Did anyone hear our #3 on defense

No it just drives home your soft bigotry of low expectations. You don’t feel that black kids can be taught the self control required to avoid speaking in a way that will impede their future success. It’s not for me to know why you feel that way but the fact that you implied the rest of us who genuinely want black kids, all kids, to succeed like we have succeeded, are racists gives me a clue. Simple as that. Sad. Unlike you, I don’t step over homeless people on my way to the office, that is to say, I don’t have the just move on gene.
Gasbagitis, aka Bushwood, swings and misses with "soft bigotry" accusations, and exposes his HARD BIGOTRY in the process. I'm aware that black kids, like any kids, can speak one way while playing sports, and amongst friends, acquaintances, etc. ... and conduct themselves in the "appropriate" manner for whatever other situation they're in that would lead toward their success in life. You, on the other hand, assume they don't have that skill or self-control.

And I already told you that I'd give you some cash so you could find a place to live. You'll probably just blow it on more bad decisions that landed you in your unfortunate circumstance, but I'm willing to take that chance.
Gasbagitis, aka Bushwood, swings and misses with "soft bigotry" accusations, and exposes his HARD BIGOTRY in the process. I'm aware that black kids, like any kids, can speak one way while playing sports, and amongst friends, acquaintances, etc. ... and conduct themselves in the "appropriate" manner for whatever other situation they're in that would lead toward their success in life. You, on the other hand, assume they don't have that skill or self-control.

And I already told you that I'd give you some cash so you could find a place to live. You'll probably just blow it on more bad decisions that landed you in your unfortunate circumstance, but I'm willing to take that chance.
You’ve been exposed. Quit while you’re behind. I don’t even like you and now I’m starting to feel sorry for you as we watch you flailing. I said what I said. People can judge for themselves. I don’t think you’re convincing anyone. Actually I don’t even think you’re convincing yourself.
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You’ve been exposed. Quit while you’re behind. I don’t even like you and now I’m starting to feel sorry for you as we watch you flailing.
I don't feel sorry for you now that you've put that bigotry out into the world. Disgusting. I'll hope for you to be better, and learn to be a better person, but I won't be counting on it.
I don't feel sorry for you now that you've put that bigotry out into the world. Disgusting. I'll hope for you to be better, and learn to be a better person, but I won't be counting on it.
Sad. The first time I’ve seen you attempt to hope for the best of someone is after you’ve painted yourself into a corner. Feels like embarrassment? Self-preservation? Desperation?.
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Sad. The first time I’ve seen you attempt to hope for the best of someone is after you’ve painted yourself into a corner. Feels like embarrassment? Self-preservation? Desperation?.

