CNN Headline on Paterno

Mike gave that statement in November 2010.

Should add that I think the article is wrong. She says it was given days after Sanduskys arrest and just after the 2001 allegations came to light to police. That doesn't make sense. I'm pretty sure this statement was given in 2010.
The article says the report was written after Sandusky's arrest. Are you claiming that Mike made the statement in November 2010 but it wasn't written down into a police report for a full year later? If so, that actually would be consistent with how bizarre this whole thing has been.

See my post above. I think they screwed up the dates in the article. It was in 2010.
The article says the report was written after Sandusky's arrest. Are you claiming that Mike made the statement in November 2010 but it wasn't written down into a police report for a full year later? If so, that actually would be consistent with how bizarre this whole thing has been.

This story and its timing are really weird
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We already knew Paterno failed... move on. Pitt game is today. It should be fun watching us drop half a hundred on them.

Wow, talk about completely irresponsible bull$hit journalism! More complete rubbish and lies of a fraudulent story fed to Ganim by the corrupt Pennsylvania Police and PA AG - unreal the lack of ethics, morals and integrity it takes to publish this bull$hit and spin it as Court-determined "Evidence" , let alone "evidence of guilt".

How about the fact that this piece-of-$hit Ganim doesn't mention that Mike McQueary sent the Pennsylvania OAG an e-mail within days of the release of the OAG's Presentment in the first week of Nov 2011 literally stating that the OAG had significantly MISREPRESENTED his Grand Jury Testimony with the OAG's misrepresentations and false claims causing harm to INNOCENT PARTIES!

Not only that, but then Ganim also tries to change what was IN FACT EXCULPATORY TESTIMONY by coward McQueary and claim this bull$hit as "evidence" and "proof of guilt" against Paterno!:

McQueary, a one-time Penn State football assistant who became the star witness in the case against Sandusky, told state police in 2011 that he'd visited Paterno on a Saturday morning 10 years earlier to tell him that the previous evening he had witnessed "an extreme sexual act occurring between Sandusky and a young boy" in a football locker room shower, according to the report by Pennsylvania police.

This UTTERLY CONTRADICTS not only what McQueary told the 30th PA Statewide Investigating Grand Jury" that he testified to, but also contradicts what he told the Court during TRIAL! He without question testified to both the Grand Jury and AT-TRIAL that he DID NOT give any specifics or details to Paterno, let alone a description of a "an extreme sexual act". What McQueary testified to the Grand Jury and At-Trial is utterly EXCULPATORY to these bull$hit claims being made by Ganim who again is being "FED" bull$hit by CORRUPT Pennsylvania Prosecutorial Authorities to TAINT THE RECORD and unjustly attempt to damage INNOCENT PARTIES AT PENN STATE. Freaking ball-less coward McQueary better step up and CORRECT THE RECORD in regards to this bull$hit Ganim is pulling and point out that he, Mike McQueary, sent an e-mail to the OAG directly after they released the Presentment pointing out that THE STATE WAS TELLING LIES and severely MISREPRESENTING his actual testimony to the Grand Jury - identical to what they are now doing AGAIN using Ganim as the VEHICLE of their bull$hit yet again!!!
Let's drown this out. The past is over and we are looking forward. If Joe Pa Or anyone else at Penn State had a part in enabling a child predator that will come out in due process. This piece by CNN gives nothing in the way of reliable new information.

But, this is a football website and it is Saturday.


This is a "football website" - wrong @-hole, this is a PENN STATE dedicated website! You're notion that bull$hit libelous and slanderous accusations AGAINST Penn State, its football team and its LEGENDARY former coach by an UNETHICAL, UNPROFESSIONAL piece of human excrement Sara Ganim, who is being put up to it by CORRUPT, POWER-ABUSING, lawyers turned Pennsylvania politicians and servile government employees using Ganim and CNN as their "State Office of Propaganda", have no business being discussed here is equally ridiculous nonsense and bull$hit.

