95% of the rest of the world is 100% unimportant IMHO.
In many ways, I would agree....without a doubt
But, with regard to the issue at hand - if that be the case ("who cares about the 95%") - then what is the point of consternating over a "public refutation" of the Freeh Report? When the other 5% (us) already know it is a POS?
That's a minor issue, of course.
The 1,000 X more important and impactful issue in this regard is - - - -
What do you do with respect to solving/improving/correcting/cleaning out "IT"?......."IT" being the broader picture issues and problems wrt Penn State......I don't think we have to engage in any lengthy discussions of just what those issues are - I expect we have gone over them enough, over the last 5 years, that we all are familiar.
Identifying one of the cancer's side effects (the Freeh Report), in and of itself, doesn't put you one step closer to eradicating the cancer
It is one thing to say the "Freeh Report Scenario" was F-ed up thanks to ___________(an irresponsible, self-interested BOT, a scumbag Governor, etc etc etc).......but, even if the "Freeh Review" report states as such - - - -
what good does it do wrt the big picture?
The answer is obvious.
If those providing the report are viewed by everyone else as "one-trick 409 ponies", any chance to actually effect positive change is KAPUT.
Their review - BEST case scenario - is simply viewed as a slanted, self-serving, pre-determined opinion piece (more likely scenario being that no one even notices....not for more than a brief moment).
Without garnering support - significant support and understanding - from among a large contingent of that 95%.....ain't no way you've improved the chances for EVER cleaning up Penn State.
And you can't do that until you have - at the least - established your "bona-fides" as righteous stewards.
In that regard, we have failed, miserably (by a count of 34-0
This shit ain't even that hard.
Which makes it bewildering.....absolutely bewildering......what we have seen transpire over the last several years.