If the week after Big10s they had ask permission to spend a week at Lorenzo I am sure adjustments could have been made. Instead they stayed in Iowa City and prepared as though all is good.Agreed. To my eye, Nick controlled that match from start to finish due to the lessons learned and adjustments made from the B1G match. And by "controlled that match" I mean that it looked to me like Eierman was compelled to change his strategy in real-time in response to what Nick was doing from the first whistle to the last. It almost looked like Eierman was confused by Nick's gameplan and started taking more shots and trying things that would work only against an inferior opponent.
But my question is slightly different than the OP. I wonder if PSU benefitted by only facing Iowa once before Nationals. Might Eierman and Kemerer have made successful adjustments last week if, for example, they had won the regular season dual but lost at B1Gs?