The agenda is the truth. It's apparent what the truth is.Lots of individuals did. Hell, Sandusky apologized to a government worker....
I don't understand your obvious agenda.
The agenda is the truth. It's apparent what the truth is.Lots of individuals did. Hell, Sandusky apologized to a government worker....
I don't understand your obvious agenda.
The agenda is the truth. It's apparent what the truth is.
He knew enough to know that it was if a sexual nature, per his own testimony.
Yeah, stay with that. It will without a doubt restore his ruined reputation."I don't know what you'd call it"
Yeah, stay with that. It will without a doubt restore his ruined reputation.
On the contrary. Every cause, every debate, every incident has their lunatic fringe. This is no different.Yeah, stay with that. It will without a doubt restore his ruined reputation.
Are you saying Paterno didn't fail? How?No, YOUR agenda isn't the truth. YOUR agenda is to debase Paterno. Why?
My viewpoint is that Paterno's reputation is in the crapper and selective parsing of his testimony isn't going to improve it. His name isn't going back on any trophy or award or placed back on any buildings from which it was removed. There will always be scandal associated with his name, the world has moved on to more important issues.On the contrary. Every cause, every debate, every incident has their lunatic fringe. This is no different.
I don't think I've ever run across one person who thinks Paterno was involved and in any way responsible. All of them believe paterno was unfairly implicated in the Sandusky saga.
Unofficially, your viewpoint is certainly fa small minority
We already knew Paterno failed... move on. Pitt game is today. It should be fun watching us drop half a hundred on them.
What does my post about Paterno failing have to do with football? Paterno failed the victims and our school.No, he didn't. Happy you think football is more important than a man's reputation.
So I am wondering if anyone heard what I heard about ahem "The author".
I went to Altoona many years and moons ago.... Spent as much time in State College as the next guy.... was in a fraternity, had some friends... we had connections up at State.... I might have been a half-of-a-quarter-of-a-somebody back in the day. Maybe not. Maybe. Pretty sure my ahem nickname still is recognizable to some people, back in the day it seemed to be. I had a lot of friends, lots of people I knew, people i talk to, I hear things etc.
I remember hearing after the story broke back in 2011 that "The Author" had a particular beef with the football program.... Perhaps maybe it's possible but not probably but in fact could have maybe went down .... that she had a couple-a-few-drinks at a party one night during her time in school, and decided to go home with a football player. In the morning, she was shocked when he told her it was time to hit the bricks... she didn't think he was serious but he was absolutely serious, you gotta leave.... and during her shocked walk-of-shame, she was seen by a few people, laughed at, etc. She was very upset, from what I heard.... how dare they embarrass her so....
Apparently she makes some sort of complaint that she was 'taken advantage of' --- I don't know the details of this. Who was talked to, what was said, etc. But the gist was, nothing happened because what could they do? Hey, you went home with someone of your own free will, did voluntary things, didn't like how you were treated after, nothing here is a crime or even a real concern, more like a personal issue. But not good enough for "The Author" apparently.
She stalks Coach, finds him in the streets one day (not exactly the hardest thing to do in the world, it's a small town, and he's perhaps the most famous guy in the state) and starts telling him in the middle of the street how she was "Taken advantage of" and demanding consequences and repercussions etc. Coach, who was pretty old of course, was apparently like, "Whaddya want from me? I heard ya the first time, there's nothing I can do, maybe next time you make a different decision, no crime here, etc" which ENRAGES The Author. She starts flipping out on a SC street, This isn't over, you don't know who you're messing with, I will ruin you and your program yada yada.... You'll see, you'll rue this day, you'll remember me, etc.
Years later........ guess who breaks The Story.... and in the process succeeds in "ruining him" and "breaking the program" etc.
Now I heard this story once, and a few weeks later, I read a post on some random PSU football forum from someone I had never heard of recounting an almost verbatim account that I had heard, saying that person heard it from a football team source. I had connections through fraternities and sororities, not through the football team, so completely different groups of people , same story.
I am not sayin, I'm just sayin. Generally, wherever there's smoke, there's fire.... I wonder if there isn't a personal reason for this zealous reporting..... and wondering if anyone else heard anything like this.... because like I said, I had heard it back in whatever it was, 2011, then shortly after that I read a post somewhere that seemed to be the same info, wondering if anyone else ever heard it.
