The only parties Mike McQueary spoke with who claim that he says he saw a sexual assault crime were the OAG Investigators -- IOW 10-years AFTER THE FACT. Every single person MM spoke with contemporaneous with the event or in the days following the event IN 2001 say that MM never reported seeing a crime! Go figure, doo-doo brains thinks testimony a decade later is more reliable than contemporaneous testimony, LMFAO!
I posted this in the other thread figure it bears repeating here since you brought up a good point re: no one Mike spoke to in 2001 said he reported a crime.
From 12/16/11 Prelim (JM being questioned re: meeting he had with Schultz and Dr. D a few months after the 2001 incident):
Q: In this meeting with Mr. Schultz, did you tell Mr. Schultz that what Mike had seen was a crime?
A: I never used the word crime, I made it, Im sure, clear that it was at least a very inappropriate action and what Mike described to me led me to believe it was sexual in nature.
Notice how he uses words like "at least" and "led me to believe". This shows that whatever MM reported in 2001 was far from definitive and contained quite a bit of grey area.
If there was grey area/uncertainty about what MM reported then JM's lack of outrage (about JS never even getting questioned by UPPD) during this meeting would make perfect sense.
We know JM expressed no dissatisfaction because of this testimony:
From 12/16/11 Prelim Pg. 156-157:
Q: Do you recall if you ever expressed any dissatisfaction with Mr. Schultz about the action that was taken or not taken?
A: I wouldn’t make it a personal dissatisfaction. I was – I was dissatisfied with the process that what appeared to be or sounded to me to be a serious reported infraction that we’ve all discussed here, that it appeared on the surface that the system wasn’t doing much about it. I am not in a position to say that Gary Schultz didn’t do anything about it.
Q: Well, did you ever express to Mr. Schultz your dissatisfaction with how the system was proceeding?
A: I cannot say that I ever expressed dissatisfaction to Gary
So, according to JM, it appeared the system wasn't doing enough about his son's very serious report of being 99% sure JS was raping a kid and yet at the same time he expressed ZERO dissatisfaction with the folks his son trusted to handle his report when he was face to face meeting with them! That makes perfect sense right?