Due to NIL are you losing interest


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2001
GA High Schools providing NIL support to "student athletes", now FL High Schools voting.
At the college level, just play the games, I will root game day and not even follow recruiting.
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Been losing interest in all sports for a couple decades. And now haven’t little interest left. Watch PSU football and some of their other sports at times. Probably watched less than a dozen other college games, including bowls.

Same for pro sports. Watch Steelers and laugh when they blow games. Very few other games.

The entire system is terrible. Every year you need to buy a program to know who is on any team. And most players are self centered ego maniacs only worried about social media clicks.

The announcers are attention whores. Screaming and carrying on. Crowd noise is insane even at stadiums that are half empty. Commercial breaks longer than game action.

Officiating is poor and inconsistent. Too many games screwed up by bad calls.

And now gambling is King. Massive amounts of advertising. Half the pregame is about betting lines, side bets, instant odds during the games….. never stops.

Until I shut off the tube and go outside……
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Been losing interest in all sports for a couple decades. And now haven’t little interest left. Watch PSU football and some of their other sports at times. Probably watched less than a dozen other college games, including bowls.

Same for pro sports. Watch Steelers and laugh when they blow games. Very few other games.

The entire system is terrible. Every year you need to buy a program to know who is on any team. And most players are self centered ego maniacs only worried about social media clicks.

The announcers are attention whores. Screaming and carrying on. Crowd noise is insane even at stadiums that are half empty. Commercial breaks longer than game action.

Officiating is poor and inconsistent. Too many games screwed up by bad calls.

And now gambling is King. Massive amounts of advertising. Half the pregame is about betting lines, side bets, instant odds, ….. never stops.

Until I shut off the tube and go outside……
Could not have expressed it any better!!
I'm not following it as much or as close as before. It used to be that you could follow a player through the whole 4 yr career at any given school. Now, they might only be there for a few years. Some wash out, some are too good for college, and some never quite live up to their hype. Gone are the days that playing for a college team or coach have much value.

The NIL might keep some players in the college game longer. Some won't make as much money in the pros as they do in college. But, the game has come down to how deep are your pockets. Those with the the most money get the best players. Its not about brand, its about cash. Maybe its been that way for a long time.

I'll still watch college games, but it just doesn't feel the same.
GA High Schools providing NIL support to "student athletes", now FL High Schools voting.
At the college level, just play the games, I will root game day and not even follow recruiting.

NIL is just the ending. I started losing interest when coaches started making over $3M per season.

We have a guy who has never won anything with a single conttact making more than all his predecessors during all their seasons combined.

Then he lays a stinker like OSU this past season.

At least with NIL, if we wanted, we could work around this ineptitude.

I’ve lost interest in the game. I used to watch college football 11AM in the Midwest through 1 sometimes 2 AM for those late games on the west coast. In the last 5 years I’ve made a point to watch PSU but I can count on one hand the number of other games I’ve watched per year outside of PSU. I used to not miss bowl games, but I now watch ours only. And even that has been soured with the new attitude towards bowl games.
I have not lost any interest in PSU football. College football is as popular as it’s ever been. I’m not sure that the average person cares about NIL. Personally, I am absolutely a fan of the players being paid. This isn’t 1970 anymore. In 2024 the schools make an enormous amount of money off these kids, and they should absolutely be entitled to compensation beyond a scholarship. I am not a fan of the current implementation of the transfer portal and hope that with collective bargaining coming online in the next few years there will be contractual guidelines in place that limit it. Overall, my interest in sports, particularly the NFL, college football, and major league baseball, has not diminished at all.
I have not lost any interest in PSU football. College football is as popular as it’s ever been. I’m not sure that the average person cares about NIL. Personally, I am absolutely a fan of the players being paid. This isn’t 1970 anymore. In 2024 the schools make an enormous amount of money off these kids, and they should absolutely be entitled to compensation beyond a scholarship. I am not a fan of the current implementation of the transfer portal and hope that with collective bargaining coming online in the next few years there will be contractual guidelines in place that limit it. Overall, my interest in sports, particularly the NFL, college football, and major league baseball, has not diminished at all.
Re. the players getting paid, are you in favor of players in sports that can't support themselves financially getting paid too?
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I’m losing interest in the recruiting aspect of the game but not the overall sport.

I used to enjoy the recruiting info as it slowly trickled out. I've never seen a use in paying for it because at the end of the day, it's the whims of teenagers and finding out on Monday that a kid is going to commit Saturday just isn't something I find necessary.

