Did anyone hear that PSU may have someone transferring to RU?

Now, if you WANT TO, you can PROJECT Cassar as a starter next year at 197, provided McCutcheon does not move up, or that Cael does not bring in a transfer, or that Cassar will beat Phipps in the room. You cannot PROJECT anyone else as a starter, ANYWHERE, and that INCLUDES Rasheed, who is moving up in weight next year, but it has not been disclosed WHICH weight, as it is clear that it could not be 174 with any STARTING chance. You would need to actually predict that Rasheed could: A: Move up to 184 for next year and B: Beat McCutcheon, who is 7th in the nation, at 184.

Quite a stretch.
Here's a typical post from that lunkhead (I lurk there at times):

Well..everyone knows Frank Molinaro is an opportunist,and had no loyalty to this program other than something too put on his resume.That was a little "We are here,and arrived and we are going too put a glitch in Caels recruiting over the years".I don't like Cael Sanderson.I think his personality sucks and he is only for Cael's career.I get it,it's business,and he is probably in the top 3 greatest wrestlers of all time,but truth be told,I lost so much respect for him what he did too Bubba Jenkins.Karma's a bitch though.I think recruits are going too realize they are dime dozen too Cael,and that we have something really special in Goodale and Pritzlaff.

That was posted in the Ashnault thread - commenting on AA pointing at Frank after his finals win. Creedo is not particularly level headed.

Somehow, I think our program will survive.
From RU wrestling board:
Just got done talking too a very,very reliable source,who said we will be getting a very unexpected,but incredibly gifted wrestler from Penn State.Apparently all is not happy,in Happy Valley.I'm not going to reveal who it is,but you better get a floor jack too lift your jaws off the ground.Lets get ready too RUUUUMMMBLE!!!

I thought that Zack Beitz may be a possible grad transfer.

If you're not prepared lay the egg, why do you feel such a need to cackle? Why not just let the Board be surprised if / when anything actually happens?

Guess we just couldn't contain ourself, could we?
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Here's a typical post from that lunkhead (I lurk there at times):

Well..everyone knows Frank Molinaro is an opportunist,and had no loyalty to this program other than something too put on his resume.That was a little "We are here,and arrived and we are going too put a glitch in Caels recruiting over the years".I don't like Cael Sanderson.I think his personality sucks and he is only for Cael's career.I get it,it's business,and he is probably in the top 3 greatest wrestlers of all time,but truth be told,I lost so much respect for him what he did too Bubba Jenkins.Karma's a bitch though.I think recruits are going too realize they are dime dozen too Cael,and that we have something really special in Goodale and Pritzlaff.

That was posted in the Ashnault thread. He's not particularly level headed.

Somehow, I think our program will survive.

He's also clearly illiterate.
So I am to believe an anonymous RU fan that says a starter from PSU is going to transfer. First, unless Rasheed or Nevills which makes zero sense, this person should be focusing on preparing for nationals. Second, I don't see any starters losing a job unless that would be Rasheed who doesn't want to move up two classes. Hate to lose anyone but this is much ado over nothing IMO.
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I think he meant a Rutgers starter was transferring to Penn State so he could win a team national championship. Ashenault would sit out a year and take over when Jimmy left.

Hey, one rumor is as good as another.
Here's a typical post from that lunkhead (I lurk there at times):

Well..everyone knows Frank Molinaro is an opportunist,and had no loyalty to this program other than something too put on his resume.That was a little "We are here,and arrived and we are going too put a glitch in Caels recruiting over the years".I don't like Cael Sanderson.I think his personality sucks and he is only for Cael's career.I get it,it's business,and he is probably in the top 3 greatest wrestlers of all time,but truth be told,I lost so much respect for him what he did too Bubba Jenkins.Karma's a bitch though.I think recruits are going too realize they are dime dozen too Cael,and that we have something really special in Goodale and Pritzlaff.

That was posted in the Ashnault thread - commenting on AA pointing at Frank after his finals win. Creedo is not particularly level headed.

