COVID vaccine: who has had it?

This is correct. There is no way that entire populations have similar side effects. Every individual person will react differently to a vaccine. I laughed when I read above the side effects from populations of teachers. My wife is a teacher and she and her school teacher friends are milking this pandemic for all it’s worth. I had the utmost respect for teachers prior to the pandemic but my patience and respect for teachers has decreased since the pandemic started. I want to be clear here...there are some amazing teachers but there are some less than amazing, lazy teachers too.
Interesting, as my wife too is a teacher. Other than 1 quarantine has been full time in classroom everyday starting in August. She was miserable that she got put in the penalty box for that week and couldn't be doing her job. I am positive there are exceptions, but her co-workers she deals with are similar. It is a second career for her, before she was a teacher I had little respect for teachers, thought they were over paid, etc, etc. But since she became one I now have HUGE respect for them and the response I have seen dealing with covid has only increased it. I will use our family as an example, I think it is absolutely laughable what she makes in comparison to myself, considering the importance of her position, ie, contribution to society and the mind boggling number of hours she puts into it.
Good luck to you, I have heard that the second shot could do a number on you and was preparing myself for aftereffects, but except for some soreness where I got the shot, no problems.
Same here. Second Pfizer two weeks ago, slight arm soreness that night, out cutting firewood for four hours next day.
Good luck to you, I have heard that the second shot could do a number on you and was preparing myself for aftereffects, but except for some soreness where I got the shot two weeks ago, no problems .
Have had 3 family members get both shots with no effects. My first I just had a sore arm. I had the shingles shots, the first one knocked the hell out of me for 36 hours...
Interesting, as my wife too is a teacher. Other than 1 quarantine has been full time in classroom everyday starting in August. She was miserable that she got put in the penalty box for that week and couldn't be doing her job. I am positive there are exceptions, but her co-workers she deals with are similar. It is a second career for her, before she was a teacher I had little respect for teachers, thought they were over paid, etc, etc. But since she became one I now have HUGE respect for them and the response I have seen dealing with covid has only increased it. I will use our family as an example, I think it is absolutely laughable what she makes in comparison to myself, considering the importance of her position, ie, contribution to society and the mind boggling number of hours she puts into it.
I agree that teachers are vastly underpaid for the amount of work and value they provide. My county's school system has been 100% remote since last March 2020. Over the past one year time period, my wife and her teacher friends have had opinions along the lines of "we are not essential employees", "I don't want to go back to the classroom in-person until the pandemic is completely gone", some teachers are taking the opinion that they don't want to get the vaccine because they know they will be required to go back to the classroom once they get the vaccine, and others have said "I got the vaccine but now I don't want to go back to the classroom until herd immunity is achieved". It's just one excuse after another, and downright sad. Again, there are some amazing teachers, but I think some teachers have showed their true devotion to the kids, the school system, and their career over the past one year time period.
FWIW, I had a much worse time with the Shingrix ( shingles ) second vax than either of the Moderna shots.
Interestingly, the people in my organization who had the worst reactions to the COVID vax were the ones who had already experienced COVID.
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I am 44 and in good health. I am not particularly worried about COVID. I understand that we live in a world of risks. Each day we make choices and those choices come with some risk. Do I drive on the highway? Do I have surgery on my shoulder? Do I take Tylenol? The list goes on.
I am by no means a COVID denier. But I do understand my risk of getting COVID, getting sick from COVID, getting gravely I’ll from COVID and dying from COVID. They are all small risks and I have made choices over the last year based on those risks and my personal risk tolerance.

I also understand the risk of vaccines. The risk of worrisome complications from vaccines (something more than feeling sick for a day or two) are extremely low. I signed up on a list for a hospital where they call you in the afternoon if they have left over shots. I received my first dose of Moderna on 2/20 and had extremely minor side effects. My arm was sore for about 2 days and I was a little tired for 24 hours. I’m scheduled for dose 2 on 3/20. If I feel like I have the flu for a day or 2 so be it. It just isn’t that big of a deal and the reward is that the vaccines provide very robust protection from severe illness and death.

i have a few close friends that got the J&J vaccine Wednesday and none of them had any side effects. You won’t know until you take it whether you will have a reaction or not. But honestly is it really a big deal to have flu like symptoms for a day or 2? It will be annoying, but in my opinion it just isn’t a big deal.
you may want to plan on a sick day the day after the vaccine. My wife and her school district are all getting it this week. She was hit hard and totally down for a day as was everyone else she knows of. One perfectly healthy woman ended up in the ER. Not a gloom and doomer here, just posting the info.
Got mine 4 days ago and aside from a sore arm for a day, I feel fine. No need to scare people. As well, 4 family members all had the J&J and all are just fine.
I get my second on Tuesday. I have friends that got both doses and it's probably fifty - fifty as to reactions to the vaccine. Mostly a sore arm or slight fever. I usually do pretty well with vaccines, but if it happens to affect me, I'll deal with it.
My ex-gf just got it. She stated that her arm hurt horribly the day of, and that she got sick the next day. She said she was sicker the next day than she was when she actually had covid.
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I get the J&J vaccine tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes.

It's important that we get to 80% herd immunity with this vaccine. If we don't there will be enough people who are not vaccinated that this virus can infect and mutate to something the vaccine does not protect against. And then guess what happens? We end up right back where we have been for the last year. Mask mandates. Lockdowns. Businesses closing. If you hated the last year as much as I have then get the goddamn vaccine because it is what is going to stop us from doing this all over again in 2022. Unless of course your entire identity is tied into being angry and you'd rather 2022 look like 2020 so you can get on social media and be angry all day every day.

