Delany at B1G Championship


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2015
Joel Klatt was on Outkick the Coverage this morning. At around the 1 hour mark Travis and Klatt were discussing the B1G egg laid this weekend. Klatt was explaining his rationale as to why he thinks Wisky has no chance getting into the final 4 if they win out and win the conference championship. He called the 2016 B1G championship against Wisky. He said that the week prior to PSU v. Wisky, he had argued that if PSU won, then PSU should've gotten a shot at the final 4.

He then said that while he was presenting the trophy to Franklin, Delany had come up to him and intimated that he disagreed with Klatt's position that PSU should get in.

If true (and why would Klatt tell that story?), the fact that Delany would say this to Klatt at that time and in that moment is just crazy and disrespectful.
Joel Klatt was on Outkick the Coverage this morning. At around the 1 hour mark Travis and Klatt were discussing the B1G egg laid this weekend. Klatt was explaining his rationale as to why he thinks Wisky has no chance getting into the final 4 if they win out and win the conference championship. He called the 2016 B1G championship against Wisky. He said that the week prior to PSU v. Wisky, he had argued that if PSU won, then PSU should've gotten a shot at the final 4.

He then said that while he was presenting the trophy to Franklin, Delany had come up to him and intimated that he disagreed with Klatt's position that PSU should get in.

If true (and why would Klatt tell that story?), the fact that Delany would say this to Klatt at that time and in that moment is just crazy and disrespectful.
Bob - How long till you go “double-secret-full-batshit-crazy” outrage about this?
Joel Klatt was on Outkick the Coverage this morning. At around the 1 hour mark Travis and Klatt were discussing the B1G egg laid this weekend. Klatt was explaining his rationale as to why he thinks Wisky has no chance getting into the final 4 if they win out and win the conference championship. He called the 2016 B1G championship against Wisky. He said that the week prior to PSU v. Wisky, he had argued that if PSU won, then PSU should've gotten a shot at the final 4.

He then said that while he was presenting the trophy to Franklin, Delany had come up to him and intimated that he disagreed with Klatt's position that PSU should get in.

If true (and why would Klatt tell that story?), the fact that Delany would say this to Klatt at that time and in that moment is just crazy and disrespectful.
It would not be surprising if "behind closed doors" the Big Ten unilaterally decided that in 2016 Penn State simply wasn't through serving its sentence.
Joel Klatt was on Outkick the Coverage this morning. At around the 1 hour mark Travis and Klatt were discussing the B1G egg laid this weekend. Klatt was explaining his rationale as to why he thinks Wisky has no chance getting into the final 4 if they win out and win the conference championship. He called the 2016 B1G championship against Wisky. He said that the week prior to PSU v. Wisky, he had argued that if PSU won, then PSU should've gotten a shot at the final 4.

He then said that while he was presenting the trophy to Franklin, Delany had come up to him and intimated that he disagreed with Klatt's position that PSU should get in.

If true (and why would Klatt tell that story?), the fact that Delany would say this to Klatt at that time and in that moment is just crazy and disrespectful.

Our impotent leadership will be right on this to defend the university. :rolleyes:

If crap like this is true, THIS is what could make James Franklin leave for another school. He might say that the conference commissioner has a predisposition against Penn State and that the school's leadership will do nothing to stand up to him so it doesn't matter what he does to build up the program, he can't win a championship here.
I searched for the show and the whole thing isn't posted yet that I could find. I'd love to hear it for myself. UNBELIEVABLE!:mad:
Not that I don't believe Delany would think that, but why would he go up to Joel Klatt and say that?
If Delany said what Klatt claims, combined with the conference inaction against other schools ( particularly MSU ) it would seem PSU could make a very strong case behind closed doors for getting rid of Delany.
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delany is a miserable cocksucker. F*ck that sniveling asshole.



In the words of the great Doctor Hook, “That’s beautiful”!
I've posted the article before on here, but I think many of our "challenges" with Big Ten officiating over the decades can probably be traced right to Delaney as well. There was an early Big Ten director of officials who resigned because he said that Delaney would talk to the officiating crews before certain big games and tell them how he wanted the games to be officiated. Was a write up in the paper about it, mid 90s.

Also, around the time that Joe was going nuts about the officiating and the Big Ten did their "review"...I swear Delaney made a comment along the lines of "Well maybe Penn State shouldn't get out recruited by Temple". I can't seem to find it via google however. Imagine a Commissioner saying that about one of the teams in his own conference?
Joel Klatt was on Outkick the Coverage this morning. At around the 1 hour mark Travis and Klatt were discussing the B1G egg laid this weekend. Klatt was explaining his rationale as to why he thinks Wisky has no chance getting into the final 4 if they win out and win the conference championship. He called the 2016 B1G championship against Wisky. He said that the week prior to PSU v. Wisky, he had argued that if PSU won, then PSU should've gotten a shot at the final 4.

He then said that while he was presenting the trophy to Franklin, Delany had come up to him and intimated that he disagreed with Klatt's position that PSU should get in.

If true (and why would Klatt tell that story?), the fact that Delany would say this to Klatt at that time and in that moment is just crazy and disrespectful.

Beyond that, it is unethical. Delaney has, for a long time, needed to be retired. His judgement has been over the place.... his actions/in actions with the PSU, OSU and MSU are absurd. The MSU mess is long from over and he mimics the hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.

