College Football’s 6 Most “Annoying” Fan Bases...

For me the list is Michigan and it ends there. I can deal with all others, including ND.
For me it is ND and it ends there. But it is very likely the top 5 would be mostly agreed upon on this site, the order is the only thing that would be slightly different. ND, Mich, OSU, Pitt and then the one other team that for whatever reason rubs you the wrong way. For me that team is Iowa, because their fans are so sensitive and they have the persecution complex going on in spades (PSU fans get an honorable mention for that however, just look at how many people here post just to say they found some article they perceive to be even a modest PSU slight).
Looks about right. I'd swap out Bama for Pitt and Rutgers (although I'm sure the rest of the nation couldn't care less about these two eastern "powers").
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I think there should be two lists.... list of fans/teams who travel to games, and a list of all of the fans, including online and radio call in shows.
I love the Alabama fans. I believe 'relatively speaking', all things considered they are actually 'humble'.

Living in SEC country, right now Bama and Bama fans are the target of most other SEC fans.... talk to Georgia people, Auburn people, Tenn people.... and they all "hate" Bama. When I ask them why they hate Bama, they all have the same answer "their fans are so arrogant and obnoxious".

Here is what I say that instantly shuts them up .... I ask them "OK, Bama fans are obnoxious but how would Georgia fans be if you guys won 16 National Championships and about 100 SEC Championships??" ............. Instantly shuts them up because they know they would be even more obnoxious.

Let any other fan base claim Bama's success, and I guarantee their fans would be worse than Bama
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Agree 100% ! The Horseshoe is the most over-rated stadium in the country and Columbus is a cesspool. Ann Arbor, on the other hand is just a beautiful place and a great college town.

Well, you are 1/2 right, Ann Arbor beats Columbus in every way, shape or form.

But The Big (Out)House is every bit as overrated as The Horseshoe. Every bit!
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Having sat in EJ row 2 for many years, when the opponent’s fans sat in rows A-M in front of you, most fans are obnoxious. They are glad when you aren’t and you are glad when they aren't. Most had a group who would turn around and be in your face.

However, michigan fans are by far the worst.
Well, you are 1/2 right, Ann Arbor beats Columbus in every way, shape or form.

But The Big (Out)House is every bit as overrated as The Horseshoe. Every bit!

Couldn't agree more, the horseshoe is beautiful. If you could put it in Ann Arbor you would have one hell of a college town.