And I can link you to motive for C/S/S not going to authorities. From the same day Curley sent his change of plan email:
Stop lobbing accusations unless you want even more of Spanier's history put on blast.
What does my post about Paterno failing have to do with football? Paterno failed the victims and our school.
Only the BWI brain trust would act like a "penis picture" was used for leverage to lie about Paterno and then pretend like an actual motive to lie is out of bounds.Why the crap would JOE care about the sex fair? Ganim wrote the story about JOE. Not C/S/S. Get with the program.
If you want to erect (no pun intended) a statue of your red headed hero taking a picture of himself on the cell phone, feel free. That appears to be where your values lie.
Only the BWI brain trust would act like a "penis picture" was used for leverage to lie about Paterno and then pretend like an actual motive to lie is out of bounds.
Generally speaking the article offered nothing new. Ever since Curley took the stand we've known they lied about having knowledge of 98.
Seeing you guys blame MM and excuse everyone else gets old. Knowing that Spanier, who has plenty of skeletons in his closet, is the one who peddled the MM picture story to Ziegler is aggravating.
You guys won't even own Paterno's own testimony.
Speaking of Zimmerman, his son-in-law is in the news today:
Pennsylvania District Attorney Who Had a White Supremacist Volunteer Law Clerk Nominated by Trump for US Attorney Position
September 9, 2017 Sean Kitchen News, Page 2, September 2017, slideshow 0
Cumberland County District Attorney David Freed has by has been nominated for the Middle District of Pennsylvania US Attorney’s Office opening by President Donald Trump. Why does this matter?
Over the past several weeks, the Cumberland County District Attorney’s office has been embroiled in a political scandal where Evan McLaren, the new Executive Director of the National Policy Institute, volunteered as a law clerk for the DA’s office. Last week David Freed admitted that there is little to no vetting of those who volunteer in the office, and in the wake of the scandal, Freed stated “The volunteer clerks prior to McLaren were only vetted to determine whether they are in good standing with the law school that they attend. Now we will at least look at social media and online histories.” Freed also admitted that he did not personally know McLaren, and “at some point in 2017 he just stopped showing up.”
Forget the "Axe to grind"....this is all about the $$$MONEY$$$ - remember...HBO's investment in its forthcoming MOVIE. By publishing "Fake news" (news which is unsubstantiated by any real facts - remember it is 6+ years and no one has found a FACTUAL "smoking gun" concerning PSU or Paterno - forget the legally tilted Kangaroo Court processes) it only shows what we have consistently seen with this fiasco - when new facts emerge that cast doubt on what the public has been told about Paterno and PSU..... Method to do this - just add more "news articles" (from the same source) that imply "new evidence" that supports the public "Story" of a Paterno-led "Criminal Football Culture". The motive for each key "revelation" is ALWAYS money (or more properly covering the stolen money which the "Scandal" has allowed for the real criminals). Plus maintaining the illusions creatde provides the coverage shadow needed to hide the criminal actions taken by the OAG throughout the past 8 years. Make no mistake - ultimately the REAL motive is..... $100M + going to selected politicians and political benefactors.Well, there's no doubt in my mind she has an axe to grind about Joe Paterno.
crm114pitt said:My viewpoint is that Paterno's reputation is in the crapper and selective parsing of his testimony isn't going to improve it.
That's not what I said.Your post said (paraphrasing) "Why worry about Paterno's legacy when PSU is playing Pitt today?"
Paterno didn't fail anyone. Multiple state agencies failed the victims.
"McQueary, who is now writing a memoir about the Sandusky drama, always was careful in his testimony not to elaborate unnecessarily or volunteer information he wasn't asked, another source close to the case told CNN. In fact, witnesses typically are advised by defense lawyers, prosecutors and judges to stick to the question at hand.
"McQueary also was under intense public pressure from Paterno supporters who long have insisted the head coach knew nothing of Sandusky's crimes before he heard McQueary's claim in 2001. Beyond that, McQueary -- "out of respect" -- did not want to needlessly disparage the deceased Paterno, the third source said."
She didn't contradict herself.Poor Sara's finding out her ankles behind the ears method of investigative reporting doesn't work too well out in the real world, even for an outhouse like CNN. She's worked on one story in six years, and only every 6-8 months or so does she come up with another article-- which always manages to be something nobody else has discovered during the exhaustive investigation, but manages to make its way to her via some anonymous source. Hmmm.
