You've mentioned this a few times. Do you mind summarizing the changes for my benefit? Thanks.
This is a summary and my keyboard is acting up and it’s pissing me off so if the spelling is wrong I apologize (I’m actually an excellent typist)
Back then
The MR had to encounter the situation while in a work setting. So basically it wasn’t the PERSON that was the MR --- it was the PERSON plus the SITUATION
· That’s why Dr D was NOT a MR in that situation at that time (he was a MR but the situation did not align)
· Also none of CSS were MR’s at that time in that situation either
· The one person who absolutely was a MR was JR and TSM (again a little tangent but they failed miserably – they don’t get to determine how severe it was – if a report is made to them they must look into it)
From that point, if there was a report and it would go to Childline, etc
Maybe a side note or maybe not but if a report is made and it is deemed UNFOUNDED then the report will be expunged (like it never existed) – that is the damage that the 98 DPW ruling created !!
Again just for context there are two other options for a report
· INDICATED (meaning there is a more than 50% chance the accusation may be true)
· FOUNDED (your goose is cooked)
They basically changed the law so that the EYE WITNESS who is a MR has an absolute requirement to report directly to Childline – NO TALKING TO ANYONE ELSE FIRST
· That is the part that would get MM in serious, serious trouble today
· MM is a MR by virtue of working for PSU – (the “situation” in this case does not matter)
Then, only AFTER that report is made, is a second “internal” report to be made. In this case this report is just to
notify the agency/entity that a report has been made – nothing more.
In addition, today that would NOT be CSS and certainly not JVP
Does that help?