BTW, who made you the Czar of what can and can't be discussed on TOM McANDREWS Penn State Board???
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this tells you there is somebody behind all this going on. so take the fact the JS was investigated by the district attorney, police, and the PA child welfare agency and all of them found nothing or not enough to do anything. And somehow turn that story, which should vindicate a lot of what the PSU people did, but instead twist the facts to say somehow that makes Joe and PSU more guilty. Even though every law and legal person associated with this said Joe did 100% the right thing and literally the current laws are written around what Joe did as being what you should do. But somehow that is twisted to make Joe look bad.

This type of complete fact manipulation and blatant lies just show that somebody is covering something up and wants to continue to keep Joe and PSU in the spotlight. The case is done, the Paterno;s are no longer suing, everybody had their day in court. Why the hell is anybody even reporting on any of this right now. Just so bizarre.
Should add that I think the article is wrong. She says it was given days after Sanduskys arrest and just after the 2001 allegations came to light to police. That doesn't make sense. I'm pretty sure this statement was given in 2010.

BTW, I'm pretty sure it is ABSOLUTELY CONTRDICTED by testimony from McQueary's OWN LIPS that he gave UNDER OATH IN A PA COURT OF LAW at both the 30th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury that he testified to and AT-TRIAL as well in 2012! Oh yea, McQueary also sent an e-mail to the OAG within days of the OAG releasing the Presentment on 11/5/2011 that ALSO stated that The State Prosecutor (i.e., the OAG) had badly MISREPRESENTED his ACTUAL testimony to the Grand Jury such that the OAG's FALSE MISREPRESENTATIONS were creating tremendous harm and casting INCORRECT ASPERTIONS upon INNOCENT PARTIES (go figure that the corrupt Pennsylvania Prosecutors and Investigators are YET AGAIN using Ganim to put out information that is UTTERLY CONTRADICTED by McQueary's ACTUAL testimony to both the Grand Jury and At-Trial?!?!?!).
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I'm completely over the Paterno what he knew and didn't know. We know Mcquery knew as a grown man and did nothing but Paterno is the story

I think what really needs investigated is what the hell happened to Sarah Ganim during her time at Penn State. Dropping this story today proves she has an agenda and is crazy with her obsession of penn State.
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this tells you there is somebody behind all this going on. so take the fact the JS was investigated by the district attorney, police, and the PA child welfare agency and all of them found nothing or not enough to do anything. And somehow turn that story, which should vindicate a lot of what the PSU people did, but instead twist the facts to say somehow that makes Joe and PSU more guilty. Even though every law and legal person associated with this said Joe did 100% the right thing and literally the current laws are written around what Joe did as being what you should do. But somehow that is twisted to make Joe look bad.

This type of complete fact manipulation and blatant lies just show that somebody is covering something up and wants to continue to keep Joe and PSU in the spotlight. The case is done, the Paterno;s are no longer suing, everybody had their day in court. Why the hell is anybody even reporting on any of this right now. Just so bizarre.
Pretty much this. Someone is hiding something very very very bad. Maybe someone else has an evil fetish.
Pretty much this. Someone is hiding something very very very bad. Maybe someone else has an evil fetish.
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This is all part of their strategy. How do you convince the ignorant public that something untrue is true? Keep leaking out misleading and twisted stories slowly.

Hey, professor...

How do you get a frog to die in boiling water? You slowly increase the temperature so the frog doesn't realize it. He slowly boils to death.

This ain't new.

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This is a "football website" - wrong @-hole, this is a PENN STATE dedicated website! You're notion that bull$hit libelous and slanderous accusations AGAINST Penn State, its football team and its LEGENDARY former coach by an UNETHICAL, UNPROFESSIONAL piece of human excrement Sara Ganim, who is being put up to it by CORRUPT, POWER-ABUSING, lawyers turned Pennsylvania politicians and servile government employees using Ganim and CNN as their "State Office of Propaganda", have no being discussed here is equally ridiculous nonsense and bull$hit.

BTW, who made you the Czar of what can and can't be discussed on TOM McANDREWS Penn State Board???
Kraken Released!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm completely over the Paterno what he knew and didn't know. We know Mcsorely knew as a grown man and did nothing but Paterno is the story

I think what really needs investigated is what the hell happened to Sarah Ganim during her time at Penn State. Dropping this story today proves she has an agenda and is crazy with her obsession of penn State.

