Agree. This is getting exhausting, and as with ALL discussions about walk-around weights and cutting - is pointless.
Nobody on here knows the specifics about weights unless they are staring at the scale. Heck, many times the coaches, families, and even the WRESTLERS are inaccurate in statements and/or projections.
@Ban Basketball @west2east I've told the story multiple times about a D1 wrestler in my family that I've gone round and round with on what he's going to wrestle this year, what he's going to weigh in after practice, what his walking around weight is, etc. Not arguments, but friendly banter because sometimes his statements are ridiculous. He's a kid - or young man - and often the reality in their mind is the reality they are hoping or wishing for - this is not a purposely deceptive thing. And that's not unique to him in my experience. I deal with a lot of wrestlers and sometimes have access to their weigh-ins and it's fairly common. Statements in an interview, statements from people close to wrestlers, statements from coaches - all need to be taken with a large grain of salt.
And the "eye-test" is just as inaccurate. I do it myself, everyone does, but your odds of being right on the eye test are about the same as a coin coming up heads rather than tails.