Breaking from Pennlive Curley and Shultz plead guilty.

IMO, assuming MM and family are telling the truth ....

I have no issue at all with how they handled things, from Mike getting out of the locker room, to calling Joe before anyone,etc....

however after 3, 6, 9 months go by & nothing is done, by accepting that IMO they are as culpable as anyone not named Jerry Sandusky in this whole mess.

It baffles the brain how you could have no problem with what MM did. He was direct witness to a child being compromised, according to HIM. And you're okay with him getting out of the locker room instead of figuring out what was going on and making SURE the kid was okay before leaving? Good God, I pray some of you aren't parents, teachers or guardians.
Really, you're going to argue this one ? Do you at this point believe Harmon didn't hear of this ?
That these fellows had no knowledge of 98? That they had no clue what Mike was trying to say ?

Are you really trying to suggest that MM was incapable of filing a police report for 9 years?

I don't believe for a second that Harmon didn't know about 2001. That's what makes this whole story so troubling. If Harmon knew then the state has ZERO case against CSS. If he knew, why isn't he the one getting strung up by the state, he was an actual uniformed officer/mandatory reporter (as opposed to Schultz) who was the one providing info to Schultz as 98 was looked into. Harmon had intimate knowledge of the 98 investigation and is the person who told Schultz that LE determined nothing criminal happened.
He's also the person who conveniently changed the title of the 98 report to 'admin'.
The people who MM told in 2001 were also told by LE and state child care experts that 98 was normal coach behavior, nothing criminal, etc.. We have no idea how that may or may not have affected how they handled an almost identical situation in 2001.
Pure gold.

This is up there with "fondling isn't sexual" and "professional help meant an HR firm".
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Do you have the rest of this document? Without context as to what these percentages mean it's not very informative. For example, this could be the percent of people that disagree with the statement. Why was Centre county not included?
It's easy, many people don't report crimes at that moment, and in this particular case he knew who the suspect was and knew what the repercussions would be.
Those who knew of 98 should have done something, they didn't and it was by design. Calling Harmon would not have done a thing.
But just wait already . See what C/S have to say . See what other prosecution witnesses have to say . See what evidence is presented . Make up your own mind , but remember, MM is not on trial here.

Calling Gricar may not have done much either.
It baffles the brain how you could have no problem with what MM did. He was direct witness to a child being compromised, according to HIM. And you're okay with him getting out of the locker room instead of figuring out what was going on and making SURE the kid was okay before leaving? Good God, I pray some of you aren't parents, teachers or guardians.

Exactly. Just imagine if this was YOUR child and Mr McQuearly calmly walked out of a locker room, leaving your child, naked, in a shower, with a 60 year old grown suspected pedophile.
It baffles the brain how you could have no problem with what MM did. He was direct witness to a child being compromised, according to HIM. And you're okay with him getting out of the locker room instead of figuring out what was going on and making SURE the kid was okay before leaving? Good God, I pray some of you aren't parents, teachers or guardians.

because Im being honest and not an internet cop. if i saw that id be freaked the **** out. i hope that id do something, but i cant say for sure. reality is that unless you have been there, you dont know how you'd react. so i cant kill MM for that.

I do know however, that if that is what i saw & nothing was being done after i told them, id sure as hell go back to Joe, Schultz or whomever and say, maybe i wasnt clear, but i saw Jerry Sandusky raping a kid that night. I can kill MM for this ...
Over time I've come to believe that the only person who did what he was supposed to do was JVP. He was told something about an incident that he did not witness involving someone who no longer worked for him. He made sure that that the person who DID witness it spoke directly with the people that he thought it should be reported to. He did exactly what the newest NCAA guidelines would have him do today, in fact.

I think everyone else failed to one degree or another- but letting the ONLY person who actually saw anything off the hook? And letting everyone associated with TSM off the hook? Well, that itself it off the hook.

