Brooks non-issue

I noticed that there were two statements in the post you responded to, yet you only addressed one. The Vyvanse vs adderall accuracy. Maybe you can answer the second one here. Can you state that your information did not come from DT or anyone associated with his circle?
Yes it did not come from DT and his circle, I’m not sure why people are acting like this was a well kept secret. Dozens of people knew, I knew for 3 weeks before saying a word- I was told before trials that he may not be able to compete due to the failed test (which was true) and then once he competed I thought he was cleared only to find out that was temporary and they are still working through the process- they still might strip his u23 gold, i sure hope not because it seems like over a technicality almost. But to confirm- no DT didn’t leak anything and I don’t think he’s the kind of person that would do that so it sucks to see him accused.
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What’s cringy to me is seeing people attack another person’s sincere and unapologetic religiosity merely because they disagree with the message or its delivery. It’s not enough to privately acknowledge a difference of opinion. They have to belittle the other person’s views as condescending and nauseating religious monologues. That tells me more about the listener than the speaker.

I just don’t get the visceral, antagonistic reaction by some people. And it’s weird how people will give “kids” a pass on stupid secular stuff they say due to their youth, but if they say something religious that those people don’t like it’s knives out.

Personally, I admire people of faith, even if their faith tradition differs from my own. I learned long ago that every person is my superior in some way. I want to discover and poach their best insights.

If you are bothered by AB’s religious comments, the simple and rational solution is to not tune in to his interviews. Everyone knows he talks about that stuff briefly in EVERY interview.

And don’t let your discomfort with that part of his comments unfairly skew your view of the wrestling stuff he says.
i’m not attacking his religiosity. it’s the personality that surrounds that.
Agreed. So try not to do it, or to be so judgmental of someone you seem to merely have a personality conflict with.
legit shocked at how comfortable you guys are with him throwing cheap allegations at your most iconic wrestler. i’m not even a psu fan and im offended.
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Why was Zahid absolved by this forum? I confess I haven’t read/listened to much on the subject. He would seem to have the most to complain about, plus hadn’t he failed his own tests
AB's Bible beating is cringeworthy. He basically told 1 billion Muslims to "get bent" after 2023 NCAAs.

In that interview, AB came off as condescending. A 7-figure contract is a career move to provide for one's family, not an "emotional over-reaction".

I agree w/ js8793 here, and I'm a PSU alum & lifelong PSU fan.
legit shocked at how comfortable you guys are with him throwing cheap allegations at your most iconic wrestler. i’m not even a psu fan and im offended.

You are seeing what you want to see, and your deeper issues with AB are skewing your view IMO.
The whole "Convert them by showing God's work through your wrestling thing" is maybe a good thing to tell yourself in preparation for a daunting matchup--but talking about it after is bound to raise some eyebrows, and likely be counterproductive to your missionary worldview. Didn't like all of what/how Aaron had to say, for sure. Still love his wrestling, and I think he's trying to do the right thing. When you win a lot and your inner circle praises your faith a lot, that ego can sneak up on ya.
The whole "Convert them by showing God's work through your wrestling thing" is maybe a good thing to tell yourself in preparation for a daunting matchup--but talking about it after is bound to raise some eyebrows, and likely be counterproductive to your missionary worldview. Didn't like all of what/how Aaron had to say, for sure. Still love his wrestling, and I think he's trying to do the right thing. When you win a lot and your inner circle praises your faith a lot, that ego can sneak up on ya.
^^ Perfectly said. ^^
The whole "Convert them by showing God's work through your wrestling thing" is maybe a good thing to tell yourself in preparation for a daunting matchup--but talking about it after is bound to raise some eyebrows, and likely be counterproductive to your missionary worldview. Didn't like all of what/how Aaron had to say, for sure. Still love his wrestling, and I think he's trying to do the right thing. When you win a lot and your inner circle praises your faith a lot, that ego can sneak up on ya.
I would actually call it the opposite of an ego. I haven't ever seen Aaron promoting himself in any way. When he has the attention from the fans he directs the attention to someone else. It isn't any different then giving credit to coaches, parents or teammates.
AB's Bible beating is cringeworthy. He basically told 1 billion Muslims to "get bent" after 2023 NCAAs.

In that interview, AB came off as condescending. A 7-figure contract is a career move to provide for one's family, not an "emotional over-reaction".

I agree w/ js8793 here, and I'm a PSU alum & lifelong PSU fan.
Sorry you feel this way.

The whole "Convert them by showing God's work through your wrestling thing" is maybe a good thing to tell yourself in preparation for a daunting matchup--but talking about it after is bound to raise some eyebrows, and likely be counterproductive to your missionary worldview. Didn't like all of what/how Aaron had to say, for sure. Still love his wrestling, and I think he's trying to do the right thing. When you win a lot and your inner circle praises your faith a lot, that ego can sneak up on ya.

This is very similar to my view.
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I would actually call it the opposite of an ego. I haven't ever seen Aaron promoting himself in any way. When he has the attention from the fans he directs the attention to someone else. It isn't any different then giving credit to coaches, parents or teammates.
I would say that Aaron aspires to be without ego when it comes to these things--and often succeeds. But not always. Same as the rest of us who are trying.
brooks is so fake. the “leak” he’s complaining about explained it was just a paperwork issue. he and starocci are closer than people think.

