Could Have Been’s

There was a thread about Taylor on here a few years ago. Somebody posted a Taylor interview where he mentioned wrestling Logan Steiber in the true second place match at a tournament because Andrew Alton beat both of them.
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Also problems with drugs that he never really kicked, until they claimed him.

Insanely good HS wrestler who should've been a big-time college wrestler.
Such a sad story with Garrett. I had heard of him, but not his story. I went back to school around that time he was at that period is like a black hole as far as following the program. Wish he could have turned things around like Marsteller did.
Gavin Teasdale. Don't know where to begin since he never really got started but out of high school he had a lot of promise

An acquaintance of mine was an assistant coach when he was in high school and his job was to follow him around and to make sure he didn't eat so he could make weight. He also told me that he smoked a lot of weed. From what he told me he was not going to work out in college for any program. He made it clear by his senior year of high school he was hanging on by a thread as far as wrestling went.
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I consider Marsteller’s two NCAA’s at lock haven a success (a 3rd and 4th if I recall correctly). Also he did beat Wick for 3rd

Finishing 3rd and 4th at NCAAs is absolutely a success. The problem for Chance is that he is compared to his expectations coming out of high school which were almost impossible for anyone to live up to.
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A headline in the Pittsburgh Press titled "Love Loves To Pin" chronicled love's freshman year at Pitt. My recollection, faulty as it may be, is that Love was injured and left Pitt to join the military.

Another What Might Have Been Pitt wrestler is Mike Johnson, 3 time Lock Haven HS PIAA champ, who suffered a career ending knee injury.

Can't help but wonder if knee injuries in days past could have been repaired by "modern" surgical techniques.