Is "justice" being done by prosecuting CSS? I don't see how.
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because Im being honest and not an internet cop. if i saw that id be freaked the **** out. i hope that id do something, but i cant say for sure. reality is that unless you have been there, you dont know how you'd react. so i cant kill MM for that.

I do know however, that if that is what i saw & nothing was being done after i told them, id sure as hell go back to Joe, Schultz or whomever and say, maybe i wasnt clear, but i saw Jerry Sandusky raping a kid that night. I can kill MM for this ...

People freeze in traumatic, violent situations, this has been proven in studies.

What is unforgiveable, is not calling police.
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People freeze in traumatic, violent situations, this has been proven in studies.

What is unforgiveable, is not calling police.

again, assuming Mike actually saw this. if it was a stranger, Id wager heavily that Mike would have physically stopped it. however, it was not a stranger, it was a local legend

so that makes it even harder to kill him, even for not calling the police that night. but again, no excuse at all for his actions down the road
again, assuming Mike actually saw this. if it was a stranger, Id wager heavily that Mike would have physically stopped it. however, it was not a stranger, it was a local legend

so that makes it even harder to kill him, even for not calling the police that night. but again, no excuse at all for his actions down the road

It was 9:30 at night and they were naked in a shower. Jesus Christ, get a grip.

I don't give a damn who it is, I don't care if it's freaking Howdy Doody or Uncle Joe, you call the damn cops.
It was 9:30 at night and they were naked in a shower. Jesus Christ, get a grip.

I don't give a damn who it is, I don't care if it's freaking Howdy Doody or Uncle Joe, you call the damn cops.

We know your thoughts , some just say it would not have mattered. Sit tight and see what you think in a week or two .
Mike was shocked obviously and yes he should have immediately called . I agree . But there was plenty of time for others to move on this . They knew the suspect and where he lived.
Jerry should have been pulled in Monday at the latest . But he wasn't . This isn't on Mike, it's on the others .

On Mike first and foremost. He wasn't a child witnessing something and running to tell the adult. He was the adult who witnessed. He'll never be excused. Never ever.
i'm not acting like anything

you seem to deflect away from TSM a lot so I was asking - if you feel that way then you should know he was told of something 'reportable' because in his world any 'incident' is reportable and requires action - he did not take that action

many on here are "acting" like this somehow means something different than what it does

To me this doesn't end anything or validate anybody so I just try and sift thru the evidence and what people say
I've said multiple times that TSM skated here. That has nothing to do with CSS screwing Penn State to a tune of a quarter of a billion dollars.
because Im being honest and not an internet cop. if i saw that id be freaked the **** out. i hope that id do something, but i cant say for sure. reality is that unless you have been there, you dont know how you'd react. so i cant kill MM for that.

I do know however, that if that is what i saw & nothing was being done after i told them, id sure as hell go back to Joe, Schultz or whomever and say, maybe i wasnt clear, but i saw Jerry Sandusky raping a kid that night. I can kill MM for this ...
I agree with you that in the moment I'm not sure exactly how I'd react but I'd like to think I'd call 911 at a minimum. Some internet tough guys like to say they'd knock Sandusky's block off, get the kid out of there, etc. I'm not sure I'd do any of that, especially given that in MM's shoes I'd have a pre-existing relationship with Sandusky, but I'm fairly confident I'd call 911 and do whatever the 911 operator or police told me to do once I was speaking to them.

Where you lose me is that you're stating you'd be more outraged and more motivated to take action in the weeks after the incident, than you would in the heat of the moment. That I don't agree with. If you wouldn't take action while actually witnessing child abuse, why do you think you'd be more motivated to take action afterwards, and after you already informed others that are supposed to take action? That doesn't make any sense, I expect that anyone's motivation would slowly fade as time passes and would never reach the peak it would be at in the heat of the moment.
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I've said multiple times that TSM skated here. That has nothing to do with CSS screwing Penn State to a tune of a quarter of a billion dollars.

ok then we are closer to being on the same page

however, I don't blame CSS 100% for the quarter of a billion dollars - think its not that simple - there appears to be some more blame to go around for that
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I agree with you that in the moment I'm not sure exactly how I'd react but I'd like to think I'd call 911 at a minimum. Some internet tough guys like to say they'd knock Sandusky's block off, get the kid out of there, etc. I'm not sure I'd do any of that, especially given that in MM's shoes I'd have a pre-existing relationship with Sandusky, but I'm fairly confident I'd call 911 and do whatever the 911 operator or police told me to do once I was speaking to them.