The conference need not only fresh leader ship but anything that resembles real leadership. Delaney needs to move on or be moved on.
When Delaney dies or retires, whichever comes first, think we'll get a better shake from the next guy? Or is there a henchman lined up who is just as bad?
delany is a miserable cocksucker. F*ck that sniveling asshole.
When Delaney dies or retires, whichever comes first, think we'll get a better shake from the next guy? Or is there a henchman lined up who is just as bad?
Make no mistake, this is the entire Big Ten organization at work. Jim Delany just happens to be their messenger "errand boy."
Delaney's silence in the MSU matter is all you have to know. We see evidence of sexual assaults of hundreds of student athletes, we see evidence of a cover up the whole way to the President, and he has nothing to say.

That is an abdication of his duties. All the adults in the room see and know this. It's not a joke. It's not funny. It's disgusting.
Not that I don't believe Delany would think that, but why would he go up to Joel Klatt and say that?

Because he didn't want Klatt to lobby for PSU - only a shizholian apologist would not understand why Delany would attempt to influence Klatt's commentary and comments! Gee, I guess that you think it's normal that the Delany lobbied AGAINST PSU (the Champion of the Conference he is Commissioner of) in favor of a team, duhO$U, that the Conference Champion, PSU, beat on the field???...a team that didn't even win their own division (finishing 2nd to PSU), let alone the Conference Championship!?!?
Delaney's silence in the MSU matter is all you have to know. We see evidence of sexual assaults of hundreds of student athletes, we see evidence of a cover up the whole way to the President, and he has nothing to say.

That is an abdication of his duties. All the adults in the room see and know this. It's not a joke. It's not funny. It's disgusting.

He opened his Big Ten media day with comments about the 5 year anniversary of the Penn State scandal. Not shy at all about talking about us.
I just wish I knew what we did. I'd apologize. Anything to get a fair shake sometime in my lifetime would be great.
When Delaney dies or retires, whichever comes first, think we'll get a better shake from the next guy? Or is there a henchman lined up who is just as bad?
The B2 Little 8 never really wanted PSU in their precious conference. It will be another generation before they get over it. Meanwhile, they may as well announce Buffalo Lion as Delaney’s replacement. B-L might be Delaney for all I know.
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Make no mistake, this is the entire Big Ten organization at work. Jim Delany just happens to be their messenger "errand boy."
Haha, are you paranoid if they are really out to get you?

They were running a rerun of a Penn State Bowl game on the BTN. There was a horseshit call where they called PSU for a false start but the replay clearly showed that the DT was across the line of scrimmage before our OL jumped. BTN cut that portion out of the telecast, the replay showing them offsides. They included long, worthless stretches of sideline shots around that play, so it wasn't like it was necessary to cut that clip to fit in to their time slot.

I laughed and thought to myself "those m'fers are thorough".
That African-American gentleman in the OSU cowboy hat seems more unbiased and reasonable than Delaney. Can we nominate him to be big ten commissioner?

I just wish I knew what we did. I'd apologize. Anything to get a fair shake sometime in my lifetime would be great.
In November of 2011 we entrusted our school's fate to a group of folks led by an incompetent cabal who hid for a week and then soiled themselves on national television.
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Their hatred of us is rooted in fear. We are passing Michigan, and will soon catch up to Ohio State. The upsetting of the status quo is something that they cannot abide. No matter what they do, we continue our inexorable climb.

I disagree that this would make JF leave. In fact, if anything, this motivates JF even more. Delany's treatment of us is just more locker room bulletin board material, and drives our staff to work even harder.

The ironies are irresistible. Our leaders thought football was too important, and wanted to knock it down a notch. Now they are paying the football coach 5 times more than the old one, and football, if anything, is bigger than ever. The Big Ten and NCAA thought they smacked us down for good, but no, we have bounced back to be even better than before. Our recruiting is up, every game is on national television, and the stadium is sold out.

All of those assholes wanted to kill us, and none of them did. Too bad this isn't Game of Thrones.
In November of 2011 we entrusted our school's fate to a group of folks led by an incompetence cabal who hid for a week and then soiled themselves on national television.

I wish it were incompetence. Then at least we could hope for some competent replacements as they retire/die off. Instead, I fear we're looking at evil people willing to do whatever they are told to protect people who are even more evil. They've hijacked the university and they'll never give it back. At least not willingly.
I wish it were incompetence. Then at least we could hope for some competent replacements as they retire/die off. Instead, I fear we're looking at evil people willing to do whatever they are told to protect people who are even more evil. They've hijacked the university and they'll never give it back. At least not willingly.
What we saw that infamous week in November was sheer incompetence, which is absolutely not to say that there weren't bad actors at play.
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Our impotent leadership will be right on this to defend the university. :rolleyes:

If crap like this is true, THIS is what could make James Franklin leave for another school. He might say that the conference commissioner has a predisposition against Penn State and that the school's leadership will do nothing to stand up to him so it doesn't matter what he does to build up the program, he can't win a championship here.
Delaney is a jerk that despised PSU long before the JS mess. Meanwhile he refuses to take a tough stance on M$U or O$U. That said, I don't think Franklin is going anywhere unless it's to the NFL.
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