I am in healthcare leadership. There was scientific thought at the beginning of the pandemic that up to 70% of the population would be infected by Covid-19 this year and that the quarantine was to ensure those infections happened over a greater period of time so as to not overwhelm hospital systems. That made a lot of sense at the time. At this point it appears we know, or should know, enough to figure out that Covid deaths primarily occur among the elderly who are already extremely medically compromised with end-stage terminal disease processes (ie those who live in nursing homes.) It is vital to protect that population and despite all the news you here about what northern governors may or may not have done with nursing homes, that story is much more complicated and both the feds and the states massively failed that population and frankly continue to fail that population (ask a nursing home manager if they have enough testing kits or ppe... they do not and those issues exist in both red and blue states.) THe point I am taking too long to reach is that instead of society focusing on senior living facilities that contain the primary target of covid-19, and it is possible to primarily focus there, we are shooting 100 different directions. Now we are focused on schools from elementary to college where there is very little risk in those age groups. I am unclear where the focus is from a state to a federal level right now. It is insane.

Spot on. I've been beating this drum since mid March when the Italy outbreak data was out there (btw: thank you, Italy, for quickly publishing this data to help the rest of the world -- too bad it was ignored) exposing this virus' playbook of going after the elderly, but our governments were carpet bombing by telling businesses to shutter and everyone stay in their homes.

It is absolutely insane how much data and science has been ignored - by pretty much the whole world - in response to this virus. And it shows in how much of a cluster**** society is right now.
My wife is in health care and she said everyone will be in contact with the virus, everyone no matter the precautions. And, the virus will mutate, that is what a virus does. I can understand wanting to keep hospitals under capacity for public health reasons yet we continue to drag this out, shut down, open a little, shut down, open, rinse and repeat. I grin when hearing the Ohio gov. go on about the stats. He doesn't use them for illumination but for support while patting himself on the back for the great job he does. The economic impact will be generational for everyone but the politicians.
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My wife is in health care and she said everyone will be in contact with the virus, everyone no matter the precautions. And, the virus will mutate, that is what a virus does. I can understand wanting to keep hospitals under capacity for public health reasons yet we continue to drag this out, shut down, open a little, shut down, open, rinse and repeat. I grin when hearing the Ohio gov. go on about the stats. He doesn't use them for illumination but for support while patting himself on the back for the great job he does. The economic impact will be generational for everyone but the politicians.
Yup. I am not saying the virus isn't real..... It is. However, this has been a complete and utter shitshow from the start. But, this is nothing compared to the shitshow we are going to see in November. When I say shitshow.... I mean SHITSHOW. The only bright side is I at least got one of those dr faucci topps baseball cards with him throwing that hilarious first pitch. That ludicrous event is almost a symbol for the entire year.
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Yup. I am not saying the virus isn't real..... It is. However, this has been a complete and utter shitshow from the start. But, this is nothing compared to the shitshow we are going to see in November. When I say shitshow.... I mean SHITSHOW. The only bright side is I at least got one of those dr faucci topps baseball cards with him throwing that hilarious first pitch. That ludicrous event is almost a symbol for the entire year.

I actually saw a f*cking idiot wearing this shirt in public about a month ago or so.

It’s true...Most Valuable Politician.
For Fauci...was thinking that the P stood Prima-Donna
In bed with WHO leader and the Dems...wants to be loved by the press
His reckless statemenst, which many have been proven wrong , do not line up with Scientific or professional approach...if he worked for a major corporation he would have been fired long ago.
So you are telling me that student athletes aren’t required to play an intercollegiate sport? This is exactly the reason the NCAA and schools are allowing players to opt out this year. By not “requiring” it this year they are mitigating liability.
No one is required to go to college, so yes, it is safer to say that no one is required to play intercollegiate sports. To go a step further, any student-athlete can decide at any time (assuming they can pay their own tuition, although many athletes already pay at least part of their own tuition), that they don't want to be an athlete. No one is forcing then to. To take it even a step further, this year student-athletes can decide not to compete and still keep their scholarship.

It is extremely safe to say that no one is forced to play intercollegiate athletics.