Did anyone hear our #3 on defense

I can’t kept up either. All the pronouns, racial crap, ‘hate’ language, non-inclusivity, hyper sensitivity to every word uttered ….. Yet this type of language used in a sporting game is 100% acceptable and you are laughed at if you take offense….

I am so glad I moved into a cave long ago. Hate people. Just me and my dog and a sheep. Now if I could just get rid of that single cat lady in the treehouse above me…..🤬🤬🤬🤬
That’s why I live on top of a mountain.
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You didn’t know that black people can use the n word? You must not get out much.
Is that in addition to stealing from stores with impunity, burning cities such as Minneapolis to the ground and openly calling for the death of Jews? I admit I’m not up to date on what’s acceptable for some people but not for others. I guess I’m old school.
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Is that in addition to stealing from stores with impunity, burning cities such as Minneapolis to the ground and openly calling for the death of Jews? I admit I’m not up to date on what’s acceptable for some people but not for others. I guess I’m old school.
So you’re equating using a term among their own race with stealing and arson? Interesting take.
Wrong again, Dum-Dum. The good Lord has blessed us with two lovely homes. I think you know that, being the stalker that you are.
1. It was a joke based off your stupid comments earlier.

2. Glad you confirmed I was correct about who you are, since you’re claiming my non-existent stalking would produce the correct information.

3. You keep following me around, commenting on my posts when I’m not talking to, or about, you at all .. and calling me a stalker. You realize you’re not all there, right? You’re stalking me to call me a stalker …

4. This must be how you pass the time when you’re not begging people for money for booze, from your cardboard box.
So you’re equating using a term among their own race with stealing and arson? Interesting take.
It’s called sarcasm. You know, a cutting, often ironic remark intended to express contempt or ridicule? You need to go back to school.
1. It was a joke based off your stupid comments earlier.

2. Glad you confirmed I was correct about who you are, since you’re claiming my non-existent stalking would produce the correct information.

3. You keep following me around, commenting on my posts when I’m not talking to, or about, you at all .. and calling me a stalker. You realize you’re not all there, right? You’re stalking me to call me a stalker …

4. This must be how you pass the time when you’re not begging people for money for booze, from your cardboard box.
Number 1 is half correct. Everything else you say is wrong as usual, Dum-Dum. Your post clearly shows I was responding to your comment directed at me. You’re not only dumb, you’re a liar. Sad.
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LOL. It happens everywhere. On the playground, in the backyard, in games. Kids just try to keep it hidden from the folks who would get them in trouble. Unfortunately for this kid, he said it around a boom mic (or whatever that is).

My kid is a frosh football player ... just had a scrimmage against a "city" team in which we whooped up on them. Inevitably, trash talking commenced ... the other team, getting their butts handed to them, start to get chippy. Then the insults start flying, then the insults fly back ... eventually, in this instance, there was one loud exchange that the coaches had to address on both sides.

When I asked my son about it, he said "it was nothing ... it happens all the time, and was happening all game ... I just play."

One time, at our youth baseball complex, when the boys were younger, some other boys had stopped by during a game to watch. They then formed their own "pickup game" on another field ... I walked by that game to use the facilities, and in a 30-second span I heard about 10 insults using all sorts of curse words and mentions of women family members. These kids were probably 12 years old, give or take. No one was upset. It's just the way they communicate and interact.
Idk. ‘It happens everywhere’ isn’t an excuse any decent person in a position of authority allows or accepts. It was clearly picked up on the broadcast and rejects very poorly on the player and program. Have to do better.

I know this happens on the field, I don’t like it either, but with the boom mics players have to be smarter
The word is not a racist slur when used by black people. Period. And this is football in 2024, not the ivy League in 1924.

Its use by black kids in athletic competition...or black people of a particular social not always affectionate, but it's a password...marking you as a club member...for use by club members only.

A rough (very rough) analogy from waaay back in the day was the Marine Corps. Among themselves, Marines freely poured scorn on the 97 varieties of happy horseshit that were a way of life in the Corps. But that kind of talk from outsiders...those not in the club...members of other branches of service...was not tolerated.