No thanks.
I've had the Moderna (both shots) with no side effects at all. I've talked to other people who have had either what I got or the Pfzier vaccine, and reactions run the gamut with both. The only conclusion I can reach is that reactions vary- and not in any predictable manner.
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I get my second on Tuesday. I have friends that got both doses and it's probably fifty - fifty as to reactions to the vaccine. Mostly a sore arm or slight fever. I usually do pretty well with vaccines, but if it happens to affect me, I'll deal with it.
Yes the J by no
I've had the Moderna (both shots) with no side effects at all. I've talked to other people who have had either what I got or the Pfzier vaccine, and reactions run the gamut with both. The only conclusion I can reach is that reactions vary- and not in any predictable manner.

My parents and my sister all had both Moderna. My sister claims she had a severe reaction to the second Moderna (she is 36 years old) while my parents were fine with both and they are 70 and 69. YMMV on all of them.
Had second Pfizer on Wednesday... Sore/odd feelings in the arm Wednesday, yesterday I had a strained feeling across my shoulder and into the left side of my chest then last night and into today I can feel it up my neck and have a bit of a headache. Nothing debilitating but certainly not reaction free.

It is worth it, IMO, tho.
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Had 1st Moderna a few weeks ago - second week after next will see how it goes - wife to get J&J one Sunday - she works in a school so we can compare reactions if any. Parents both had Pfizer with no reactions from either first or second shot fortunately since they are in their 90’s.
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you may want to plan on a sick day the day after the vaccine. My wife and her school district are all getting it this week. She was hit hard and totally down for a day as was everyone else she knows of. One perfectly healthy woman ended up in the ER. Not a gloom and doomer here, just posting the info.

I am a teacher, and I just got the shot J&J shot on Wednesday. I had a little bit of a rash on the arm I received the shot in. Other than that, I have had no other side effects. Several other friends (as well as my wife) also got it and had very little to no effects.

There was one teacher who stayed home with a temp, but that’s it.
I am a teacher, and I just got the shot J&J shot on Wednesday. I had a little bit of a rash on the arm I received the shot in. Other than that, I have had no other side effects. Several other friends (as well as my wife) also got it and had very little to no effects.

There was one teacher who
Wow, you ok? Did the virus suddenly knock you out?😁🤒🙍🏻🤷🏾‍♂️
I got the J&J today too and arm is sore but no other issues.
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I had the J&J at 10am no effect on me at this time (9:30) central. Mrs Fac had a headache for a couple of hours
Only side effect for me is that I want to root for Meatchicken. I am going to see a counselor tomorrow. Will report more in the am.
I want to root for Meatchicken

Oh God no!

Even if you are on the ground floor, jump out the window sir!
FWIW, I had a much worse time with the Shingrix ( shingles ) second vax than either of the Moderna shots.
Interestingly, the people in my organization who had the worst reactions to the COVID vax were the ones who had already experienced COVID.
Why are folks who already had COVID getting vaccinated?
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Why are folks who already had COVID getting vaccinated?
For the official answer

Yes, you should be vaccinated regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. Even if you have already recovered from COVID-19, it is possible—although rare—that you could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 again. Learn more about why getting vaccinated is a safer way to build protection than getting infected.

If you were treated for COVID-19 with monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma, you should wait 90 days before getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Talk to your doctor if you are unsure what treatments you received or if you have more questions about getting a COVID-19 vaccine.

Experts are still learning more about how long vaccines protect against COVID-19 in real-world conditions. CDC will keep the public informed as new evidence becomes available.
J&J update - It's been 22 hours - no side effects for me. Mrs Fac has a slight headache this morning.

In a couple of weeks I'll get my second shingle shot and be all caught up.
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I had the J&J at 10am no effect on me at this time (9:30) central. Mrs Fac had a headache for a couple of hours
Only side effect for me is that I want to root for Meatchicken. I am going to see a counselor tomorrow. Will report more in the am.
Perhaps the most serious side effect yet. Please get well soon. If you start picking your nose see a Dr immediately.
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Woke up this morning and I'm ache and have a headache. And I've certainly felt better energy wise.
I'd liken my current state to how I felt after the first day of double sessions a long time ago. Nothing earth shattering but I've felt better.
I had the very same reaction. Second day my headache was mild [almost like if I don't get enough coffee] took a 1 hour nap around 4:00 and felt fine day 3. best of luck
For the official answer

Yes, you should be vaccinated regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. That’s because experts do not yet know how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19. Even if you have already recovered from COVID-19, it is possible—although rare—that you could be infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 again. Learn more about why getting vaccinated is a safer way to build protection than getting infected.

If you were treated for COVID-19 with monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma, you should wait 90 days before getting a COVID-19 vaccine. Talk to your doctor if you are unsure what treatments you received or if you have more questions about getting a COVID-19 vaccine.

Experts are still learning more about how long vaccines protect against COVID-19 in real-world conditions. CDC will keep the public informed as new evidence becomes available.
Well we also don't know how long the vaccine lasts or how effective or dangerous it could be vaccinating people who had COVID already. There are lot's of unknowns but this isn't unknown. Folks who have had COVID are at LESS risk than those who haven't so at the very least they should be at the back of the line.

I find it ironic and a little sad the folks on here who profess all the actions that should be taken "for the common good" but if they find a way to "beat" the system and get vaccinated ahead of those more at risk they take it.
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