Essential or non-essential....

We are trying desperately to convince our single son to get the hell out of NYC, before this magnifies beyond control, and come stay back at home and ride this thing out in rural NWPA. He is already working from home as his building has closed. Im not even that concerned of him catching this, im thinking more of the impending chaos if/when this thing takes off.

I’d appreciate any and all perspective from Big Apple board members, as his “farm boy mentality” just isnt gonna cut it this time.
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I work in the city, my office and all of our other offices globally are work from home for the foreseeable future. Your son just needs to be smart and socially isolate. Don't go anywhere unless you need groceries. Don't touch your face and wash up asap.

There really shouldn't be chaos. It's a bad disease, but the reason we are isolating is to avoid passing the disease to vulnerable folks and to allow it to run its course. That's it. It's very contagious and very harmful for those that fit into vulnerable classes. Until there's a vaccine, time and socially isolating oneself is the best thing to do.
Healthcare IT executive for a large inner city health system in Philly. Like most people my teams and I work to solve complex problems every day but this is by far the most unique and challenging set of circumstances we have ever had to solve for and it is constantly changing. My oldest son is in DC and unfortunately needs to be out and about for his job, very scary stuff.
We are trying desperately to convince our single son to get the hell out of NYC, before this magnifies beyond control, and come stay back at home and ride this thing out in rural NWPA. He is already working from home as his building has closed. Im not even that concerned of him catching this, im thinking more of the impending chaos if/when this thing takes off.

I’d appreciate any and all perspective from Big Apple board members, as his “farm boy mentality” just isnt gonna cut it this time.
My brother's city is far denser than NYC, and he stayed healthy. If your son takes the known precautions, he should be good.

He may want to buy surgical masks if he goes outside for exercise and/or errands, as it may be hard to keep 6-ft distances. (Washable gloves are a good idea too.) N95 masks are unnecessary in his case, unless things degrade to China levels.

"Impending chaos" is way overblown for those not working in hospitals. There is little threat to utilities. There is some economic risk, but leaving NYC won't change that for him unless he's on a month-to-month lease and/or finds another job elsewhere.

The other thing: whatever he has been exposed to, he's bringing with him. He doesn't have to be sick to be a carrier. And he could pick it up at any refueling/eating/bathroom stop in between. Bloomsburg (the town, not the school) has a confirmed case, and a Bucknell student is in quarantine pending test results. So it's already on the I-80 corridor.
We are trying desperately to convince our single son to get the hell out of NYC ...
One downside of a New Yorker’s sitting out the interesting times in NYC is that after he returns he’ll lack the common experience that everyone else would have had. I’m not saying how heavily to weigh the downside, I just point it out.
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According to Wikipedia, you might be a strain of laboratory mice, a 1930s Soviet heavy bomber, a sound level unit (dBA), a fictitious business name, or a database administrator.

I’ll be watching your posts carefully to deduce which one you are. :)
I do indeed work in technology. (Although my kids have told me it means Don’t Bother Asking.)
I work in the city, my office and all of our other offices globally are work from home for the foreseeable future. Your son just needs to be smart and socially isolate. Don't go anywhere unless you need groceries. Don't touch your face and wash up asap.

There really shouldn't be chaos. It's a bad disease, but the reason we are isolating is to avoid passing the disease to vulnerable folks and to allow it to run its course. That's it. It's very contagious and very harmful for those that fit into vulnerable classes. Until there's a vaccine, time and socially isolating oneself is the best thing to do.

Try explaining that to the people who feel the need to fight over toilet paper. Most people, especially younger ones, have little appreciation for the speed or level of intensity that mob mentality can appear and rise to.
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We are trying desperately to convince our single son to get the hell out of NYC, before this magnifies beyond control, and come stay back at home and ride this thing out in rural NWPA. He is already working from home as his building has closed. Im not even that concerned of him catching this, im thinking more of the impending chaos if/when this thing takes off.