Somehow, I think our program will survive.

From this and past posts he clearly does not know the difference between "too" and "to". Rutgers education isn't all that it's cracked up to be.
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He is saying he is better than Beitz and Shakur for sure. And between 157 and HWT.

Based on this, the Buttgers poster has to be "projecting" him as a starter in 2016-2017 at PSU if he was not transferring (that would explain the "jaw dropping" hyperbole as well). Who knows if the "rumor" even has any merit, but based on the latest as posted above, he has to be referring to Cassar, who many have tabbed as the likely starter @ 97 next year.
IF anyone were to be transferring I think it be Cutch. I could see Mark Hall shirting and Rasheed moving up to 184. I'm guessing if true when rasheed and cutch wrestle at practice cutch may be losing and rasheed still can ,add muscle and knows he cant compete with rasheed or move up to 97. Odd man out who has a taste of nationals... just an opinion
Now saying kid is coming off RS but on scholarship.
Just piece the couple vague rumors this year together to get Cenzo. I wouldn't think too much about him being in IC - many people in many situations show the status quo to the end. (Sorry, exes.)
Obrats,I should have clarified a little better.It's either starter or a highly sought after kid in the program coming off of redshirt.Sorry too dangle the carrot here and post a misleading title,but I promise when he comes on campus,you're gonna shit a cruise liner.Apparently,he's waiting till NCAA's are over and is gonna drop the bomb on ole Cael and crew.Caelsgonna be pissed. Alot of time and effort went into this one,and he's on scholarship.That's all I'm gonna say.I'm all smiles from ear too ear right now.Anyway,you're like the wrestling guru of the boards,in you infinite wisdom and detective skills you'll narrow it down.

22 13 minutes ago

Got busted, now moving the target.
I'm trying to find the post over at HR but a respected member there posted a week or so ago that something to the affect that there was some news coming down the line from the PSU camp. He said it in a way that everything isn't so rosey and this would be the beginning of the end for PSU and their ability to get top recruits. Someone asked him to go further and I think he said something like he had already said too much.
I think all of 'our' kids are highly sought after. Just like Christmas, can't wait but will have to. I'll focus on the present.
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I'm trying to find the post over at HR but a respected member there posted a week or so ago that something to the affect that there was some news coming down the line from the PSU camp. He said it in a way that everything isn't so rosey and this would be the beginning of the end for PSU and their ability to get top recruits. Someone asked him to go further and I think he said something like he had already said too much.

I never saw remember who?
I'm trying to find the post over at HR but a respected member there posted a week or so ago that something to the affect that there was some news coming down the line from the PSU camp. He said it in a way that everything isn't so rosey and this would be the beginning of the end for PSU and their ability to get top recruits. Someone asked him to go further and I think he said something like he had already said too much.
I remember that. He makes similar posts about once every 6 months. Can't remember who.

Sounds like the guys who said "screwing over" Haines would hurt Cael's recruiting. Lol
Must be Cenzo they talking about. Personally I hope the rumor is not true as I think the kid is very talented.
Here's a typical post from that lunkhead (I lurk there at times):

Well..everyone knows Frank Molinaro is an opportunist,and had no loyalty to this program other than something too put on his resume.That was a little "We are here,and arrived and we are going too put a glitch in Caels recruiting over the years".I don't like Cael Sanderson.I think his personality sucks and he is only for Cael's career.I get it,it's business,and he is probably in the top 3 greatest wrestlers of all time,but truth be told,I lost so much respect for him what he did too Bubba Jenkins.Karma's a bitch though.I think recruits are going too realize they are dime dozen too Cael,and that we have something really special in Goodale and Pritzlaff.

That was posted in the Ashnault thread - commenting on AA pointing at Frank after his finals win. Creedo is not particularly level headed.

Somehow, I think our program will survive.
Ouch. His two's need a little work. :)
I think he is referring to Cenzo also because of a RS. He says "Apparently,he's waiting till NCAA's are over and is gonna drop the bomb on ole Cael and crew.Caels gonna be pissed.Alot of time and effort went into this one,and he's on scholarship."

