COVID vaccine: who has had it?

Moderna recipient here. Already received both shots. Shot 1, day of, felt a little loopy for an hour or so. Chalked it up to not eating much that day. Felt okay next day.

Shot 2, ate and drank a ton before it. Felt fine afterwards. NEXT DAY felt like TOTAL CRAP!!! Foggy, headache, sore from head to toe. Wish I had stayed home from work, but had a few things I had to be at. Since I am in/out of healthcare settings daily for work, glad I did it in hopes of keeping myself and wife safe.
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you may want to plan on a sick day the day after the vaccine. My wife and her school district are all getting it this week. She was hit hard and totally down for a day as was everyone else she knows of. One perfectly healthy woman ended up in the ER. Not a gloom and doomer here, just posting the info.

FIL “age 74” just got it - no side effects at all - nuttin’
I got the J&J vaccine a couple of days ago. No side effects at all. At the advice of my doctor, I did drink a lot of water the day before I got the vaccine, and for the 24 hours after getting the vaccine. I also took Tylenol when I went to bed that night, which was the advice from the pharmacist who administered the vaccine to me.
Had second Moderna shot yesterday. Fever of 101.1 today and feel like my body was drug behind a bus. Hoping it’s better tomorrow, and still way better than potentially being on a vent from covid
Had second Moderna shot yesterday. Fever of 101.1 today and feel like my body was drug behind a bus. Hoping it’s better tomorrow, and still way better than potentially being on a vent from covid
Thanks for the report- getting my second Moderna shot Wednesday.
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The side effects in the article don’t seem too bad. One has to keep in mind most people wont tolerate any discomfort anymore. It gives people something to talk about so they can compare their aches and pains.
This, I had my second Pfizer shot Friday and symptoms were very mild. Very slight almost headache ( though I do have allergies so I could have had it from that) and a little tired feeling .
People are soft.
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you may want to plan on a sick day the day after the vaccine. My wife and her school district are all getting it this week. She was hit hard and totally down for a day as was everyone else she knows of. One perfectly healthy woman ended up in the ER. Not a gloom and doomer here, just posting the info.

Both my wife and I had the JnJ vaccine on March 7th without any issues. One and done.
Wife got the J&J Vaccine yesterday - sore arm for a little bit and slight headache but no issues this morning. I get Moderna #2 in 2 weeks - hoping for the best.
Wife got the J&J Vaccine yesterday - sore arm for a little bit and slight headache but no issues this morning. I get Moderna #2 in 2 weeks - hoping for the best.
My sister had a similar reaction. Anecdotally, J&J seems to be worse than the mRNA ones.
I gave my wife the Johnson and Johnson injection last night. Oh did I mention my last name is Johnson...I'll give her the second dose tonight even though she doesn't need it, she'll be asking for it. and another Johnson injected her? Maybe your brother? Or did you just mean you gave her the Johnson injection, not the Johnson AND Johnson injection?
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Wife and I got Moderna #1 at our local Walgreens this past Saturday. Quick, easy and efficient. Wife's arm was sore enough for her to complain about it. Mine just felt like a when you get a flu shot. No other side effects to report, thankfully. Scheduled for shot #2 March 13th.
Wife and I got Moderna #2 this past Saturday, so we are about 48 hours post vaccine. I had no side effect this time around. Not even a sore arm. Now the wife said she could feel the vaccine going in and up her arm and then her arm was immediately sore. So sore, she could barely lift it by the time we got home. She was fine Saturday night, but about 4am Sunday, she had a 101.7 degree fever and chills. Took some Tylenol and fever and chills subsided. Every time Tylenol would wear off, she would get a slight fever, 100, 99, etc. no chills. Lasted all Sunday off and on. Better now, hopefully that's the end of that!
Wife and I got Moderna #2 this past Saturday, so we are about 48 hours post vaccine. I had no side effect this time around. Not even a sore arm. Now the wife said she could feel the vaccine going in and up her arm and then her arm was immediately sore. So sore, she could barely lift it by the time we got home. She was fine Saturday night, but about 4am Sunday, she had a 101.7 degree fever and chills. Took some Tylenol and fever and chills subsided. Every time Tylenol would wear off, she would get a slight fever, 100, 99, etc. no chills. Lasted all Sunday off and on. Better now, hopefully that's the end of that!

General consensus seems to be shot #1 is sore arm. Shot #2 is more sore arm, 24 hours of some type of symptom from the simplest of just not feeling right to worst full blown feel like garbage and for that latter group tends to spill over to 48-72 hours of not feeling great before recovery.
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My 85 year old FiL had no issues at all.
I have been surprised with my Maderna shot. I had a pretty difficult (7 on the 10 scale) headache and my arm was mildly sore. it wasn't uncomfortable but it felt like someone had highly punched me in the shoulder. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't take any drugs and I have zero allergies. I have never had any adverse reaction to any shot or drug or anything else. So I was surprised. Just to be clear, I'd do it again. No question.
I have been surprised with my Maderna shot. I had a pretty difficult (7 on the 10 scale) headache and my arm was mildly sore. it wasn't uncomfortable but it felt like someone had highly punched me in the shoulder. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't take any drugs and I have zero allergies. I have never had any adverse reaction to any shot or drug or anything else. So I was surprised. Just to be clear, I'd do it again. No question.
Sorry yours was so uncomfortable- I had no issues at all. I'm convinced that our individual reactions are completely unpredictable.
Wife who got J&J yesterday just texted and said chills and body aches have started - about 24 hours after the injection was fine up until now.
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I have been surprised with my Maderna shot. I had a pretty difficult (7 on the 10 scale) headache and my arm was mildly sore. it wasn't uncomfortable but it felt like someone had highly punched me in the shoulder. I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't take any drugs and I have zero allergies. I have never had any adverse reaction to any shot or drug or anything else. So I was surprised. Just to be clear, I'd do it again. No question.
The working theory as told to me by staff at hospital where I was given my shots is that people who have a strong reaction to the first shot probably already had the virus and have antibodies that react to the vaccine. Makes sense since you said you think you had it last Jan 2020 ....or was that Dec 2019?