If you were a white kid playing high school basketball in a Baltimore suburban league 15 years ago (and presumably still today), this came with the territory. If you couldn't handle it, you found another sport to play...maybe lacrosse.

No question, it's a glaring double standard, but as double standards go, this one is not nearly as harmful as some others that now seem casually accepted by our enlightened elites.

Amusing story from my son's high school basketball days: one evening after practice he's getting a ride home from a black Dad, bunch of black teammates in the car, and the Dad goes: "Tell ya what, Joe, I'll take you on my team and we'll beat any two (n-words) they send against us." Joe's, like, uh, yes sir, that would be fun. Joe learned the club rules early on.
Its use by black kids in athletic competition...or black people of a particular social not always affectionate, but it's a password...marking you as a club member...for use by club members only.

A rough (very rough) analogy from waaay back in the day was the Marine Corps. Among themselves, Marines freely poured scorn on the 97 varieties of happy horseshit that were a way of life in the Corps. But that kind of talk from outsiders...those not in the club...members of other branches of service...was not tolerated.

If you were a white kid playing high school basketball in a Baltimore suburban league 15 years ago (and presumably still today), this came with the territory. If you couldn't handle it, you found another sport to play...maybe lacrosse.

No question, it's a glaring double standard, but as double standards go, this one is not nearly as harmful as some others that now seem casually accepted by our enlightened elites.

Amusing story from my son's high school basketball days: one evening after practice he's getting a ride home from a black Dad, bunch of black teammates in the car, and the Dad goes: "Tell ya what, Joe, I'll take you on my team and we'll beat any two (n-words) they send against us." Joe's, like, uh, yes sir, that would be fun. Joe learned the club rules early on.
So he didn't say "F*** yeah we would N****" smart lol
Number 1 is half correct. Everything else you say is wrong as usual, Dum-Dum. Your post clearly shows I was responding to your comment directed at me. You’re not only dumb, you’re a liar. Sad.
Oh look, Gasbagitis, my own personal homeless stalker, is yapping about his past life as Bushwood.
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Idk. ‘It happens everywhere’ isn’t an excuse any decent person in a position of authority allows or accepts. It was clearly picked up on the broadcast and rejects very poorly on the player and program. Have to do better.

I know this happens on the field, I don’t like it either, but with the boom mics players have to be smarter

Yeah, it's tragic. I mean, truly. I don't know how we'll recover. Hey ... is this worse than raping young boys? Or samesies? /sarcasm

Tell me which part of what was said is old white man yells at clouds worthy ... is it the dastardly f-bomb? Should we purge the f-bomb from society? If he said "fudge you, n****!" would it be acceptable to you? Or is it the n-word? Which to, and among, young black men is something much different than it is when non-blacks say it ... and that's the real cause of all the horror and animus? Is this all just cover for "we want to say that word, too ... or nobody should say it! It's not fair! You guys don't get this! We want it, too, or no one can have it!"

Is this thread really all about having a "very special episode" where we have to explain to old, out-of-touch white guys, how the world works re the n-word?
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Is that you on the bottom left, wearing the beanie and gently holding his own knee whilst affectionately resting your other arm on your teammate's leg?

"I dare say ... fine tackle, ole chap! Tally ho!"
No clown. That was your grandpa.
It’s called sarcasm. You know, a cutting, often ironic remark intended to express contempt or ridicule? You need to go back to school.
I know the definition of a joke too, but if it’s not funny, it’s hard to tell if it’s a joke.
Idk. ‘It happens everywhere’ isn’t an excuse any decent person in a position of authority allows or accepts. It was clearly picked up on the broadcast and rejects very poorly on the player and program. Have to do better.