Anyway, Sara is so smart she's stupid. In putting out this stinking pile of manure, she totally contradicted one of her previous stinking piles of manure. See, Ganim alleges that Paterno told McQueary this is the "second" report he heard about Sandusky. But didn't Sara tell us last summer that two victims personally told Paterno in 1971 and 1976 respectively that Sandusky had molested them? So wouldn't that be the "fourth" not the "second" report Paterno received?
Now I know liberal arts majors aren't the mathiest types, but even little kids know that 4 is not 2. So now the problem is, both of those articles can't possibly be true. One of them can logically, or neither of them can, but both? Nope. Not conceivable in the least. So the question is, which of those reports from Sara is a lie? How absolutely f***ing horrible of a journalist do you have to be to not even check out yourself as a source before writing more bullshit?
That's not what I said.
Paterno absolutely failed. Pretend he didn't all you want, most people see him as a failure. He looks more and more like a bum with each new tidbit of info that leaks out.
That's not what I said.
Paterno absolutely failed. Pretend he didn't all you want, most people see him as a failure. He looks more and more like a bum with each new tidbit of info that leaks out.
That's not what I said.
Paterno absolutely failed. Pretend he didn't all you want, most people see him as a failure. He looks more and more like a bum with each new tidbit of info that leaks out.
Thats what someone says when they have no rational position left to argue.You're so phucking dumb there are no words left to describe it.
When you follow state law, university policy, and current NCAA guidelines exactly, it's impossible to fail.
Thats what someone says when they have no rational position left to argue.
This tidbit in a police report is new to the public. It's compelling because it points to Paterno being a liar in his GJ testimony. You don't want to believe it so you dismiss it. You don't want the truth, you want a fairytale where Paterno is blameless. Sorry, but that's not reality.Only real dumbphuck trolls like gmj consider the unvetted shit put out by Sara Ganim as "tidbits of information". He's as dumb as it gets, but he has a few others in his general vicinity. They run in flocks and know who they are.
Only real dumbphuck trolls like gmj consider the unvetted shit put out by Sara Ganim as "tidbits of information". He's as dumb as it gets, but he has a few others in his general vicinity. They run in flocks and know who they are.
It's what someone says when they have attempted to argue with a dumbphuck who is incapable of rational thought and critical thinking.
Do you think that it is impossible for Paterno to have said to Mike that this was the second time he received such a report?It's what someone says when they have attempted to argue with a dumbphuck who is incable of rational thought and critical thinking.
Poor Sara's finding out her ankles behind the ears method of investigative reporting doesn't work too well out in the real world, even for an outhouse like CNN. She's worked on one story in six years, and only every 6-8 months or so does she come up with another article-- which always manages to be something nobody else has discovered during the exhaustive investigation, but manages to make its way to her via some anonymous source. Hmmm.
Anyway, Sara is so smart she's stupid. In putting out this stinking pile of manure, she totally contradicted one of her previous stinking piles of manure. See, Ganim alleges that Paterno told McQueary this is the "second" report he heard about Sandusky. But didn't Sara tell us last summer that two victims personally told Paterno in 1971 and 1976 respectively that Sandusky had molested them? So wouldn't that be the "fourth" not the "second" report Paterno received?
Now I know liberal arts majors aren't the mathiest types, but even little kids know that 4 is not 2. So now the problem is, both of those articles can't possibly be true. One of them can logically, or neither of them can, but both? Nope. Not conceivable in the least. So the question is, which of those reports from Sara is a lie? How absolutely f***ing horrible of a journalist do you have to be to not even check out yourself as a source before writing more bullshit?
This tidbit in a police report is new to the public. It's compelling because it points to Paterno being a liar in his GJ testimony. You don't want to believe it so you dismiss it. You don't want the truth, you want a fairytale where Paterno is blameless. Sorry, but that's not reality.
Do you think that it is impossible for Paterno to have said to Mike that this was the second time he received such a report?
Speaking of Ganim, it looks like she'll be a big part of Levinson's Paterno movie (Riley Keough as Ganim get first billing over Al Pacino as Joe Paterno).
How is this even an issue? Curley testified that he told Paterno about No. 6 in 1998.Why do you think it's impossible that MM lied, or it was inserted by someone else with agenda? It's not like anyone would insert something fraudulent (i.e. anal rape) for their own benefit.