This isn't the first time I've witnessed you try to spin your epic failure into something else. I can't believe you're still posting in this thread after you claimed that black kids that use the n-word are doomed for failure because they, according to you, don't have self control. You're a mess, guy. Hopefully you can chalk this up to a learning experience ... like when you kept following me around, responding to my posts, directed at others, that had absolutely nothing to do with you ... attempting to call me a stalker, as you were stalking me. It's like you live in bizarro world.
This isn't the first time I've witnessed you try to spin your epic failure into something else. I can't believe you're still posting in this thread after you claimed that black kids that use the n-word are doomed for failure because they, according to you, don't have self control. You're a mess, guy. Hopefully you can chalk this up to a learning experience ... like when you kept following me around, responding to my posts, directed at others, that had absolutely nothing to do with you ... attempting to call me a stalker, as you were stalking me. It's like you live in bizarro world.
There you go again. All you have left are logical fallacies and psychological projection. As I told you before, for guys like you, the more you say the worse off it is for you. But since you think you’re the smartest guy in the room you are not predisposed to accepting advice. Trust me, it’s best for everyone if you keep it short with what you think are snappy responses.
There you go again. All you have left are logical fallacies and psychological projection. As I told you before, for guys like you, the more you say the worse off it is for you. But since you think you’re the smartest guy in the room you are not predisposed to accepting advice. Trust me, it’s best for everyone if you keep it short with what you think are snappy responses.
I know you’ll never give in, zappy. But it’s all right there for everyone to see … you tried to pull the ole “I know you are but what am I?” and it not only didn’t work, it blew up in your face. Bushwood, hopefully you’re not a dog who is too old to learn new tricks … like changing your bigoted views.
I know you’ll never give in, zappy. But it’s all right there for everyone to see … you tried to pull the ole “I know you are but what am I?” and it not only didn’t work, it blew up in your face. Bushwood, hopefully you’re not a dog who is too old to learn new tricks … like changing your bigoted views.
You’re so close! Just a little shorter. Maybe after you change to your 11th user name and discipline your posts to one sentence or less no one will ever get to know the real you. A win-win for everyone. Help me help you.
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I know you’ll never give in, zappy. But it’s all right there for everyone to see … you tried to pull the ole “I know you are but what am I?” and it not only didn’t work, it blew up in your face. Bushwood, hopefully you’re not a dog who is too old to learn new tricks … like changing your bigoted views.
You continuing to think this poster is Bushwood is an interesting hill to die on.
You continuing to be interested in this when I have no clue who you are or why you're getting involved and it has nothing to do with you (?) is an interesting hill to die on.
You don’t have to be so angry all the time. He’s just trying to point out how stupid you look without being mean spirited. Like you also are.

Also, his observation: clearly not dead. You: RIP.
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You don’t have to be so angry all the time. He’s just trying to point out how stupid you look without being mean spirited. Like you also are.
Zappy de Bushwood ... shhh. The adults are talking. When it's time for the children to run around screaming, we'll let you know you can participate.
Zappy de Bushwood ... shhh. The adults are talking. When it's time for the children to run around screaming, we'll let you know you can participate.
Stop! I’m dying over here. I never laughed so loud. Side splitting material right there. You truly have a gift.
Grandpa Gasbagitis, did you activate your Life Alert?!? Did the zapper get zapped, finally? We'll miss you, buddy.
The mighty intellect of Perfect Pitch reduced to this. It’s like watching Lamar dismantle the Texans, Lions, and 49ers.
Keep up the good fight
This is how it’s done, Perfect Pitch. He evicerates you with 5 words. On the other hand, you babble on with your full page thesis after thesis, talking in circles, putting everyone to sleep and, unfortunately, revealing the insecurities of your sad life as you try to prove you’re the smartest person in the room. Take some notes.
4 pages on this - jeeze, oh and get off my lawn while you are at it - and in the grand sceme of things this is a nothing burger. Bring on Bowling Green.
4 pages on this - jeeze, oh and get off my lawn while you are at it - and in the grand sceme of things this is a nothing burger. Bring on Bowling Green.
Nothing is ever anything anymore and everything that was good is bad. We have no standards and guys like you shrug your shoulders at disgraceful behavior.
People act like thugs and scumbags I'll tell them get off my lawn until my dying day.
You should move to California. They are good with all kinds of shit and have no standards. It's working out great there.
Nothing is ever anything anymore and everything that was good is bad. We have no standards and guys like you shrug your shoulders at disgraceful behavior.
People act like thugs and scumbags I'll tell them get off my lawn until my dying day.
You should move to California. They are good with all kinds of shit and have no standards. It's working out great there.
well, did he say the "N" word with an "a" at the end or an "r"? I don't keep up with such things, at this age, but understand that it makes a difference. Kinda like Arnold Schwarzenegger saying "neighbor" or "choppa".

Just listen to any of radio stations that play top 40 today.

well, did he say the "N" word with an "a" at the end or an "r"? I don't keep up with such things, at this age, but understand that it makes a difference. Kinda like Arnold Schwarzenegger saying "neighbor" or "choppa".

Just listen to any of radio stations that play top 40 today.

