Cornell vs Ohio State Dual

Pretty interested in the 133 bout of Wiscy and Iowa tomorrow night too.
Start at 141

Pletcher v. Baughman
4-2 end of 1

6-4 end of 2.

8-6 Pletcher. 3 TD, 2 E

Baughman was game, but couldn't get a final TD.
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Sasso v. Richard

5-2 Sasso end of 1.

7-3 end of 2. But, there's a challenge. Challenge denied.

12-9 Sasso

Sasso did not look good at the end. And, his leg defense looks suspect. Richard was on his legs at will.
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Cleary v. Yapoujin

If you like hand fighting, this is a great one.

0-0 end of 1st.

Whoo boy, they're moving now.

1-0 Cleary after 2.

SV for some more handfighting.

8 minutes, zero legit shots.

TB-1 Yap rides him out.

Cleary gives up a second stall call in TB-2, and loses 2-1.
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Cleary loses 3-1 at 157. Not a single shot in 9 minutes of wrestling from either wrestler.
Smith v. Dawkins

More action in the first minute here than there would have been in an hour of the last one.

8-3 after the 1st

9-3 after 2. Some good action there, but little scoring.

12-4 MD for Smith.
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Romero v. Womack

2-1 Womak after 1.

2-2 Womak wil be down to start 3rd.

Optional start, and Romero lets him up. TD Romero.

6-4 Romero
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Pandemonium on the floor, as a high school team and a youth team circle it up for warmups. These kids are gonna get crushed.
tO$u training through this for CKLV? Pletcher was Pletcher so that was a close match (albeit he was in control throughout) and Sasso gassed. Romero got the take downs he needed late, though.
Hoffman v. Darmstadt

Backpack Darmstadt 2:35 RT

2-0 Darmstadt

Hoffman takes neutral, of course.

Still 2-0 end of 2.

Darmstadt takes top.

5-0, with two swipes and 4:36 RT.
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What ever happened to Freddy Stroker? Is he hurt or can he not crack the lineup?
Darmstadt backpacks Hoffman for an easy win. He should pay Bo lots of $$$ to help optimize his funk.
Moore v. Loew

5-3 Moore end of 1.

10-4 end of 2. Moore in solid control.

18-6 Moore
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Heinselman v. LaJoie

2-1 Heinselman after 1.

6-3 end of 2.

And, lost the feed.
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Koontz v. Tucker

6-2 Tucker end of 1. Koontz just overmatched.

9-3 end of 2.

12-5 Tucker.

23-9 anOSU
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