State Code. In case you want to peruse it for yourself, I have included a link whereby you can access it. Here it is:

That statute has its counterpart in the corporation law of every state, and articulates the quite fundamental right of every director of a corporation (for profit or nonprofit) to inspect the books and records of the corporation and access any and all corporate documents or information relevant to his or her duties as a director;. The board majority's giving the "mushroom treatment" to PSU alums is bad enough, but giving it to fellow members of the PSU board of trustees is much more troubling.. I presume you understand that.

Does it not trouble you at all that the PSU board majority has pursued this strategy for several years? That alone should cause even a casual observer of this dispute to question the conduct and motives of the board majority. If the board majority has nothing to hide, then why the continuing efforts to prevent any disclosure at all? I'm not buying that it is to protect the privacy of the witnesses. Moreover, does it not trouble you at all that the NCAA recently distanced itself from the Freeh report, and that the Freeh Report is now widely discredited?

Finally, even if you are absolutely convinced that the Board majority has acted properly all along, you must surely realize that your view is shared by almost no one else on this Board. I would readily concede that you are entitled to your opinion, but I question whether your arguing it so animatedly and repeatedly here is doing you or anyone else much good.
Not likely. He will get amnesia. If he squeals, it places him at greater risk for losses in his assorted defamation actions.

If he says he was just doing what he was told by his bosses on the bot... He is a contractor after all, someone at psu did authorize his contacts with the ncaa and that wasn't in his contract. I wonder if he could get away with it.
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