I stand by all of those statements. Do you want me to bombard you with the scientific literature that proves me correct about vaccines?
Or are you anti-science?
I'd hope as a Penn State grad (or perhaps you are just a fan, but either way, I think you'd embrace Success with Honor) that you'd appreciate the quest for knowledge and respect the scientists who excel in their fields.
Show me one study proving vaccinated kids do better than non vaccinated kids? There isn't one! Why? Because the manufacturers can't be sued and nobody will allow that study to be done. The insane childhood vaccine schedule has successfully destroyed the immune systems of anyone not a baby boomer or older.
The so called bivalent vaccine was approved after only having been studied on 8 mice.
You're the one who is anti science. There are so many moral hazards throughout the system, including the media, that the scientific process no longer exists.
The Lancet published a study trashing HDQ that turned out to be completely falsified.
The lead author on a meta analysis that showed incredible results using Ivermectin, wrote a very luke warm conclusion, shocking the other contributors. Later we learned that his institution got a $40 million grant from sources that included the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Ivermectin and HDQ have been used billions of time and are incredibly safe. Both are on the WHO's top ten list of essential medicines. Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize. Even if their benefit in treating COVID was marginal, why were they attacked? Why were doctors being fired for using them? Why were those, who spoke in favor of those drugs, censored, including the POTUS?
Here's the answer:
In order to get Emergency Use Authorization, there can be no viable alternative therapies.
The NIH owns 50% of the Moderna patent.
Follow the money!
But also understand that as many as 80% of the deaths in 2020, before the vaccines, could have been avoided if these two drugs, plus a few other things, had been widely employed. The CDC offered no guidance at all. We're talking about as many deaths as occurred in the entire Civil War. Hundreds of thousands were murdered so these "vaccines" could get their EUA! And Bill Gates smiled all the way to the bank.
We no longer live in a free market economy, or a free society. What we have now is fascism, lovingly termed a public private partnership.