Heck, we used to have a thread dedicated to the offers, information about visits and other tidbits. Has the info really become that scarce and or commoditized?

If so, I'm fine with it. It just makes the off season *really* drag.
Yes, I losing interest fast. I was always proud of our "student-athletes" who majored in "real" subject areas. I've got nothing now.
You expect college sports to be played by college students? You're a silly person.
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Yes, I losing interest fast. I was always proud of our "student-athletes" who majored in "real" subject areas. I've got nothing now.

Exactly. I remember your posts tracking the GPAs of all the football players, and welcoming in the newest bioengineering commit. Now that they're all making money, they're almost all going to major in something stupid like sociology, advertising or sports mgmt ... and carry 2.something GPAs. Not like in the old days, when they all majored in sociology, advertising and sports mgmt, and carried 2.something GPAs.
Nowadays you gotta tell the lil chatterz it's Sonic vs Egghead.just to get em to run full speed at people, axin do i press the a button or b nah keep ya eye on the ball cause its comin at ya face knucklehead
You're a walking advertisement that CTE is real, and it's debilitating.
You expect college sports to be played by college students? You're a silly person.
Yep, I guess I am a silly person. They won't miss me much. I only come up for 1 or 2 games a year so I purchase aftermarket and lately I haven't been going into the game itself but instead watching on a screen in my tailgate, therefore I've only been purchasing parking in advance.
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Exactly. I remember your posts tracking the GPAs of all the football players, and welcoming in the newest bioengineering commit. Now that they're all making money, they're almost all going to major in something stupid like sociology, advertising or sports mgmt ... and carry 2.something GPAs. Not like in the old days, when they all majored in sociology, advertising and sports mgmt, and carried 2.something GPAs.
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The more it changes, the more it stays the same.

You follow recruiting through the last 20 years, we were always behind OSU. We'd beat them one time in ten. And on the field, we'd beat them one time in ten. They bent the rules in recruiting (TatGate, Terrelle Pryor's Corvette, Troy Smith, Clarett, etc.). They bent the rules on the field (officiating and Big Ten bias).

Now, OSU can pay players more than we can. So, they'll beat us in the transfer portal (and in recruiting) and they'll beat us on the field.

Negative, yes. I'm still here. But the off-season isn't the same. So much volatility on the's too much energy to track 85+ players.

But I still love the regular season. From August to December, I'll be just about as in love with CFB as ever. It's Jan-July that I've lost the taste for now.
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Been losing interest in all sports for a couple decades. And now haven’t little interest left. Watch PSU football and some of their other sports at times. Probably watched less than a dozen other college games, including bowls.

Same for pro sports. Watch Steelers and laugh when they blow games. Very few other games.

The entire system is terrible. Every year you need to buy a program to know who is on any team. And most players are self centered ego maniacs only worried about social media clicks.

The announcers are attention whores. Screaming and carrying on. Crowd noise is insane even at stadiums that are half empty. Commercial breaks longer than game action.

Officiating is poor and inconsistent. Too many games screwed up by bad calls.

And now gambling is King. Massive amounts of advertising. Half the pregame is about betting lines, side bets, instant odds during the games….. never stops.

Until I shut off the tube and go outside……

That about covers it, Spin, though some of the things you mentioned don't bother me as much.

Back in the day, I followed all the major sports. As a kid, I could practically recite the starting lineups of all the baseball teams. The All-Star game was a big deal. Later in life, I left early from work to catch the first round of March Madness. (As a government employee, I could do stuff like that.) NFL...NBA...boxing...same thing. NHL...not so much except when the Soviets toured.

Now the only sport I follow closely is college football. Even that's lost a lot of its charm with the bowl games being devalued and team rosters now subject to free agency. I get why in fairness to the players that's happened, but as a fan, it dilutes my interest. Still, I look forward with eagerness to the season starting and remain a big-time fan of Penn State. The product of a lifetime of conditioning.

What tipped over the applecart for me was the blatant politicization of professional sports a few years ago and having my intelligence insulted by pompous lectures on social values by airheaded athletes, owners, league executives, media commentators...the whole crowd. Sports should be a refuge from politics, but increasingly there is no refuge...anywhere. It's the times we live in.