Where you lose me is that you're stating you'd be more outraged and more motivated to take action in the weeks after the incident, than you would in the heat of the moment. That I don't agree with. If you wouldn't take action while actually witnessing child abuse, why do you think you'd be more motivated to take action afterwards, and after you already informed others that are supposed to take action? That doesn't make any sense, I expect that anyone's motivation would slowly fade as time passes and would never reach the peak it would be at in the heat of the moment.

huh, your 2nd paragraph makes no sense at all to me , people can freeze "in the moment". its not a matter of being "more outraged" or motivated at a later date. its simply being in a more clear state of mind to know what to do.

My point is that id have been willing to give C/S/S or whomever time to take care of the situation, and when it became clear nothing was being done, id have gone back to them. its not that hard to understand.
because Im being honest and not an internet cop. if i saw that id be freaked the **** out. i hope that id do something, but i cant say for sure. reality is that unless you have been there, you dont know how you'd react. so i cant kill MM for that.

I do know however, that if that is what i saw & nothing was being done after i told them, id sure as hell go back to Joe, Schultz or whomever and say, maybe i wasnt clear, but i saw Jerry Sandusky raping a kid that night. I can kill MM for this ...

I'm not an internet cop but I am an adult and a parent, and a woman and I would've done more than MM did. I'm sorry that you can't say for sure what you'd do, but to me it's instinctive. It is a child we're talking about. It's not like he was trying to decide if a couple was play fighting or not. I'm not trying to be on a high horse here but damn he couldn't say "Hey Jerry, everything okay?" thereby getting a look at the kid's state? It might've given him the certainty that either all was good or something was not right.

So yes, I'm quite comfortable killing Mike for that.
You've mentioned this a few times. Do you mind summarizing the changes for my benefit? Thanks.

This is a summary and my keyboard is acting up and it’s pissing me off so if the spelling is wrong I apologize (I’m actually an excellent typist)

Back then

The MR had to encounter the situation while in a work setting. So basically it wasn’t the PERSON that was the MR --- it was the PERSON plus the SITUATION

· That’s why Dr D was NOT a MR in that situation at that time (he was a MR but the situation did not align)

· Also none of CSS were MR’s at that time in that situation either

· The one person who absolutely was a MR was JR and TSM (again a little tangent but they failed miserably – they don’t get to determine how severe it was – if a report is made to them they must look into it)

From that point, if there was a report and it would go to Childline, etc

Maybe a side note or maybe not but if a report is made and it is deemed UNFOUNDED then the report will be expunged (like it never existed) – that is the damage that the 98 DPW ruling created !!

Again just for context there are two other options for a report

· INDICATED (meaning there is a more than 50% chance the accusation may be true)

· FOUNDED (your goose is cooked)


They basically changed the law so that the EYE WITNESS who is a MR has an absolute requirement to report directly to Childline – NO TALKING TO ANYONE ELSE FIRST

· That is the part that would get MM in serious, serious trouble today

· MM is a MR by virtue of working for PSU – (the “situation” in this case does not matter)

Then, only AFTER that report is made, is a second “internal” report to be made. In this case this report is just to notify the agency/entity that a report has been made – nothing more.

In addition, today that would NOT be CSS and certainly not JVP

Does that help?
Over time I've come to believe that the only person who did what he was supposed to do was JVP. He was told something about an incident that he did not witness involving someone who no longer worked for him. He made sure that that the person who DID witness it spoke directly with the people that he thought it should be reported to. He did exactly what the newest NCAA guidelines would have him do today, in fact.