Change this one, Mike. The media may latch on and run with it.
this tells you there is somebody behind all this going on. so take the fact the JS was investigated by the district attorney, police, and the PA child welfare agency and all of them found nothing or not enough to do anything. And somehow turn that story, which should vindicate a lot of what the PSU people did, but instead twist the facts to say somehow that makes Joe and PSU more guilty. Even though every law and legal person associated with this said Joe did 100% the right thing and literally the current laws are written around what Joe did as being what you should do. But somehow that is twisted to make Joe look bad.

This type of complete fact manipulation and blatant lies just show that somebody is covering something up and wants to continue to keep Joe and PSU in the spotlight. The case is done, the Paterno;s are no longer suing, everybody had their day in court. Why the hell is anybody even reporting on any of this right now. Just so bizarre.

Gee, why is it The State Prosecutors who are always the parties playing games with the facts.....using Ganim and the corrupt, unethical media as their "State Propaganda Office" & "Office of Dirty Tricks".....why is CLEAR exculpatory evidence on this topic MADE ON THE RECORD to both a PA Grand Jury as well as PA Court of Law At-Trial being IGNORED by the equally politically-corrupt PA Judiciary allowing these PROVEN LIES to be spun by corrupt PA Authorities using an equally corrupt media to attempt to cast these PROVEN LIES against INNOCENTS as proven fact by using the corrupt media as their "State Ministry of Propaganda"?!?! (i.e., the Presentment claims Mike McQueary told his father, Dr. Dranov, Joe Paterno that he "saw" and eyewitnessed the "anal-rape of the child", but Mike McQueary HIMSELF, as well as his father, Dr. Dranov and Paterno have all testified that this Presentment CLAIM by the OAG [claimed as fact in the Presentment] was completely made up bull$hit and a LIE fabricated by the OAG in support of their FALSE NARRATIVE Presentment.

IN FACT and REALITY, Mike McQueary not only testified to the Grand Jury, but also At-Trial MULTIPLE TIMES, that he DID NOT give any details, or describe a sexual act of any kind, to Paterno (the diametric opposite of Ganim's bull$hit claim that McQueary described "an extreme sexual act" to Paterno - go figure?!?!). Beyond that McQueary, his Father and Dr. Dranov all testified that McQueary never gave the remotest indication that any kind of criminal sexual assault was IN-PROGRESS while speaking with them and that if Mike had given the remotest indication of such a thing, or even the possibility that this is what was going on while they were speaking [i.e., the assault was still IN-PROGRESS when MM was speaking with his father and Dr. D], both John McQueary and Dr. Dranov testified they would have called police immediately!!! But since Mike did no such thing, they recommended an "administrative report" to his employer via his HR Channel.).
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Well @CNN published a lie from @sganim - sue never said that Dottie told her anything and this was categorically denied before publication.

It's pure crap. Dottie never said anything of the sort to Sue. Sara is trying to get clicks to keep her job as she has done nothing since.

At least they are slandering a living person.

I must suck knowing you peaked at 26 and on a lie.
A police report is fake news?

You can question the timing or the motive, but this is real. Time to accept reality that Paterno failed and move on.

This is twice you say we need to accept that Paterno failed. Failed to do what? I assume you mean call the police. You are so disingenuous. Neither the lone eye witness nor his father nor the father's friend called the police. Yet Paterno is the bad guy. Hasn't made sense for 6 years and won't ever make sense no matter how many times the likes of you repeat it.

And why don't you take your own advice and move on? I was on this board more than normal this week because I was at a conference and I don't remember seeing you involved in one football thread. Why was that? Could it be that you're only interest is to stir the pot?
Prior to this I thought McQueary was either and coward or a lair or both. Add steaming pile of shit to those two, though there is no doubt of this.