I don't listen to trash. I've always preferred uplifting music. I was no saint but I was raised during a time where you were held to a certain standard. Times have changed, I guess, but I have a right to an opinion and I didn't like what I heard.
I don't listen to trash. I've always preferred uplifting music. I was no saint but I was raised during a time where you were held to a certain standard. Times have changed, I guess, but I have a right to an opinion and I didn't like what I heard.
Which time were you raised in? The time when blacks couldn't associate with whites? That "utopia"? For example, U of Alabama didn't integrate until 1963, and have a black player on the field until 1971. That's absolutely insane. And that's the type of time period you "get off my lawn" folks keep harkening back to. Unfrigginbelievable. It's a time of a complete lack of recognition of basic humanity v. "well at least there weren't no bad swears." Of course, there WERE the bad swears back then ... but white folks could openly use them to disparage blacks ... with the hard "r." Ah, the "glory days."
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This is how it’s done, Perfect Pitch. He evicerates you with 5 words. On the other hand, you babble on with your full page thesis after thesis, talking in circles, putting everyone to sleep and, unfortunately, revealing the insecurities of your sad life as you try to prove you’re the smartest person in the room. Take some notes.

I don't listen to trash. I've always preferred uplifting music. I was no saint but I was raised during a time where you were held to a certain standard. Times have changed, I guess, but I have a right to an opinion and I didn't like what I heard.
You don’t have to apologize. They just tend to squeal like stuck pigs when you point out their indifference to or rationalization of wrong behavior. As if any of these guys would just shrug their shoulders if their own sons yelled out such a statement on national TV. Or maybe that’s part of the problem. Maybe they would just shrug their shoulders.
Which time were you raised in? The time when blacks couldn't associate with whites? That "utopia"? For example, U of Alabama didn't integrate until 1963, and have a black player on the field until 1971. That's absolutely insane. And that's the type of time period you "get off my lawn" folks keep harkening back to. Unfrigginbelievable.
I can see where this is going so I will sign off here. It would be embarrassing for both us if you suddenly burst into tears.
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You don’t have to apologize. They just tend to squeal like stuck pigs when you point out their indifference to or rationalization of wrong behavior. As if any of these guys would just shrug their shoulders if their own sons yelled out such a statement on national TV. Or maybe that’s part of the problem. Maybe they would just shrug their shoulders.

My sons are white. There would be hell to pay if either of them uttered that word on national TV ... or anywhere.

How is it you crazy people can't understand this basic reality?

We've moved past your "wonderful past" when white folks could openly dehumanize blacks by uttering the hard "r" version of that word. And black folks have taken the trauma of that word (and associated behavior) and de-weaponized it by adopting it amongst themselves as a "greeting" or way to address folks. And if you don't "get" that, or it doesn't make sense to you ... tough titty. While you long for the days when blacks couldn't play with whites, or when the few blacks who were allowed to do so were openly subjected to that word, and many other insults and injuries (by white fans, players, etc.), the world has changed ... and not for the worse.
My sons are white. There would be hell to pay if either of them uttered that word on national TV ... or anywhere.

How is it you crazy people can't understand this basic reality?

We've moved past your "wonderful past" when white folks could openly dehumanize blacks by uttering the hard "r" version of that word. And black folks have taken the trauma of that word (and associated behavior) and de-weaponized it by adopting it amongst themselves as a "greeting" or way to address folks. And if you don't "get" that, or it doesn't make sense to you ... tough titty. While you long for the days when blacks couldn't play with whites, or when the few blacks who were allowed to do so were openly subjected to that word, and many other insults and injuries (by white fans, players, etc.), the world has changed ... and not for the worse.
Save it. We’ve heard you. Repeating yourself and saying it louder doesn’t make it any better. You’re wrong about pretty much everything you said. Wrong about me. Wrong about black people (how presumptuous!) and wrong about the world., as if you speak for the world. It’s over. I don’t want to be here when you start to cry.
My sons are white. There would be hell to pay if either of them uttered that word on national TV ... or anywhere.

How is it you crazy people can't understand this basic reality?