I’d appreciate any and all perspective from Big Apple board members, as his “farm boy mentality” just isnt gonna cut it this time.
We just brought our daughter home from Chicago last night. She was working from home there. I think it's better she work from home in our cottage on Lake Erie.
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Essential or not (me and Mrs. Roar), it's one of many, many aspects of this. Lives are needfully being turned upside down to get ahead of this thing, so every single person will be impacted. It's a numbers game, and it will be terrible if we get to the point of triaging patients.
It's nice to know that whatever I need, be it, IT support, chemical purchases, snack food advice, medical or drug consultation, legal help, travel advice, furniture purchases,or what to do in retirement, I've got a resource to count on!:)
It's nice to know that whatever I need, be it, IT support, chemical purchases, snack food advice, medical or drug consultation, legal help, travel advice, furniture purchases,or what to do in retirement, I've got a resource to count on!:)
I am a Nigerian prince. I’m down on my luck at the moment, but with just a little more capital, I expect to recover my birthright soon. :)
Don't count on any grocery store. It's not just about toilet paper any longer. Hard to blame anyone, it's a function of human nature -- and I'm seeing every human response imaginable to this situation. Boil this down to the simplest life you can live for the near-term, and the long-term will take care of itself.
Don't count on any grocery store. It's not just about toilet paper any longer. Hard to blame anyone, it's a function of human nature -- and I'm seeing every human response imaginable to this situation. Boil this down to the simplest life you can live for the near-term, and the long-term will take care of itself.
Finally we have a good excuse to work on the freezer full of food we always have.
Where are you seeing this? Everything I see is 96 confirmed cases and "no reported presumptive or confirmed cases in the Central Susquehanna Valley".
A Bloomsburg reporter tweeted out a link to an article yesterday. That link is now dead -- looks like the article was deleted.

Glad to be wrong about this as far as we know. Though the nature of this is that we can't prove nobody has it, only that nobody has tested positive yet.
Retired former auditor/audit manager for the Commonwealth. Retired to a second career as a Stagehand for Pittsburgh concerts and theater shows. We start to ramp up now with concerts especially at Starlake (former name) in a couple months but everything went black. Sadly, on Saturday I was called in to teardown shows that were closing early. That industry unfortunately is in bad shape with this quarantine but they have to shutter with 18,000 people together.

My hope is that we are back up before Mick visits in late June. Concerts employee a ton of people especially the stadium shows.

As to me vs the virus, I'm screwed. The wife works for a doctor within a hospital and my daughter also works in a hospital. My daughter just moved back home as her boyfriend has a serious compromised immune system. But both my wife and I both have health issues which many people have and live with until this hits and every media outlet reminds me that the virus is looking for us.

Hopefully this too shall pass, if not there will be a couple of seats in Rec's N1 opening up. Collectively, I'm amazed at the background and intelligence of this wrestling family and yes I'm including our Nigerian prince.

Be safe.
Don't count on any grocery store. It's not just about toilet paper any longer. Hard to blame anyone, it's a function of human nature -- and I'm seeing every human response imaginable to this situation. Boil this down to the simplest life you can live for the near-term, and the long-term will take care of itself.
Another lesson from my brother's experience in SE Asia: the grocery panic lasted about 3 weeks. After that, supply levels returned to much more normal levels (at or very near before the crisis hit), and stabilized.
Healthcare IT executive for a large inner city health system in Philly. Like most people my teams and I work to solve complex problems every day but this is by far the most unique and challenging set of circumstances we have ever had to solve for and it is constantly changing. My oldest son is in DC and unfortunately needs to be out and about for his job, very scary stuff.
I manage the IT team for a local government agency. At this point, even though we’re effectively shut down to about 30% of our overall services, it has been one of the crazier busier weeks I have worked in memory. it’s great that we have all this technology to get things done, but big issues like these can be somewhat stressful...
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Another lesson from my brother's experience in SE Asia: the grocery panic lasted about 3 weeks. After that, supply levels returned to much more normal levels (at or very near before the crisis hit), and stabilized.

El, Thank you. I was wondering when equilibrium would arrive. Tell your brother thank you for the information.
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That reminds me of being in DC a few years ago during a Friday afternoon "snowstorm" which was actually about 1/2 inch. DC declared an emergency, all non-essential personnel ordered to go home immediately and stay there.

The lesson: pizza delivery dudes are essential. Federal/city employees, less so.

I recall the last "big" snow we had here about 15 years ago. On my way to work with an 80 mile commute, I passed both of the only two county trucks that had plows. Both of them were stuck - in mud - one on the side of the road and the other in the median of the interstate.
El, Thank you. I was wondering when equilibrium would arrive. Tell your brother thank you for the information.
The supply chain capacity across different continents, countries, regions, localities might not be comparable. Even the degree of hoarding instinct should differ across different cultures and histories.
It is incumbent on home bound, non-essential members of this board to take all necessary steps to create future Penn State wrestlers and fans.Everyone who is able should make a solid effort to do their part.

We Are!!!
Mrspa didn't even fall for the tent
My brother lives in SE Asia and has clients in most countries in SE/East Asia (except North Korea.) With many in China. So I've been force-fed a lot of details of this from the front lines.

