Well, my osu friends actually feel we got hosed. They're not sure they belong and they're damned sure neither u dub nor clemson are better than we are.. let alone more deserving. Which is nice to hear, but...
I said this 2 weeks ago... Udub wins they cannot get left out.. stinky SOS or getting manhandled by the only good team in the pacifist 12 notwithstanding... tv ratings demand some team situated geographically west of the mississippi. In this case, it's wash. And since it is highly likely watson wins the heisman, they need him AND they are desperate for a rematch with bama. So there was osu and there was us... and regardless of how blah that team looked, they got penciled in high and they stayed there.
after all, it's osu.
AND the poohbahs wanted a rose bowl matchup with perhaps the 2 hottest teams in CFB... psu and usc.
So they then went about making it an easy fix. Look at how little awful teams like colorado and florida fell.. or how a mediocre auburn at 8-4 is somehow #14. And a very strong 8-4 iowa is somehow not ranked. [btw, why not put auburn and iowa in the pit together and see how it sorts out.] ok state is 12??? cmon. And don't get me started about what the bowl aholes did to Temple. my god... that'll get rhule out of temple lickety split.
until an 8 team playoff is created, this kind of bullshit will continue. And NO, there is no reason to hear arguments about #8 getting in over #9 (and btw, THAT is EXACTLY why they put usc at #9... so when the argument arises they can say, well see, there is reason to expand further.. nobody is ever happy.. blah blah blah... so we shopuld just keep it at 4 and allow 'we the bozos' to have stupid weekly tv shows that are meaningless efforts by politicans who pretend they know football).
This committee and this format are a joke. an 8 team playoff takes these bozos out of the equation and allows teams to compete on something resembling a level playing field.
We kinda got ripped off, but if we beat usc in what should be a much-hyped game, it will open the door for more noise about a playoff.. and recruits are going to come. and we will get even better.
imo, of course.