Why Cenzo would go to Rutgers is beyond me.

Must be Cenzo they talking about. Personally I hope the rumor is not true as I think the kid is very talented.
IF anyone were to be transferring I think it be Cutch. I could see Mark Hall shirting and Rasheed moving up to 184. I'm guessing if true when rasheed and cutch wrestle at practice cutch may be losing and rasheed still can ,add muscle and knows he cant compete with rasheed or move up to 97. Odd man out who has a taste of nationals... just an opinion

If this has any merit and the guy is a current starter, I have to agree with Moose. Cutch feels like the most likely candidate due to not having the size for 197 and Rasheed/Bo having big bodies that can easily be grown into 184. This may actually be a good move for Cutch IF he is the odd man out. I would miss him but IMHO he makes the most sense. That's if any of this is true at all!!
I can't remember either, but I think it was aimed at kids getting recruited over. It wasn't anything I hadn't seen in one shape or form on various boards for 3 years or so
I'm still trying to find the post I'm speaking of but I also remember minnhawkeye making a similiar post that things are about to fall when it come to PSU and recruiting. He then went on to say if rumors are true, it's coming real soon.
If it is Cenzo he would have to sit another year as an in conference transfer!
Doesn't make much sense to me.
Jesus H. Christmas, everybody talks way too much when these rumors come up. If something happens it happens. If not, well then it doesn't happen. The kids who want to be here, will be here, and who don't will not. I really hope every time a poster comes on with a very reliable source (who the OP said was another poster btw) they aren't taken as 100% gospel. Russell's Teapot and such.
I'm still trying to find the post I'm speaking of but I also remember minnhawkeye making a similiar post that things are about to fall when it come to PSU and recruiting. He then went on to say if rumors are true, it's coming real soon.
Again, I've been seeing that stuff for years. Mixture of wishful thinking and the fact that things go in cycles.
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If it is Cenzo he would have to sit another year as an in conference transfer!
Doesn't make much sense to me.

well, isn't that how cortez came to PSU, Maybe Cael was a little hard on him after not making weight at 2 major tourneys?? His feelings were hurt?? LOL I hope not, I am high on VJ but if he can't make 157 and Nolf is growing like his father maybe nolf needs 165 next year anyway..Don't Leave
I'm still trying to find the post I'm speaking of but I also remember minnhawkeye making a similiar post that things are about to fall when it come to PSU and recruiting. He then went on to say if rumors are true, it's coming real soon.

minnhawkeye is a conspiracy theorist. Pay him no mind. Some people on HR theorize that the NLWC operates a huge slush fund the size of Goldman Sachs that set PSU wrestlers up for life.
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I think he is referring to Cenzo also because of a RS. He says "Apparently,he's waiting till NCAA's are over and is gonna drop the bomb on ole Cael and crew.Caels gonna be pissed.Alot of time and effort went into this one,and he's on scholarship."

Why Cenzo would go to Rutgers is beyond me.

I guess I can see him leaving IF he was told by Cael that it didn't look like there was a spot for him in the future.

IF Nolf plans to go up to 165lbs next year, and Cenzo had problems getting to 157 where else would he fit in?
Jesus H. Christmas, everybody talks way too much when these rumors come up. If something happens it happens. If not, well then it doesn't happen. The kids who want to be here, will be here, and who don't will not. I really hope every time a poster comes on with a very reliable source (who the OP said was another poster btw) they aren't taken as 100% gospel. Russell's Teapot and such.

Can't help it.. i's fun to speculate rumors...this is a forum to talk issues...Just don't get ugly about kids in a personal way and I see no harm in the discussion
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You know the old Sicilian saying? A secret between two people can only be kept if one of them is dead. Too big to keep a lid on without specifics. Now the transfer thing, I guess it's possible.
Cenzo's girlfriend just transferred to Rutgers. They're getting married at the RAC.

Wait, that was Spencer Lee and Carver-Hawkeye. Never mind.
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