Anyway, my interest had been gradually decreasing for a number of years as life got busier and busier while the musical-chair rosters made it harder to follow the teams, as per your comment above. So when the politics came rushing in, I said, OK, I'm out. Now, ironically, I know the history of the games very well and remain interested in that part of it but couldn't tell you who played in the World Series last year or who's still alive in the NBA playoffs now. NFL, I catch an occasional game on television and pay a little more attention during the playoffs, but that's it.
GA High Schools providing NIL support to "student athletes", now FL High Schools voting.
At the college level, just play the games, I will root game day and not even follow recruiting.
Not for me. I've lost interest but I think it is more associated with age than anything else. There are just more important things in life. I also think that there are other supporting factors that have been eroding sports for a long time. I hate the trash talking as I was raised when you respected your opponent. Good sportmanpersonship was a thing. PSU's rise after the JS thing was fun but we've plateaued. This was before NIL but NIL certainly won't help. But having lived in CLE for many decades, the corruption of sports by money isn't new or a surprise. Maybe PSU should adopt pinstripes and call ourselves "New York's Team?"
I think PSU fans might lose interest if they can't remain competitive with NIL money.

It sounds like NIL would remain even if schools are allowed to pay $20 million/year. If that's correct the players will go where they can get the highest combined pay.
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I remember a decade or so ago I would check Scout and Rivals sites religiously. Like, multiple times a day to see if there was an update on recruiting. Now, what's the point? Kids change teams with the wind. I still watch the games on Saturday but I don't follow recruiting.

Every change made in the past 5+ years has made the product much, much worse. The modern sports media gets 90% of the blame. Cheering on NIL, cheering on transfers, painting players as victims and indentured servants, encouraging players to opt out of bowl games. The whole thing blows.
GA High Schools providing NIL support to "student athletes", now FL High Schools voting.
At the college level, just play the games, I will root game day and not even follow recruiting.
Lord yes. The what will be continuous expansion of the post season playoff, together with NIL has killed the sport/game for me. I've been a FANatic for over 60 years and now I just don't care and may or may not watch games this year. I certainly won't do work arounds to assure I won't miss a game.
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100% lost interest. Started with Franklin. NIL and losing to tOSU was icing on the cake. I don't watch anymore and doubt if I'll ever go to another game.
Been losing interest in all sports for a couple decades. And now haven’t little interest left. Watch PSU football and some of their other sports at times. Probably watched less than a dozen other college games, including bowls.

Same for pro sports. Watch Steelers and laugh when they blow games. Very few other games.

The entire system is terrible. Every year you need to buy a program to know who is on any team. And most players are self centered ego maniacs only worried about social media clicks.

The announcers are attention whores. Screaming and carrying on. Crowd noise is insane even at stadiums that are half empty. Commercial breaks longer than game action.

Officiating is poor and inconsistent. Too many games screwed up by bad calls.

And now gambling is King. Massive amounts of advertising. Half the pregame is about betting lines, side bets, instant odds during the games….. never stops.

Until I shut off the tube and go outside……
I cannot handle it - but I actually agree with you. The spirit of college football is being drowned by the dollar sign, portal,, and now NIL.
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Transfers and the portal have detrimentally impacted my interest level more than NIL. I don't have a problem with legit NIL. I do have a problem with pay for play under the guise of NIL, but it's not my money and never will be, so whatever. But completely unregulated free agency for every player, every season makes it impossible to have much cohesion to form a proper team, and hard to develop an interest for individual players when you know they might leave at any time.
I am down to watching college football and wrestling and college football is waning fast. Not interested in any other sport although for some strange reason I enjoy watching golf even though I don't play. Now concerning NIL et al, I will never consider paying employees of a business that I don't own either wholly or as part-owner. To me, that's just plain lunacy. What's next, should I pay the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker too down at the village market place? Now, IF I would pay employees through NIL I would need a contract stating what my share of the business is and how I would be compensated. Further, the employes would need to sign a 4-year, iron clad contract binding them to this business that I am part-owner. If they leave early without permission, all monies paid to them need to be repaid before they could move on. This means the portal no longer exists or what kind of a business person would pay employees just to watch them walk out the door without performing the services they have been paid for? This is my take on the giant mess that is college sports.
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I don’t think there’s any point in following recruiting anymore as every player can leave whenever they feel like it. I’ve learned a lot from my wife over the years. She grew up in the FL panhandle and is a Noles fan. She can careless about anything from the final whistle in January until the opening weekend in September. Has no clue which players come or go doesn’t follow offseason news. But when that first game comes around in the fall, she’s right there rooting hard for her team, whoever takes the field . I think that’s the proper approach nowadays