We've moved past your "wonderful past" when white folks could openly dehumanize blacks by uttering the hard "r" version of that word. And black folks have taken the trauma of that word (and associated behavior) and de-weaponized it by adopting it amongst themselves as a "greeting" or way to address folks. And if you don't "get" that, or it doesn't make sense to you ... tough titty. While you long for the days when blacks couldn't play with whites, or when the few blacks who were allowed to do so were openly subjected to that word, and many other insults and injuries (by white fans, players, etc.), the world has changed ... and not for the worse.

Answer me this question, please. Is it OK to say the word regardless if you use an 'r' or an 'a' at the end? I am going to a game later this season and am looking for the proper etiquette while cheering on my teams. Looking forward to your guidance.


Answer me this question, please. Is it OK to say the word regardless if you use an 'r' or an 'a' at the end? I am going to a game later this season and am looking for the proper etiquette while cheering on my teams. Looking forward to your guidance.


Wut? Seriously? You still don't understand?

Let's simplify this (again) ... Are you black?
Which time were you raised in? The time when blacks couldn't associate with whites? That "utopia"? For example, U of Alabama didn't integrate until 1963, and have a black player on the field until 1971. That's absolutely insane. And that's the type of time period you "get off my lawn" folks keep harkening back to. Unfrigginbelievable. It's a time of a complete lack of recognition of basic humanity v. "well at least there weren't no bad swears." Of course, there WERE the bad swears back then ... but white folks could openly use them to disparage blacks ... with the hard "r." Ah, the "glory days."
Are you being this obtuse just to troll?
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I don't see colors. I see morals and laws. I think we are all equal.

If you don't want to answer the question, I won't answer your question.

Why don't you stick to your convictions and say that word loud and proud at the game ... hard "r" or "a" ending ... do both, actually. You can find out what the answer is yourself.

Good luck.
Which time were you raised in? The time when blacks couldn't associate with whites? That "utopia"? For example, U of Alabama didn't integrate until 1963, and have a black player on the field until 1971. That's absolutely insane. And that's the type of time period you "get off my lawn" folks keep harkening back to. Unfrigginbelievable. It's a time of a complete lack of recognition of basic humanity v. "well at least there weren't no bad swears." Of course, there WERE the bad swears back then ... but white folks could openly use them to disparage blacks ... with the hard "r." Ah, the "glory days."
The whole world and every race has experienced hardships. Right now there's more slaves n Africa than at the height of the trans Atlantic slave trade.
That said what does this have to do with a Penn State football player talking like a thug punk. I guess he was using that language because of all the past oppression.
And you have kind of a twisted logic. Because white people used derogatory terms that makes it okay for other folks to speak that way. Smh
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The whole world and every race has experienced hardships. Right now there's more slaves n Africa than at the height of the trans Atlantic slave trade.
That said what does this have to do with a Penn State football player talking like a thug punk. I guess he was using that language because of all the past oppression.
And you have kind of a twisted logic. Because white people used derogatory terms that makes it okay for other folks to speak that way. Smh

For now, I'm going to skip over your monumentally awful take on race and slavery (I mean, holy hell), and just address the "talking like a thug punk" aspect of your post.

What made it "talking like a thug punk"?

There were only 3 words uttered, so which ones, or which combinations, are "talking like a thug punk" (select all that apply)?

1. F***
2. No
3. N****
4. F*** no
5. F*** n****
6. No n****
7. F*** no n****
  • Wow
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For now, I'm going to skip over your monumentally awful take on race and slavery (I mean, holy hell), and just address the "talking like a thug punk" aspect of your post.

What made it "talking like a thug punk"?

There were only 3 words uttered, so which ones, or which combinations, are "talking like a thug punk" (select all that apply)?

1. F***
2. No
3. N****
4. F*** no
5. F*** n****
6. No n****
7. F*** no n****
Yeah, ditto relative to your takes on everything. And for the last time what he said was thug, punk language. All of it. If you're okay with it then that's on you.

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