I know this happens on the field, I don’t like it either, but with the boom mics players have to be smarter
Obli, don’t you know that Perfect Pitch is also a perfect father? And when his son says, Gee, Dad, using drugs happens everywhere he says you’re right, son, carry on.
Yeah, it's tragic. I mean, truly. I don't know how we'll recover. Hey ... is this worse than raping young boys? Or samesies? /sarcasm

Tell me which part of what was said is old white man yells at clouds worthy ... is it the dastardly f-bomb? Should we purge the f-bomb from society? If he said "fudge you, n****!" would it be acceptable to you? Or is it the n-word? Which to, and among, young black men is something much different than it is when non-blacks say it ... and that's the real cause of all the horror and animus? Is this all just cover for "we want to say that word, too ... or nobody should say it! It's not fair! You guys don't get this! We want it, too, or no one can have it!"

Is this thread really all about having a "very special episode" where we have to explain to old, out-of-touch white guys, how the world works re the n-word?
If we prod enough the real person always comes out. And it is ugly. I understand your insecurity but I can’t help you. I recommend the Bible.
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Oh look, Gasbagitis, my own personal homeless stalker, is yapping about his past life as Bushwood.
I know you can’t argue your way out of a brown paper bag but I recommend you go back to using bigger, smart sounding words. This just looks like you’re not even trying now.
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A little side note, but a few weeks ago there was an episode of All in the Family replaying on tv. It was the episode where Archie was invited to the engagement party for the Willis and Jefferson kids. The N word was uttered, but today's rebroadcaster bleeped it out.
If we prod enough the real person always comes out. And it is ugly. I understand your insecurity but I can’t help you. I recommend the Bible.
So put you down as part of the crew that just wants to say it, and will stalk me for the opportunity to make that point known? Your flurry of nonsense shows you're now fully unhinged, homeless stalker. That happens, apparently, when you've been proven wrong so many times.
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Dip wad… said usage among their own race?

Ooops ….my bad… musta meant ‘human’ race.🤷🏿‍♂️
Dip wad? I used to say that….when I was 12. It’s acceptable for black people to use the term, it’s not acceptable for white people to use it. Does that help?
So you’re equating using a term among their own race with stealing and arson? Interesting take.

The receiver he yelled at was white.

Dip wad… said usage among their own race?

Ooops ….my bad… musta meant ‘human’ race.🤷🏿‍♂️

Dip wad? I used to say that….when I was 12. It’s acceptable for black people to use the term, it’s not acceptable for white people to use it. Does that help?
Here’s the thread. Others can decide if you are a dip wad or not,

I used a term of 12 yr olds so you could understand,
This thread is cray-cray ... I didn't know there were this many people who didn't understand the acceptability of the "n-word," and this many people who wanted to use it, but can't. And so many people who are that unfamiliar with black folks, and their culture. "I once had a black friend who used it on me, so I guess it must OK in some respects." (talking about it like this was the one thing that let you know this). The whole thread has turned insane.


Here we go ... I'm sure most people aren't too upset that a college football player used the f-word, or the word "no" ... so it boils down to this ... if you're black, you can use the n-word, and it's not a big deal. If you're not black, don't use it. And if this fact bugs you, you REALLY shouldn't be using it, or commenting on it.

Pretty simple. Move on.
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This thread is cray-cray ... I didn't know there were this many people who didn't understand the acceptability of the "n-word," and this many people who wanted to use it, but can't. And so many people who are that unfamiliar with black folks, and their culture. "I once had a black friend who used it on me, so I guess it must OK in some respects." (talking about it like this was the one thing that let you know this). The whole thread has turned insane.


Here we go ... I'm sure most people aren't too upset that a college football player used the f-word, or the word "no" ... so it boils down to this ... if you're black, you can use the n-word, and it's not a big deal. If you're not black, don't use it. And if this fact bugs you, you REALLY shouldn't be using it, or commenting on it.

Pretty simple. Move on.
No it just drives home your soft bigotry of low expectations. You don’t feel that black kids can be taught the self control required to avoid speaking in a way that will impede their future success. It’s not for me to know why you feel that way but the fact that you implied the rest of us who genuinely want black kids, all kids, to succeed like we have succeeded, are racists gives me a clue. Simple as that. Sad. Unlike you, I don’t step over homeless people on my way to the office, that is to say, I don’t have the just move on gene.

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