Anybody who thinks they're working from home for 2 weeks is kidding themselves. Thru April is almost a given, and thru May is very possible if not likely.

Hong Kong and Singapore have largely slowed it to a manageable level -- with all "non-essentials" closed for 6 to 8 weeks. Their "essential" definitions were more stringent than ours have been. They acted faster and more aggressively (less regard for civil liberties) and are far smaller than the US.

Also the people took it seriously. No idiot college students packing bars or flying to Miami for a 2nd spring break because "flights are so cheap.".

No idiots like my 60-yo office neighbor going to Clearwater this week, after Spring Training was canceled, because Florida is warm and sunny.

And their senior citizens could live without church or cards.

"Essential" operations over there are being conducted very differently than we are used to and may be willing to do. Such as scheduling staggered breaks including lunch. Mandatory temperature checks 2x daily and logged. Sending entire teams home for weeks at a time. Etc. Standard union job rules are a recipe for plant shutdown.

@82bordeaux is right -- we're gonna get this good and hard. But we will get out of it and recover. How quickly depends on our societal willingness to make short term sacrifices.
Your brother doesn't work for Juniper, does he?
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The supply chain capacity across different continents, countries, regions, localities might not be comparable. Even the degree of hoarding instinct should differ across different cultures and histories.

I hear Nigerian Princes hoard wives. I shared an office in grad school with a Nigerian. He had one wife in Nigeria, one in the US, one permanent girlfriend, and several part-timers. As I was working full time, often with 4-12 shifts, I frequently slept in the office so I'd be there for early classes. It was not uncommon to get calls from his girlfriends at 3 AM looking for him.
Don't count on any grocery store. It's not just about toilet paper any longer. Hard to blame anyone, it's a function of human nature -- and I'm seeing every human response imaginable to this situation. Boil this down to the simplest life you can live for the near-term, and the long-term will take care of itself.
Here it’s no longer toilet paper, it’s frozen pizzas in scarce supply. According to a reliable source, it’s because it’s a safe and desired meal for school age children old enough to be left at home alone.
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First case finally in WV. We only had 84 tested as of yesterday with very little ability to test more. So just a matter of time.
There hasn't been toilet paper, bread, or medicine for the last week. No hamburger or canned goods. Everything else is holding out.
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I'll say this much:

Norm MacDonald is essential.

I watched his stand-up routine about corona virus.

Freaking hilarious.
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What we are really protecting is our health care system and overall economic health. We have the advantage of a vast country and it is important to take advantage of that to isolate the hot spots and let the pandemic cool to allow the biotech industry to develop a vaccine.
We have manufacturing here in PA, and joint ventures in Taiwan and Germany. Taiwan took swift and decisive action based on their experience with SARS, and their proximity to China. They are thriving under a restrictive policy. Germany looked at Italy and thought they botched it based on the bloom there, not knowing they had one growing inside their own borders. That plant is currently shut down for 2 weeks minimum. We are operating here under the conditions laid out by the Governor. Hopefully we see this thing level off and decline in the next 6-8 weeks. If we do, it is possible that we can make it to the vaccination point. That is the only thing that will end it.
It sucks, but we have to use our heads.

I'm no virologist, but my understanding is that as viruses evolve, their ability to kill declines in exchange for their becoming or attempting to become more infectious.

As of right now, corona virus is bad enough to justify a lot of precautions, probably including losing our beloved NCAA tournament, but it certainly isn't bad enough for panic.

Most of you probably have never heard of it, but there was a very serious flu back in 1957-58. It was another Asian variety, from Hong Kong. The biggest difference is that media coverage of that flu was "low-key" whereas today's coverage is completely overwhelming. They throw all this crap about "worst case scenarios" around and it's easy to be frightened. I know because I have a job that involves reading all the news.

What really pisses me off, frankly, is that the main media outlets will let literally random scientists give their personal "worst case scenario" while otherwise giving some people so little information that they don't know what to think. No wonder folks are scared and distrusting!

But what else is new? Folks were a lot calmer back in 1957!

Well, we can be that calm again! So I urge all of you guys to help the folks in your own life be more calm. :)

People also really need to understand that our ancestors were less afraid of death, and this is probably a good thing. My great-grandmother survived Spanish flu, a REAL BAD pandemic (it targeted young people whereas Corona virus has been hitting the old so far). She was very stoic about it. We could all use more stoicism, like Anthony Cassar's brand.
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Physician in a generally non-emergent field. Truly much of what I do could be delayed a few weeks, although I remain working to take care of any acute issues patients have.