DTs not a perfect citizen either, but the holier than thou act from Brooks is nauseating and the tearing down of one of your legends is pretty shocking.
Figures turk would like this post lmfao. You both need to get a life calling someone fake is a stretch and probably reflects more on the person posing the accusation
Adderall contains amphetamines. Vyvanse does not. That only makes them very different drugs. Definitely doesn't fall into the semantics category lol

Edit: I am pretty familiar with both working with autism on a daily basis. I was off a bit above as adderall is a combination of 4 different amphetamine salts and Vyvanse uses 1 type of amphetamine salt. Still very very different medications.
Vyvanse absolutely uses amphetamine. My wife is a provider and Vyvanse is 100 percent the same family of drug as adderal. And depending on the dosage it’s much stronger than Adderal. It kills your appetite
Figures turk would like this post lmfao. You both need to get a life calling someone fake is a stretch and probably reflects more on the person posing the accusation
Yeah. Imagine calling someone fake when they are telling you their unfiltered thoughts? And when folks don't like what they hear they attack the person because they're not saying something that the masses will appreciate.
legit shocked at how comfortable you guys are with him throwing cheap allegations at your most iconic wrestler. i’m not even a psu fan and im offended.
Lol at you thinking these "cheap allegations" are only coming from AB. You think he's just guessing?
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Vyvanse absolutely uses amphetamine. My wife is a provider and Vyvanse is 100 percent the same family of drug as adderal. And depending on the dosage it’s much stronger than Adderal. It kills your appetite
I post was edited when u read it the first time.
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Vyvanse absolutely uses amphetamine. My wife is a provider and Vyvanse is 100 percent the same family of drug as adderal. And depending on the dosage it’s much stronger than Adderal. It kills your appetite
Thank you. My point was it’s semantics, they are the same family and type of medication but they was prob the least important piece of what occurred lol
AB is doing as commanded. He's trying to lead others to Christ which Jesus asks us to do.. Those against him may see that as being condescending or see him as a know it all but he's living for Christ....not you. I personally think what he is doing is something the majority of Christians nowadays are afraid to do because they too will be persecuted by those who don't agree with them. I value what Aaron is doing especially in todays world..

Mathew 10:22
"And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved."
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glass houses. I'm sure most on here would have a perfect interview now or even when they were under 25 yrs of age.
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Lol at you thinking these "cheap allegations" are only coming from AB. You think he's just guessing?
DT is iconic. He was never my favorite (I’m a Ruth and Nolf guy in the main), but he was awesome and always brought it on the mat for us. It does speak volumes that a guy as classy as Nolf has not congratulated him on his position (at least as far as I know) and the younger guys aren’t falling over themselves to praise him.

I’m team @McScoreley now - DT is the enemy now. Cael must crush him, drive him off, and hear the lamentations of his woman.

It’s not personal; it’s business.

Yawn. Just listened to it while walking my dog. Much ado about nothing. 2 of the 3 best wrestlers in the world at 86 kilos had some friction while training in the same room and under the same coaches while competing against each other to represent the U.S.A. on the World and Olympic stages. Shocking.
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DT is iconic. He was never my favorite (I’m a Ruth and Nolf guy in the main), but he was awesome and always brought it on the mat for us. It does speak volumes that a guy as classy as Nolf has not congratulated him on his position (at least as far as I know) and the younger guys aren’t falling over themselves to praise him.

I’m team @McScoreley now - DT is the enemy now. Cael must crush him, drive him off, and hear the lamentations of his woman.

It’s not personal; it’s business.

Maybe David can crush some of our common enemies first.
Yawn. Just listened to it while walking my dog. Much ado about nothing. 2 of the 3 best wrestlers in the world at 86 kilos had some friction while training in the same room and under the same coaches while competing against each other to represent the U.S.A. on the World and Olympic stages. Shocking.
It’s definitely not shocking. I think it is a little surprising coming out of the culture that Cael has so successfully cultivated. But no, not shocking at all.
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AB is doing as commanded. He's trying to lead others to Christ which Jesus asks us to do.. Those against him may see that as being condescending or see him as a know it all but he's living for Christ....not you. I personally think what he is doing is something the majority of Christians nowadays are afraid to do because they too will be persecuted by those who don't agree with them. I value what Aaron is doing especially in todays world..

Mathew 10:22
"And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved."

"Paid Iowa Hater"
Your own signature.
You're famous for heading to the Hawkeye board to antagonize those poor people LOL..
Is that what Jesus would do?
Did Jesus "hate"?
Would Jesus "hate" Iowa fans? (LOL)
What would Jesus think of the hours you have spent on these forums, antagonizing Iowa fans?

The hypocrisy that often drips from the evangelical types make me squirm.

I'm just posing a question for you to ponder ... I am not one to judge - I have plenty of skeletons in my past, and I know I can be an asshole.

You speak of "today's world" and "persecution". These aren't the Crusades of 1100AD.

In my engineering practice, I am on conference calls w/ folks that definitely have ancestors from several world religious background.

If you or Aaron Brooks would be on my staff and feel the need to push Jesus onto a client with a Jewish, Hindu or Muslim background, you guys can take your personal items in a cardboard box and wait outside on the curb for your ride home.

It's 2024. Everyone in my office needs to get along, feel relaxed & feel welcomed.
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