How precisely has Mike not come out and corrected the regarding Ganim's "state-fed" and sponsored lies? The State has leveraged and used Mike as a "tool" to libel and slander Paterno, Penn State, Penn State Football, etc... with made up lies and bull$hit as McQueary himself pointed out in his e-mail to the OAG sent only days following the OAG's public release of their repetitively FALSE NARRATIVE, on multiple subjects Presentment! It's high time "Baby Mike" grew a pair and issued a formal statement repudiating Ganim's bull$hit tabloid "State-Sponsored Propaganda" journalism techniques! (also high time "Baby Mike's" family stopped defending cowardly behavior on the part of Mike and IMMORAL BEHAVIOR on the part of PA Authorities in regards to this incident and encouraged Mike to stand-up and end this injustice poste-haste as he attempted to do with his original e-mail).
Speaking of Zimmerman, his son-in-law is in the news today:

Pennsylvania District Attorney Who Had a White Supremacist Volunteer Law Clerk Nominated by Trump for US Attorney Position

September 9, 2017 Sean Kitchen News, Page 2, September 2017, slideshow 0


Cumberland County District Attorney David Freed has by has been nominated for the Middle District of Pennsylvania US Attorney’s Office opening by President Donald Trump. Why does this matter?

Over the past several weeks, the Cumberland County District Attorney’s office has been embroiled in a political scandal where Evan McLaren, the new Executive Director of the National Policy Institute, volunteered as a law clerk for the DA’s office. Last week David Freed admitted that there is little to no vetting of those who volunteer in the office, and in the wake of the scandal, Freed stated “The volunteer clerks prior to McLaren were only vetted to determine whether they are in good standing with the law school that they attend. Now we will at least look at social media and online histories.” Freed also admitted that he did not personally know McLaren, and “at some point in 2017 he just stopped showing up.”
Did CNN publish the text of the police report? If not, why? ( likely they never actually saw it)

I predict this ends badly for Ganim
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This is twice you say we need to accept that Paterno failed. Failed to do what? I assume you mean call the police. You are so disingenuous. Neither the lone eye witness nor his father nor the father's friend called the police. Yet Paterno is the bad guy. Hasn't made sense for 6 years and won't ever make sense no matter how many times the likes of you repeat it.

And why don't you take your own advice and move on? I was on this board more than normal this week because I was at a conference and I don't remember seeing you involved in one football thread. Why was that? Could it be that you're only interest is to stir the pot?
Your hero was a failure. It's why he described this as one of his great sorrows in his life. Keep getting mad at the world for showing you the truth but it isn't changing.
A police report is fake news?

You can question the timing or the motive, but this is real. Time to accept reality that Paterno failed and move on.

A police report of something that Mike MCQueary said? I guess putting it on an official form just makes it that much more credible.
Your hero was a failure. It's why he described this as one of his great sorrows in his life. Keep getting mad at the world for showing you the truth but it isn't changing.

Got it. And the great thing about the truth is is that it doesn't depend on people's opinions. You can strut around and shout at the top of your lungs that Paterno was a failure and that doesn't make it the truth. Move on.
Got it. And the great thing about the truth is is that it doesn't depend on people's opinions. You can strut around and shout at the top of your lungs that Paterno was a failure and that doesn't make it the truth. Move on.
Yeah, it depends on things like testimony and police reports. That's why your baseless opinion is worthless.
Just speculating that something embarrasing may be in the near future for OGBOT,Freeh, &or The Commonweath OAG....known "sources"of Lois Lame. Sara is beholding to them all. Anthony,anything?
A police report of something that Mike MCQueary said? I guess putting it on an official form just makes it that much more credible.

Especially when the Police Report claim (which is not a "quote" of any kind contrary to Ganim's insinuation) are utterly CONTRADICTED by under oath ON THE RECORD QUOTES in a PA Court of Law from McQueary's own mouth to the freaking Grand Jury in question and again multiple times At-Trial!!! IOW, the FACTUAL COURT STATEMENTS of McQueary trump Ganim's lame claims here 10x over and then some - Ganim's citation is not "admissible evidence" from a PA Court of Law, while the PROVEN diametric opposite position is the RESULT of PROVEN Admissible-Evidence from both At-Trial and from the Grand Jury!