I think everyone else failed to one degree or another- but letting the ONLY person who actually saw anything off the hook? And letting everyone associated with TSM off the hook? Well, that itself it off the hook.

Is "justice" being done by prosecuting CSS? I don't see how.

Well, then it's a shame that C/S/S cared so little about him and his legacy that they allowed the press to drag him through the mud instead of defend his actions based on what they were told and the law he supposedly followed.
he has testified for the state - you really can't be that naive can you.......................................

I will also add that I think harmon should be there with the admins. but that doesn't mean the admins didn't lie about their knowledge and actions. I have said many times their untruthful testimony back in 2011 is what allowed people like Harmon and others at TSM to skate.

Both you and I believe Elvis (apologies if it's not Elvis) have been reporting all along that you were aware that the incident was reported to Harmon. If Mike knew Harmon knew, then why are we even here? Why didn't Mike testify to that?

That would have stopped a lot of this mess right in its tracks. Harmon was the Chief of Police.
That wasn't my quote. But it's too bad that Curley and Schultz are taking the hit so as to cover up for EXPONENTIALLY more culpable individuals.

There's more to this Gricar theory that's floating around out there than that Pitt troll is leading us to believe. The Second Mile was the logical explanation as to what Gricar was referring to. Unless someone WAAAAAAYYYYYY above him told him to back off. No one from the Penn State Administration or Athletic Program had that kind of power.

especially with Gricar.
Well, then it's a shame that C/S/S cared so little about him and his legacy that they allowed the press to drag him through the mud instead of defend his actions based on what they were told and the law he supposedly followed.

It's hard to defend someone elses legacy when you're worried about jail yourself.
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Well, then it's a shame that C/S/S cared so little about him and his legacy that they allowed the press to drag him through the mud instead of defend his actions based on what they were told and the law he supposedly followed.
Have you seen a lot of people who are under indictment making public statements? I haven't.
Are you seriously quoting Spanier as documentation of what he was told?

It lines up perfectly with quotes from Schultz and Curley. Except, they go further. They would have to make a complete 180 on the stand. And they used the words "horsing around" and "horseplay" with other witnesses. Not JUST Spanier.
According to MM's own written statement and testimony, he didnt see any hands or privates but he was still 99.9% sure a kid was getting sodomized. If that was the case then I don't know how anyone could justify MM not at least making a statement to UPPD or placing an anonymous call to CYS in 2001.

Having an informal chat with some college admins that have no authority over JS or his access to kids sounds like an odd way to deal with such a thing. Unless of course MM didn't feel comfortable going to police since he couldn't verify any of his suspicions and wanted the admins to handle it as an inappropriate HR issue (as opposed to a criminal issue).

or simply coming out and saying that directly to his dad, dranov, Joe, Tim, or Garry instead of beating around the bush and saying 10 years later that "I was sure I got my point across"
I'm not an internet cop but I am an adult and a parent, and a woman and I would've done more than MM did. I'm sorry that you can't say for sure what you'd do, but to me it's instinctive. It is a child we're talking about. It's not like he was trying to decide if a couple was play fighting or not. I'm not trying to be on a high horse here but damn he couldn't say "Hey Jerry, everything okay?" thereby getting a look at the kid's state? It might've given him the certainty that either all was good or something was not right.

So yes, I'm quite comfortable killing Mike for that.

have you been in a similar situation? if the answer is no ... than you absolutely can not say what you would or would not have done for sure in the heat of that moment. you can say what you think you would do, but thats it
have you been in a similar situation? if the answer is no ... than you absolutely can not say what you would or would not have done for sure. you can say what you think you would do, but thats it

Have I been in a situation where I have questioned an adult about something suspect? Yes, absolutely have. And it involved another adult at that. Listen, there are folks who stand by and watch the train wreck and there are others who immediately react. I guess Mike is the former.
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